graphannis 2.4.3

This is a new backend implementation of the ANNIS linguistic search and visualization system.

graphANNIS DOI Automated tests

This is a new backend implementation of the ANNIS linguistic search and visualization system (

Only a sub-set of the ANNIS Query Langugage (AQL) from ANNIS version 3 (based on PostgreSQL) is supported yet. More operators can be added in the future, but the ones missing are the ones which have been used less frequent. There is a tutorial in the Developer Guide on how to embedd graphANNIS in your own application.

The basic design ideas and data models are described in detail in the PhD-thesis "ANNIS: A graph-based query system for deeply annotated text corpora". The thesis describes a prototype implementation in C++ and not Rust, but the design ideas are the same. Noteable differences/enhancements compared to the thesis are:

  • Graph storages implement querying inverse edges and finding reachable nodes based on them: this allows to implement inverse operators (e.g. for precedence) and switching operands in situations where it was not possible before.
  • The data model has been simplified: the inverse coverage component and inverse edges in the left-/right-most token component have been removed.
  • Additional query language features are now supported.

How to compile

graphANNIS is written in the Rust programming language ( You can install Rust from After you have installed Rust, you can can build the complete project with

cargo build --release


3rd party dependencies

This software depends on several 3rd party libraries. These are documented in the "third-party-licenses.html" file in this folder.

Language bindings
