grappes 0.1.0

Implements various clustering algorithms such as k-Means variants
use std::f32;
use std::ops::AddAssign;

use ndarray::{Array, ArrayBase, Axis, Ix1, Ix2};
use ndarray::prelude::s;
use ndarray_rand::rand::Rng;
use ndarray_rand::rand::seq::SliceRandom;
use ndarray_rand::rand::distributions::Uniform;

// Compute distance between each point1 and each points2
fn squared_distances(points1: &Array<f32, Ix2>,
                     points2: &Array<f32, Ix2>) -> Array<f32, Ix2>
    let points1_bcasted = points1.view().insert_axis(Axis(1));
    let points1_bcasted = points1_bcasted
        .broadcast((points1.nrows(), points2.nrows(), points2.ncols()))

    (&points1_bcasted - points2).mapv(|c| c.powi(2)).sum_axis(Axis(2))

// update the clusters based on points and centroids
fn update_clusters(points: &Array<f32, Ix2>,
                   centroids: &Array<f32, Ix2>,
                   clusters: &mut Array<usize, Ix1>)
    -> bool
    // Compute squared Euclidean distance between each point and each centroid
    let distances = squared_distances(points, centroids);

    let mut has_changed = false;
    // For each point
        .for_each(|(cluster, dists)| {

            // Compute its new centroid
            let (mini, _) = dists.indexed_iter()
                .fold((0, f32::INFINITY), |(mini, minv), (i, v)| {
                    if *v < minv { (i, *v) } else { (mini, minv) }

            // If the closest centroid has changed, update value
            if mini != *cluster {
                has_changed = true;
                *cluster = mini;


// update the centroids based on points and clusters
fn update_centroids(points: &Array<f32, Ix2>,
                    centroids: &mut Array<f32, Ix2>,
                    clusters: &Array<usize, Ix1>)
    //Initial size of each cluster
    let mut cluster_sizes: Array<f32, Ix1> =

    // For each point
    for (pointi, point) in points.axis_iter(Axis(0)).enumerate() {
        // Get its cluster
        let centroidi = clusters[pointi];

        // Update the cluster's centroid
        if cluster_sizes[centroidi] == 0. {
        } else {

        cluster_sizes[centroidi] += 1.;

    // Normalize the centroid
        .filter(|(_, &cs)| cs > 0.)
        .for_each(|(mut c, &cs)| { c /= cs });

// KMeans++ initialization
fn kmeanspp_init_centroids<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R,
                                   points: &Array<f32, Ix2>,
                                   k: usize) -> Array<f32, Ix2>
    let mut centroids: Array<f32, Ix2> = unsafe {
        ArrayBase::uninitialized((k, points.ncols()))
    let point_idxs: Vec<usize> = (0..points.nrows()).collect();

    let point_idx = *point_idxs


    for i in 1..k {
        // Compute minimum distance between each point and a generated centroid
        let gen_centroids = centroids.slice(s![..i, ..]).to_owned();
        let dists = squared_distances(points, &gen_centroids)
            .map_axis_mut(Axis(1), |ds| {
                ds.fold(f32::INFINITY, |mind, &d| {
                    if d < mind { d } else {mind }

        // Choose weighted among the points
        let point_idx = *point_idxs
            .choose_weighted(rng, |&i| dists[i])



/// KMeans++ algorithm
pub fn kmeanspp<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R,
                        points: &Array<f32, Ix2>,
                        k: usize) -> Array<usize, Ix1>
    if k == 0 {
        return ArrayBase::zeros(points.nrows());

    let mut centroids = kmeanspp_init_centroids(rng, points, k);
    let mut clusters = unsafe { ArrayBase::uninitialized(points.nrows()) };

    while update_clusters(points, &centroids, &mut clusters) {
        update_centroids(points, &mut centroids, &clusters);


// Forgy initialization
fn forgy_init_centroids<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R,
                                points: &Array<f32, Ix2>,
                                k: usize) -> Array<f32, Ix2>
    let point_idxs: Vec<usize> = (0..points.nrows())
        .choose_multiple(rng, k)
        .collect();, &point_idxs)

/// KMeans algorithm with Forgy initialization
pub fn kmeans_forgy<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R,
                            points: &Array<f32, Ix2>,
                            k: usize) -> Array<usize, Ix1>
    if k == 0 {
        return ArrayBase::zeros(points.nrows());

    let mut centroids = forgy_init_centroids(rng, points, k);
    let mut clusters = unsafe { Array::uninitialized(points.nrows()) };

    while update_clusters(points, &centroids, &mut clusters) {
        update_centroids(points, &mut centroids, &clusters);


// Random partition initialization
fn random_part_init_clusters<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R,
                                     npoints: usize,
                                     k: usize) -> Array<usize, Ix1>
        rng.sample_iter(Uniform::new(0, k))

/// KMeans algorithm with random partition initialization
pub fn kmeans_random_part<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R,
                                  points: &Array<f32, Ix2>,
                                  k: usize) -> Array<usize, Ix1>
    if k == 0 {
        return ArrayBase::zeros(points.nrows());

    let mut centroids = unsafe { Array::uninitialized((k, points.ncols())) };
    let mut clusters = random_part_init_clusters(rng, points.nrows(), k);

    update_centroids(points, &mut centroids, &clusters);

    while update_clusters(points, &centroids, &mut clusters) {
        update_centroids(points, &mut centroids, &clusters);


mod tests {

    use super::*;
    use ndarray::{Array, Axis, stack};
    use ndarray::prelude::array;
    use ndarray_rand::RandomExt;
    use ndarray_rand::rand::thread_rng;
    use ndarray_rand::rand_distr::Normal;

    fn test_squared_distances() {
        let points1 = array![
            [0., 0.],
            [1., 1.],
            [2., 2.],

        let points2 = array![
            [3., 3.],
            [4., 4.],

        let distances = squared_distances(&points1, &points2);

        assert_eq!(distances, array![
            [18., 32.],
            [8., 18.],
            [2., 8.],

    fn test_update_clusters() {
        let points = array![
            [0., 0.],
            [1., 1.],
            [2., 2.],
            [3., 3.],
            [4., 4.],
            [5., 5.],
            [6., 6.],
            [7., 7.],
            [8., 8.],
            [9., 9.],

        let centroids = array![
            [0.5, 0.5],
            [2.5, 2.5],
            [4.5, 4.5],
            [6.5, 6.5],
            [8.5, 8.5],

        let mut clusters = ArrayBase::zeros(10);

        assert!(update_clusters(&points, &centroids, &mut clusters));
        assert_eq!(clusters, array![0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]);

    fn test_update_centroids() {
        let points = array![
            [0., 0.],
            [1., 1.],
            [2., 2.],
            [3., 3.],
            [4., 4.],
            [5., 5.],
            [6., 6.],
            [7., 7.],
            [8., 8.],
            [9., 9.],

        let mut centroids = ArrayBase::zeros((5, 2));

        let clusters = array![0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4];

        update_centroids(&points, &mut centroids, &clusters);

        assert_eq!(centroids, array![
               [0.5, 0.5],
               [2.5, 2.5],
               [4.5, 4.5],
               [6.5, 6.5],
               [8.5, 8.5],

    fn gen_random_2d_points(n_points: usize,
                            meanx: f32, stdx: f32,
                            meany: f32, stdy: f32) -> Array<f32, Ix2>
        let xs = Array::random(
            (n_points, 1), Normal::new(meanx, stdx).unwrap());
        let ys = Array::random(
            (n_points, 1), Normal::new(meany, stdy).unwrap());

        stack(Axis(1), &[xs.view(), ys.view()]).unwrap()

    fn test_kmeans() {

        let mut pts = Array::zeros((0,2));
        for _ in 0..10 {
                let meanx = thread_rng().gen_range(-10., 10.);
                let meany = thread_rng().gen_range(-10., 10.);
                let new_pts = gen_random_2d_points(1024, meanx, 1., meany, 1.);

                pts = stack(Axis(0), &[pts.view(), new_pts.view()]).unwrap();

        let clusters_pp = kmeanspp(&mut thread_rng(), &pts, 10);
        let clusters_forgy = kmeans_forgy(&mut thread_rng(), &pts, 10);
        let clusters_rp = kmeans_random_part(&mut thread_rng(), &pts, 10);

        println!("{:?}", clusters_pp);
        println!("{:?}", clusters_forgy);
        println!("{:?}", clusters_rp);