[][src]Module governor::_guide

A more in-depth guide to governor

Governor is a fork/rewrite/rebranding of the ratelimit_meter and ratelimit_futures crates. Many of the things that worked there still work here, and this guide's aim is to help you accomplish them.

Constructing a rate limiter

Currently, only "direct" rate-limiters are supported - that is, rate limiters that keep only a single state (most rate limiters in the wild expose a "keyed" interface, keeping one state per key).

Construction of rate limiters is designed to be mostly infallible, given correctly-constructed parameters. To that end, governor makes heavy use of the NonZeroU32 type.

To conveniently construct these nonzero numbers, use the nonzero! macro.


Each rate limiter has a quota: A rate of elements (could be API requests, emails, phone calls... anything really) per unit of time (second, minute, hour). Specify these in a Quota object like so:

use governor::Quota;

Constructing a direct rate limiter

To make a direct rate limiter, you have to construct a quota, as above; and then use this to construct the rate limiter itself. In std mode, this is easily accomplished like so:


In no_std mode, there are is no default monotonic (or system) clock available. To effectively limit rates, you will have to either use the provided "fake" clock (which must be manually advanced, and is mainly useful for tests), or implement the Clock trait for your platform. Once that decision is made, constructing a rate limiter with an explicit clock works like this:

let clock = FakeRelativeClock::default();
RateLimiter::direct_with_clock(Quota::per_second(nonzero!(50u32)), &clock);

Data ownership and references to rate limiters

governor's rate limiter state is not hidden behind an interior mutability pattern, and so it is perfectly valid to have multiple references to a rate limiter in a program. Since its state lives in AtomicU64 integers (which do not implement Clone), the rate limiters themselves can not be cloned.

Usage in multiple threads

Sharing references to a rate limiter across threads is completely OK (rate limiters are Send and Sync by default), but there is a problem: A rate limiter's lifetime might be up before a thread ends, which would invalidate the reference.

So, to use a rate limiter in multiple threads without lifetime issues, there are two equally valid strategies:

crossbeam scoped tasks

The crossbeam crate's scopes allow code to guarantee that a thread spawned in a scope terminates before the scope terminates. This allows using stack-allocated variables. Here is an example test using crossbeam scopes:

let mut clock = FakeRelativeClock::default();
let lim = RateLimiter::direct_with_clock(Quota::per_second(nonzero!(20u32)), &clock);
let ms = Duration::from_millis(1);

crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
    for _i in 0..20 {
        scope.spawn(|_| {
            assert_eq!(Ok(()), lim.check());

Wrapping the limiter in an Arc

The other method uses only the standard library: Wrapping the rate limiter in an Arc will keep the limiter alive for as long as there exist references to it - perfect for passing to threads.

In this example, note that we're cloning what looks like the limiter, once per thread -- but that is only what it looks like. The thing that actually gets cloned is the Arc; the rate limiter stays identical, only its references are duplicated (and refcounts incremented).

let bucket = Arc::new(RateLimiter::direct(Quota::per_second(nonzero!(20u32))));
for _i in 0..20 {
    let bucket = bucket.clone();
    thread::spawn(move || {
        assert_eq!(Ok(()), bucket.check());