graphannis 0.8.0

This is a prototype for a new backend implementation of the ANNIS linguistic search and visualization system. failed to build graphannis-0.8.0
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Visit the last successful build: graphannis-3.2.2

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This is a prototype for a new backend implementation of the ANNIS linguistic search and visualization system (

While there are test cases it is highly experimental code and it is not ready to be used by end-users yet! Integration with ANNIS is currently implemented in a special branch:

How to compile

graphANNIS is written in the Rust programming language ( You can install Rust from After you have installed Rust, you can can build the complete project with

cargo build --release --all-features

3rd party dependencies

This software depends on several 3rd party libraries. These are documented in the BOM.txt file in this folder.

Language bindings
