graphannis 0.16.0

This is a prototype for a new backend implementation of the ANNIS linguistic search and visualization system.
release 0.16.0

Fixed Bugs

- [#62] Warn about missing coverage edges instead of failing the whole import


- [#61] Implement the equal and not equal value operators

release 0.15.0

Fixed Bugs

- [#59] Nodes are not deleted from graph storages via the "applyUpdate" API
- [#55] Subgraph query does not work if there is no coverage component.
- [#54] Check all existing matches when checking reflexivity


- [#58] Implement ^ (near) operator
- [#57] Implement ":arity" (number of outgoing edges) unary operator
- [#52] Use CSV files for query set definition

release 0.14.2

Fixed Bugs

- [#50] Non-reflexive operator join on "any token search" leads to non-empty result
- [#48] Importing PCC 2.1 corpus hangs at "calculating statistics for component LeftToken/annis/"
- [#46] Filter not applied for negated annotation search

release 0.14.1

Fixed Bugs

- [#45] Travis configuration used wrong repository and could not deploy release binaries

release 0.14.0


- [#44] Add support for the `_l_` and `_r_` alignment AQL operators
- [#43] Automatic creation of left- and right-most token edges
- [#42] Remove inverse coverage and inverse left-/right-most token edges
- [#41] Add value negation
- [#38] Add an mdBook based documentation

release 0.13.0


- [#36] Add function to only extract a subgraph with components ofa given type

release 0.12.0

Fixed Bugs

- [#34] Fix loading of edge annotation storages


- [#33] Improve memory usage of the relANNIS importer
- [#32] Faster and more flexible sort of results in "find" function

release 0.11.1

Fixed Bugs

- [#31] Reorder result in find also when acting as a proxy.

release v0.11.0

Fixed Bugs

- [#30] Fix most of the queries in the benchmark test test
- [#29] Use the std::ops::Bound class to mark the upper value instead of relaying on usize::max_value()


- [#27] Make the corpus cache more robust and avoid swapping
- [#19] Check codebase with the clippy tool

release v0.10.1

Fixed Bugs

- [#26] does not build because "allocator_api" is not enabled on their rustc

release v0.10.0


- [#24] Implement regular expression search for edge annotations.
- [#23] Update the C-API to reflect the changes in the Rust API
- [#22] Use the published graphannis-malloc_size_of crate
- [#21] Restructure and document the public API
- [#15] Move all modules into a private "annis" sub-module
- [#14] Simplify the code for the graph storage registry
- [#13] Save memory in the annotation storage
- [#12] Improve speed of loading adjacency list graph storages
- [#11] Use library for benchmarks

release v0.9.0


- [#10] Better error reporting for C-API
- [#8] Implement AQL parser and replace JSON query representations with AQL

release v0.8.1

Fixed Bugs

- [#9] Wait for all background writers before dropping the CorpusStorage

release v0.8.0


- [#7] Use error-chain crate for internal error management
- [#6] Use features of a single crate instead of multiple crates
- [#5] Allow to delete corpora from the command line
- [#4] Use file lock to prevent opening the same GraphDB in different processes

release v0.7.1

Fixed Bugs

- [#3] Fix automatic creation of binaries using CI for releases

release 0.7.0

First release of the Rust port of graphANNIS from C++.

release 0.6.0

Fixed Bugs

- [#23] Problems loading the cereal archive under Windows

release 0.5.0


- [#22] Use text-book function for estimating the selectivity for the abstract edge operator
- [#21] Allow to load query in console from file

release 0.4.0

Fixed Bugs

- [#20] UniqueDFS should output each matched node only once, but still visit each node.
- [#14] Do not iterate over covered text positions but use the token index 
- [#13] Fix duplicate matches in case a const anno value is used in a base search


- [#19] Update the re2 regex library and make sure it is compiled with -O3 optimizations
- [#18] Perform more pessimistic estimates for inclusion and overlap operators
- [#17] Optimize meta data search
- [#16] Allow base node search by membership in a component
- [#15] Better handling of Regular Expressions on a RHS of an index join
- [#12] Add support for relANNIS style multiple segmentation

release 0.3.0

Fixed Bugs

- [#8] Fix shared/unique lock handling in CorpusStorageManager when component needs to be loaded
- [#4] Node names should include the document name (and the URL specific stuff) when imported from Salt.


- [#11] Optimize unbound regex annotation searches
- [#10] Do some small enhancements to regex handling
- [#9] Add an API to query subgraphs
- [#7] Support OR queries
- [#6] Add metadata query support
- [#5] Add a SIMD based join

release 0.2.0

Fixed Bugs

- [#4] Node names should include the document name (and the URL specific stuff) when imported from Salt.


- [#3] Make the graphANNIS API for Java an OSGi bundle
- [#2] Avoid local minima when using the random query optimizer
- [#1] Use "annis" instead of "annis4_internal" as namespace

release 0.1.0

Initial development release with an actual release number.

There has been the benchmark-journal-2016-07-27 tag before which was used in a benchmark for a paper.
Since then the following improvements have been made:
- using an edge annotation as base for a node search on the LHS of the join
- adding parallel join implementations

This release is also meant to test the release cycle (e.g. Maven Central deployment) itself.