gpm 1.4.0

A package manager for godot
# Godot Package Manager rust client

[![discord](]( "Chat on Discord")
[![aur](]( "AUR package")

## Installation

> **Note** read the [using packages quickstart] first.

1. `cargo install gpm`

<details open>

1. Download the [latest version]
2. Move the executable to your `PATH` as `gpm`


There's an AUR package available: [godot-package-manager-git](

> **Note** This package installs to /usr/bin/godot-package-manager to avoid conflicts with [general purpose mouse] Assuming you have `yay` installed:

1. `yay -S godot-package-manager-git`


## Usage

gpm update # downloads the newest versions of packages
gpm purge # removes the installed packages
gpm tree # prints the tree of installed packages, looks like
# /home/my-package
# └── @bendn/test@2.0.10
#    └── @bendn/gdcli@1.2.5

## Compiling

1. `git clone --depth 5`)
2. `cargo build -r`
3. Executable is `target/release/godot-package-manager`