graph 0.3.0

A library of high-performant graph algorithms.
use std::{mem::ManuallyDrop, sync::atomic::Ordering};

use rayon::prelude::*;

use crate::prelude::*;

/// A union find data structure based on [1].
/// Note, that this data structure requires calling `compress`
/// before calling `find` in order to return the correct set id.
/// [1]  Michael Sutton, Tal Ben-Nun, Amnon Barak:
///      "Optimizing Parallel Graph Connectivity Computation via Subgraph Sampling",
///       Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, IPDPS 2018
pub struct Afforest<NI: Idx>(Box<[Atomic<NI>]>);

unsafe impl<NI: Idx> Send for Afforest<NI> {}
unsafe impl<NI: Idx> Sync for Afforest<NI> {}

impl<NI: Idx> UnionFind<NI> for Afforest<NI> {
    // Corresponds to the `link` method described in [1].
    fn union(&self, u: NI, v: NI) {
        let mut p1 = self.find(u);
        let mut p2 = self.find(v);

        while p1 != p2 {
            let high = NI::max(p1, p2);
            let low = p1 + p2 - high;
            let p_high = self.find(high);

            if p_high == low
                || (p_high == high && self.update_parent(self.find(high), high, low).is_ok())
            p1 = self.parent(self.parent(high));
            p2 = self.parent(low);

    fn find(&self, u: NI) -> NI {

    fn len(&self) -> usize {

    // Corresponds to the `compress` method described in [1].
    fn compress(&self) {
        (0..self.len()).into_par_iter().map(NI::new).for_each(|n| {
            while self.parent(n) != self.parent(self.parent(n)) {
                self.0[n.index()].store(self.parent(self.parent(n)), Ordering::SeqCst)

impl<NI: Idx> Afforest<NI> {
    /// Creates a new disjoint-set struct of `size` elements.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use graph::prelude::*;
    /// let af = Afforest::new(3);
    /// af.union(0, 1);
    /// af.compress();
    /// let set0 = af.find(0);
    /// let set1 = af.find(1);
    /// assert_eq!(set0, set1);
    /// ```
    pub fn new(size: usize) -> Self {
        let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(size);

            .map(|i| Atomic::new(NI::new(i)))
            .collect_into_vec(&mut v);


    fn parent(&self, i: NI) -> NI {

    fn update_parent(&self, id: NI, current: NI, new: NI) -> Result<NI, NI> {
        self.0[id.index()].compare_exchange_weak(current, new, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::Relaxed)

impl<NI: Idx> Components<NI> for Afforest<NI> {
    fn component(&self, node: NI) -> NI {

    fn to_vec(self) -> Vec<NI> {
        let mut components = ManuallyDrop::new(self.0.into_vec());
        let (ptr, len, cap) = (

        // SAFETY: NI and NI::Atomic have the same memory layout
        unsafe {
            let ptr = ptr as *mut Vec<NI>;
            let ptr = ptr as *mut _;
            Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, cap)

mod test {
    use crate::prelude::*;

    fn test_union() {
        let af = Afforest::new(10);

        af.union(9, 7);
        af.union(7, 4);
        af.union(4, 2);
        af.union(2, 0);


        assert_eq!(af.find(9), 0);