graphannis 0.30.0

This is a new backend implementation of the ANNIS linguistic search and visualization system.
name = "graphannis"
version = "0.30.0"
authors = ["Thomas Krause <>"]
license = "Apache-2.0"
description = "This is a new backend implementation of the ANNIS linguistic search and visualization system."
repository = ""
readme = ""
build = ""
edition = "2018"

crate-type = ["lib"]

lalrpop = { version = "0.18", features = ["lexer"] }
csv = "1"
regex = "1"
file_diff = "1"

graphannis-core = { path = "../core/", version = "^0.30"}
regex = "1"
regex-syntax = "0.6"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["rc"] }
serde_derive = "1.0"
rand = { version = "0.7", features = ["small_rng"] }
csv = "1"
log = "0.4"
lazy_static = "1.4"
linked-hash-map = "0.5"
itertools = "0.9"
rustc-hash = "1.0"
rayon = { version = "1.3", default-features = false }
sys-info = ">= 0.5.8, < 0.5.9"
fs2 = "0.4"
lalrpop-util = "0.18"
boolean_expression = "0.3"
percent-encoding = "2.1"
libc = "0.2"
anyhow = "1"
graphannis-malloc_size_of = "1.0"
graphannis-malloc_size_of_derive = "2.0"
strum = "0.18"
strum_macros = "0.18"
zip = "0.5"
toml = "0.5"
tempfile = "3"

criterion = "0.3"

name = "graphannis"
harness = false