grabinput 0.1.0

Unixy lib for reading from a file or from stdin


Unixy lib for reading from a file or from stdin

Build Status

Note: This library provides no real safety features. If you don't want simple, no-hassle input, don't use it. This is intended to blow up in your face if anything goes wrong. That's a feature, not a bug. Seriously, it doesn't even lock standard input before reading it. Ok? Ok. Just wanted to be sure we were clear on that. :)


Add grabinput = "*" to your cargo dependencies.


This library really is intended to be dirt simple. It doesn't do much--just allows you to skip some typing when you want to read something. Like, say you want to write a program to add up all the integers in a file...

let sum = grabinput::by_lines(std::env::args().nth(1)).filter_map(|n| n.trim().parse().ok()).sum::<i32>();

That's your whole program now. I thought about having the library trim newlines from the end of each line, because .NET's similar library functions will do that, but I guess I just figured it was faster to let the user decide--no reason to make them pay for the work if they don't care if it's done or not, right? Anyway...