governor 0.5.0

A rate-limiting implementation in Rust
# Changes for [`governor`]

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## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate

## [[0.5.0]] - 2022-09-19

### Changed
* Fixed a bug in `StateSnapshot::remaining_burst_capacity`: Now
  returns the correct number of cells after enough time has
  passed. Thanks to [@holmesmr] for
  reporting [#102]!

* Dropped a `From<(&_ Gcra, Nanos)>` impl for `StateSnapshot`.

## [[0.4.2]] - 2022-02-09

### Changed
* Upgraded `dashmap` back [to 5.1.0]
* Upgraded `parking_lot` [to 0.12.0]

## Internal
* Migrated the `governor` code base to [cargo

## [[0.4.1]] - 2022-01-21

### Changed
* Downgraded `dashmap` to 4.0.2 as a remediation for
  via [#104]

### Contributors
* [@kim]

## [[0.4.0]] - 2021-12-28

### Added
* You can now alter&expand the information returned from a rate
  limiter by attaching middleware to it using
  `.with_middleware::<YourClass>()` at construction time.

  This is an incompatible change, as the type signature of RateLimiter
  gained an additional generic parameter. See the [pull
  request]( and
  [issue #66] for

### Changed

* Updated the [`Arc` guide section] to use `Arc::clone()` instead of `limiter.clone()`.
* Updated the [`quanta` dependency]
  to 0.8.0, speeding up the quanta clock by a bit. This changes the
  upkeep clock interface incompatibly: The quanta upkeep Builder
  structure got renamed to `quanta::Upkeep`.
* The `nanos` module is now public, allowing other crates to implement
  the `Clock` trait.
* When using the `std` feature, governor will no longer pull in the
  `hashbrown` crate.

### Contributors
* [@bradfier]
* [@izik1]
* [@ldm0]

## [[0.3.2]] - 2021-01-28

## [[0.3.1]] - 2020-07-26

### Added

* A little section to the
  explaining how to use keyed rate limiters.

### Changed

  Several dependencies' minimum versions were bumped, including a
  version bump of
  [`smallvec`](, a transitive
  dependency which could previously result in trees using `governor`
  pulling in a vulnerable smallvec version.

### Contributors

* [@AaronErhardt]
* [@FintanH]

## [[0.3.0]] - 2020-07-25

### Added

* The `ShrinkableKeyedStateStore` trait now has required `len` and
  `is_empty` methods, which are also made available on any
  `RateLimiter` that uses a shrinkable (Hashmap / Dashmap backed)
  state store. Thanks to [@lytefast] for
  the idea and [pull request]
  on `ratelimit_meter`!

### Changed

* The `MonotonicClock` and `SystemClock` struct definitions now are
  proper "empty" structs. Any non-`Default` construction of these clocks
  must now use `MonotonicClock` instead of `MonotonicClock()`.
* The `clock::ReasonablyRealtime` trait got simplified and no longer
  has any required methods to implement, only one default method.
* Replaced the `spin` crate with `parking_lot` for `no_std` contexts.

### Contributors

* [@Restioson]
* [@korrat]
* [@lytefast]

## [[0.2.0]] - 2020-03-01

### Added

* This changelog!

* New type `RateLimiter`, superseding the `DirectRateLimiter` type.

* Support for keyed rate limiting in `RateLimiter`, which allows users
  to keep a distict rate limit state based on the value of a hashable

* Support for different state stores:
  * The direct in-memory state store
  * A keyed state store based on [dashmap]
  * A keyed state store based on a mutex-locked [HashMap]

* Support for different clock kinds:
  * [Quanta] (the default), a high-performance clock
  * [Instant], the stdlib monotonic clock
  * A fake releative clock, useful for tests or in non-std environments.

* `Quota` constructors now support a separate `.allow_burst` method
  that specifies a maximum burst capacity that diverges from the

* New constructor `Quota::with_period` allows specifying the exact
  amount of time it takes to replenish a single element.

### Deprecated

* The `Quota::new` constructor has some very confusing modalities, and
  should not be used as-is.

### Fixed

* An off-by-one error in `check_n`, causing calls with `n =
  burst_size + 1` to return a "not yet" result instead of a "this will
  never work" result.

### Contributors

* [@jean-airoldie]
* [@antifuchs]

## [0.1.2] - 2019-11-17

Initial release: A "direct" (a single rate-limiting state per
structure) rate limiter that works in an async context, using atomic