graphics_buffer 0.7.7

A buffer which can be used as a render target for Piston's graphics library. This buffer can be loaded from and/or saved to a file on disk. This allows for things like screenshots in games.

name = 'circles'


name = 'text'


name = 'tiled'


name = 'window'

required-features = ['piston_window_texture']


bit-vec = '0.6.3'

image = '0.23.14'

piston-texture = '0.8.0'

png = '0.16.8'

rayon = '1.5.0'


features = ['glyph_cache_rusttype']

version = '0.40.0'


optional = true

version = '0.120.0'


default = []

piston_window_texture = ['piston_window']


authors = ['Kai Schmidt <>']

categories = [





description = '''A buffer which can be used as a render target for Piston's graphics library. This buffer can be loaded from and/or saved to a file on disk. This allows for things like screenshots in games.'''

documentation = ''

edition = '2018'

keywords = [






license = 'MIT'

name = 'graphics_buffer'

readme = ''

repository = ''

version = '0.7.7'


features = ['piston_window_texture']