gpt 0.6.0

A pure-Rust library to work with GPT partition tables.


Build Status minimum rust 1.32 Documentation

A pure-Rust library to work with GPT partition tables.

gpt provides support for manipulating (R/W) GPT headers and partition tables. It supports raw disk devices as well as disk images.


extern crate gpt;
use gpt::header::{Header, read_header};
use gpt::partition::{Partition, read_partitions};

fn inspect_disk() {
    let lb_size = gpt::disk::DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE;
    let diskpath = std::path::Path::new("/dev/sdz");

    let hdr = header::read_header(diskpath, lb_size).unwrap();
    println!("Disk header: {:#?}", h);

    let pp = read_partitions(diskpath, &hdr, lb_size).unwrap();
    println!("Partition layout: {:#?}", pp);