graph_builder 0.3.0

A building block for high-performant graph algorithms.

use std::{
    convert::TryFrom, fs::File, hash::Hash, io::Read, marker::PhantomData, mem::ManuallyDrop,
    path::Path, sync::atomic::Ordering::Acquire,

use atomic::Atomic;
use fxhash::FxHashMap;
use linereader::LineReader;
use rayon::prelude::*;

use crate::{
    graph::csr::{sort_targets, Csr, Target},
    Error, SharedMut,

use super::{edgelist::EdgeList, InputCapabilities, InputPath};

/// DotGraph (the name is based on the file ending `.graph`) is a textual
/// description of a node labeled graph primarily used as input for subgraph
/// isomorphism libraries. It has been introduced
/// [here]( and is also
/// supported by the
/// [subgraph-matching]( crate.
/// A graph starts with 't N M' where N is the number of nodes and M is the
/// number of edges. A node and an edge are formatted as 'v nodeId labelId
/// degree' and 'e nodeId nodeId' respectively. Note that the format requires
/// that the node id starts at 0 and the range is `0..N`.
/// # Example
/// The following graph contains 5 nodes and 6 relationships. The first line
/// contains that meta information. The following 5 lines contain one node
/// description per line, e.g., `v 0 0 2` translates to node `0` with label `0`
/// and a degree of `2`. Following the nodes, the remaining lines describe
/// edges, e.g., `e 0 1` represents an edge connecting nodes `0` and `1`.
/// ```ignore
/// > cat my_graph.graph
/// t 5 6
/// v 0 0 2
/// v 1 1 3
/// v 2 2 3
/// v 3 1 2
/// v 4 2 2
/// e 0 1
/// e 0 2
/// e 1 2
/// e 1 3
/// e 2 4
/// e 3 4
/// ```
pub struct DotGraphInput<NI, Label>
    NI: Idx,
    Label: Idx,
    _phantom: PhantomData<(NI, Label)>,

impl<NI, Label> Default for DotGraphInput<NI, Label>
    NI: Idx,
    Label: Idx,
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            _phantom: PhantomData,

impl<NI: Idx, Label: Idx> InputCapabilities<NI> for DotGraphInput<NI, Label> {
    type GraphInput = DotGraph<NI, Label>;

pub struct DotGraph<NI, Label>
    NI: Idx,
    Label: Idx,
    pub(crate) labels: Vec<Label>,
    pub(crate) edge_list: EdgeList<NI, ()>,
    pub(crate) max_degree: NI,
    pub(crate) max_label: Label,
    pub(crate) label_frequencies: FxHashMap<Label, usize>,

impl<NI, Label> DotGraph<NI, Label>
    NI: Idx,
    Label: Idx + Hash,
    fn node_count(&self) -> NI {

    pub(crate) fn label_count(&self) -> Label {
        Label::new(self.max_label.index() + 1)

    pub(crate) fn max_label_frequency(&self) -> usize {

    pub(crate) fn label_index(&self) -> Csr<Label, NI, ()> {
        let node_count = self.node_count();
        let label_count = self.label_count();

        // Prefix sum: We insert the offset entries one index to the right and
        // increment the offset of the next label during insert. That way we'll
        // end up with the correct offsets after inserting into `nodes` in the
        // next loop.
        let mut offsets = Vec::with_capacity(label_count.index() + 1);

        let mut total = Label::zero();
        for label in Label::zero().range_inclusive(self.max_label) {
            total += Label::new(*self.label_frequencies.get(&label).unwrap_or(&0));

        let mut offsets = ManuallyDrop::new(offsets);
        let (ptr, len, cap) = (offsets.as_mut_ptr(), offsets.len(), offsets.capacity());

        // SAFETY: Label and Label::Atomic have the same memory layout
        let offsets = unsafe {
            let ptr = ptr as *mut Atomic<Label>;
            Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, cap)

        let mut nodes = Vec::<Target<NI, ()>>::with_capacity(node_count.index());
        let nodes_ptr = SharedMut::new(nodes.as_mut_ptr());

            .for_each(|(node, &label)| {
                let next_label = label + Label::new(1);
                let offset = Label::get_and_increment(&offsets[next_label.index()], Acquire);
                // SAFETY: There is exactly one thread that writes at `offset.index()`.
                unsafe {
                        .write(Target::new(NI::new(node), ()));

        // SAFETY: The `labels` vec has `node_count` length and we performed an
        // insert operation for each index (node). Each inserts happens at a
        // unique index which is computed from the `offset` array.
        unsafe {

        let mut offsets = ManuallyDrop::new(offsets);
        let (ptr, len, cap) = (offsets.as_mut_ptr(), offsets.len(), offsets.capacity());

        // SAFETY: Label and Label::Atomic have the same memory layout
        let offsets = unsafe {
            let ptr = ptr as *mut _;
            Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, cap)

        sort_targets(&offsets, &mut nodes);

        let offsets = offsets.into_boxed_slice();
        let nodes = nodes.into_boxed_slice();

        Csr::new(offsets, nodes)

impl<NI, Label, P> TryFrom<InputPath<P>> for DotGraph<NI, Label>
    P: AsRef<Path>,
    NI: Idx,
    Label: Idx + Hash,
    type Error = Error;

    fn try_from(path: InputPath<P>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        let file = File::open(path.0.as_ref())?;
        let reader = LineReader::new(file);
        let dot_graph = DotGraph::try_from(reader)?;

impl<NI, Label, R> TryFrom<LineReader<R>> for DotGraph<NI, Label>
    NI: Idx,
    Label: Idx + Hash,
    R: Read,
    type Error = Error;

    /// Converts the given .graph input into a [`DotGraph`].
    fn try_from(mut lines: LineReader<R>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        let mut header = lines.next_line().expect("missing header line")?;

        // skip "t" char and white space
        header = &header[2..];
        let (node_count, used) = NI::parse(header);
        header = &header[used + 1..];
        let (edge_count, _) = NI::parse(header);

        let mut labels = Vec::<Label>::with_capacity(node_count.index());
        let mut edges = Vec::with_capacity(edge_count.index());

        let mut max_degree = NI::zero();
        let mut max_label = Label::zero();
        let mut label_frequency = FxHashMap::<Label, usize>::default();

        let mut batch = lines.next_batch().expect("missing data")?;

        for _ in 0..node_count.index() {
            if batch.is_empty() {
                batch = lines.next_batch().expect("missing data")?;

            // skip "v" char and white space
            batch = &batch[2..];
            // skip node id since input is always sorted by node id
            let (_, used) = NI::parse(batch);
            batch = &batch[used + 1..];
            let (label, used) = Label::parse(batch);
            batch = &batch[used + 1..];
            let (degree, used) = NI::parse(batch);
            batch = &batch[used + 1..];


            if degree > max_degree {
                max_degree = degree;

            let frequency = label_frequency.entry(label).or_insert_with(|| {
                if label > max_label {
                    max_label = label;
            *frequency += 1;

        for _ in 0..edge_count.index() {
            if batch.is_empty() {
                batch = lines.next_batch().expect("missing data")?;
            // skip "e" char and white space
            batch = &batch[2..];
            let (source, used) = NI::parse(batch);
            batch = &batch[used + 1..];
            let (target, used) = NI::parse(batch);
            batch = &batch[used + 1..];

            edges.push((source, target, ()));

        let edges = EdgeList::new(edges);

        Ok(Self {
            edge_list: edges,
            label_frequencies: label_frequency,

mod tests {
    use std::path::PathBuf;

    use crate::input::{edgelist::Edges, InputPath};

    use super::*;

    const TEST_GRAPH: [&str; 3] = [env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "resources", "test.graph"];

    fn dotgraph_from_file() {
        let path = TEST_GRAPH.iter().collect::<PathBuf>();
        let graph = DotGraph::<usize, usize>::try_from(InputPath(path.as_path())).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(graph.labels.len(), 5);
        assert_eq!(graph.edge_list.len(), 6);
        assert_eq!(graph.max_label, 2);
        assert_eq!(graph.max_degree, 3);

    fn label_test() {
        let path = TEST_GRAPH.iter().collect::<PathBuf>();
        let graph = DotGraph::<usize, usize>::try_from(InputPath(path.as_path())).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(graph.max_label_frequency(), 2);