gotham_restful_derive 0.2.1

Derive macros for gotham_restful
use crate::util::{CollectToResult, ExpectLit, PathEndsWith};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use paste::paste;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{format_ident, quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
use regex::Regex;
use std::str::FromStr;
use syn::{
	parse::Parse, spanned::Spanned, Attribute, AttributeArgs, Error, Expr, FnArg, ItemFn, LitBool, LitStr, Meta, NestedMeta,
	PatType, Result, ReturnType, Type

pub enum EndpointType {
	Custom {
		method: Option<Expr>,
		uri: Option<LitStr>,
		params: Option<LitBool>,
		body: Option<LitBool>

impl EndpointType {
	pub fn custom() -> Self {
		Self::Custom {
			method: None,
			uri: None,
			params: None,
			body: None

macro_rules! endpoint_type_setter {
	($name:ident : $ty:ty) => {
		impl EndpointType {
			paste! {
				fn [<set_ $name>](&mut self, span: Span, [<new_ $name>]: $ty) -> Result<()> {
					match self {
						Self::Custom { $name, .. } if $name.is_some() => {
							Err(Error::new(span, concat!("`", concat!(stringify!($name), "` must not appear more than once"))))
						Self::Custom { $name, .. } => {
							*$name = Some([<new_ $name>]);
						_ => Err(Error::new(span, concat!("`", concat!(stringify!($name), "` can only be used on custom endpoints"))))

endpoint_type_setter!(method: Expr);
endpoint_type_setter!(uri: LitStr);
endpoint_type_setter!(params: LitBool);
endpoint_type_setter!(body: LitBool);

impl FromStr for EndpointType {
	type Err = Error;

	fn from_str(str: &str) -> Result<Self> {
		match str {
			"ReadAll" | "read_all" => Ok(Self::ReadAll),
			"Read" | "read" => Ok(Self::Read),
			"Search" | "search" => Ok(Self::Search),
			"Create" | "create" => Ok(Self::Create),
			"ChangeAll" | "change_all" => Ok(Self::UpdateAll),
			"Change" | "change" => Ok(Self::Update),
			"RemoveAll" | "remove_all" => Ok(Self::DeleteAll),
			"Remove" | "remove" => Ok(Self::Delete),
			_ => Err(Error::new(Span::call_site(), format!("Unknown method: `{}'", str)))

static URI_PLACEHOLDER_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r#"(^|/):(?P<name>[^/]+)(/|$)"#).unwrap());

impl EndpointType {
	fn http_method(&self) -> Option<TokenStream> {
		let hyper_method = quote!(::gotham_restful::gotham::hyper::Method);
		match self {
			Self::ReadAll | Self::Read | Self::Search => Some(quote!(#hyper_method::GET)),
			Self::Create => Some(quote!(#hyper_method::POST)),
			Self::UpdateAll | Self::Update => Some(quote!(#hyper_method::PUT)),
			Self::DeleteAll | Self::Delete => Some(quote!(#hyper_method::DELETE)),
			Self::Custom { method, .. } => method.as_ref().map(ToTokens::to_token_stream)

	fn uri(&self) -> Option<TokenStream> {
		match self {
			Self::ReadAll | Self::Create | Self::UpdateAll | Self::DeleteAll => Some(quote!("")),
			Self::Read | Self::Update | Self::Delete => Some(quote!(":id")),
			Self::Search => Some(quote!("search")),
			Self::Custom { uri, .. } => uri.as_ref().map(ToTokens::to_token_stream)

	fn has_placeholders(&self) -> LitBool {
		match self {
			Self::ReadAll | Self::Search | Self::Create | Self::UpdateAll | Self::DeleteAll => LitBool {
				value: false,
				span: Span::call_site()
			Self::Read | Self::Update | Self::Delete => LitBool {
				value: true,
				span: Span::call_site()
			Self::Custom { uri, .. } => LitBool {
				value: uri
					.map(|uri| URI_PLACEHOLDER_REGEX.is_match(&uri.value()))
				span: Span::call_site()

	fn placeholders_ty(&self, arg_ty: Option<&Type>) -> TokenStream {
		match self {
			Self::ReadAll | Self::Search | Self::Create | Self::UpdateAll | Self::DeleteAll => {
			Self::Read | Self::Update | Self::Delete => quote!(::gotham_restful::private::IdPlaceholder::<#arg_ty>),
			Self::Custom { .. } => {
				if self.has_placeholders().value {
				} else {

	fn needs_params(&self) -> LitBool {
		match self {
			Self::ReadAll | Self::Read | Self::Create | Self::UpdateAll | Self::Update | Self::DeleteAll | Self::Delete => {
				LitBool {
					value: false,
					span: Span::call_site()
			Self::Search => LitBool {
				value: true,
				span: Span::call_site()
			Self::Custom { params, .. } => params.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| LitBool {
				value: false,
				span: Span::call_site()

	fn params_ty(&self, arg_ty: Option<&Type>) -> TokenStream {
		match self {
			Self::ReadAll | Self::Read | Self::Create | Self::UpdateAll | Self::Update | Self::DeleteAll | Self::Delete => {
			Self::Search => quote!(#arg_ty),
			Self::Custom { .. } => {
				if self.needs_params().value {
				} else {

	fn needs_body(&self) -> LitBool {
		match self {
			Self::ReadAll | Self::Read | Self::Search | Self::DeleteAll | Self::Delete => LitBool {
				value: false,
				span: Span::call_site()
			Self::Create | Self::UpdateAll | Self::Update => LitBool {
				value: true,
				span: Span::call_site()
			Self::Custom { body, .. } => body.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| LitBool {
				value: false,
				span: Span::call_site()

	fn body_ty(&self, arg_ty: Option<&Type>) -> TokenStream {
		match self {
			Self::ReadAll | Self::Read | Self::Search | Self::DeleteAll | Self::Delete => quote!(()),
			Self::Create | Self::UpdateAll | Self::Update => quote!(#arg_ty),
			Self::Custom { .. } => {
				if self.needs_body().value {
				} else {

enum HandlerArgType {

impl HandlerArgType {
	fn is_method_arg(&self) -> bool {
		matches!(self, Self::MethodArg(_))

	fn is_database_conn(&self) -> bool {
		matches!(self, Self::DatabaseConnection(_))

	fn is_auth_status(&self) -> bool {
		matches!(self, Self::AuthStatus(_) | Self::AuthStatusRef(_))

	fn ty(&self) -> Option<&Type> {
		match self {
			Self::MethodArg(ty) | Self::DatabaseConnection(ty) | Self::AuthStatus(ty) | Self::AuthStatusRef(ty) => Some(ty),
			_ => None

	fn quote_ty(&self) -> Option<TokenStream> {
		self.ty().map(|ty| quote!(#ty))

struct HandlerArg {
	ident_span: Span,
	ty: HandlerArgType

impl Spanned for HandlerArg {
	fn span(&self) -> Span {

fn interpret_arg_ty(attrs: &[Attribute], name: &str, ty: Type) -> Result<HandlerArgType> {
	let attr = attrs
		.find(|arg| arg.path.segments.iter().any(|path| &path.ident.to_string() == "rest_arg"))
		.map(|arg| arg.tokens.to_string());

	// TODO issue a warning for _state usage once diagnostics become stable
	if attr.as_deref() == Some("state") || (attr.is_none() && (name == "state" || name == "_state")) {
		return match ty {
			Type::Reference(ty) => Ok(if ty.mutability.is_none() {
			} else {
			_ => Err(Error::new(
				"The state parameter has to be a (mutable) reference to gotham_restful::State"

	if cfg!(feature = "auth") && (attr.as_deref() == Some("auth") || (attr.is_none() && name == "auth")) {
		return Ok(match ty {
			Type::Reference(ty) => HandlerArgType::AuthStatusRef(*ty.elem),
			ty => HandlerArgType::AuthStatus(ty)

	if cfg!(feature = "database")
		&& (attr.as_deref() == Some("connection") || attr.as_deref() == Some("conn") || (attr.is_none() && name == "conn"))
		return Ok(HandlerArgType::DatabaseConnection(match ty {
			Type::Reference(ty) => *ty.elem,
			ty => ty


fn interpret_arg(_index: usize, arg: &PatType) -> Result<HandlerArg> {
	let pat = &arg.pat;
	let orig_name = quote!(#pat);
	let ty = interpret_arg_ty(&arg.attrs, &orig_name.to_string(), *arg.ty.clone())?;

	Ok(HandlerArg {
		ident_span: arg.pat.span(),

#[cfg(feature = "openapi")]
fn expand_operation_id(operation_id: Option<LitStr>) -> Option<TokenStream> {
	match operation_id {
		Some(operation_id) => Some(quote! {
			fn operation_id() -> Option<String> {
		None => None

#[cfg(not(feature = "openapi"))]
fn expand_operation_id(_: Option<LitStr>) -> Option<TokenStream> {

fn expand_wants_auth(wants_auth: Option<LitBool>, default: bool) -> TokenStream {
	let wants_auth = wants_auth.unwrap_or_else(|| LitBool {
		value: default,
		span: Span::call_site()

	quote! {
		fn wants_auth() -> bool {

pub fn endpoint_ident(fn_ident: &Ident) -> Ident {
	format_ident!("{}___gotham_restful_endpoint", fn_ident)

// clippy doesn't realize that vectors can be used in closures
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::needless_collect))]
fn expand_endpoint_type(mut ty: EndpointType, attrs: AttributeArgs, fun: &ItemFn) -> Result<TokenStream> {
	// reject unsafe functions
	if let Some(unsafety) = fun.sig.unsafety {
		return Err(Error::new(unsafety.span(), "Endpoint handler methods must not be unsafe"));

	// parse arguments
	let mut debug: bool = false;
	let mut operation_id: Option<LitStr> = None;
	let mut wants_auth: Option<LitBool> = None;
	for meta in attrs {
		match meta {
			NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::NameValue(kv)) => {
				if kv.path.ends_with("debug") {
					debug = kv.lit.expect_bool()?.value;
				} else if kv.path.ends_with("operation_id") {
					operation_id = Some(kv.lit.expect_str()?);
				} else if kv.path.ends_with("wants_auth") {
					wants_auth = Some(kv.lit.expect_bool()?);
				} else if kv.path.ends_with("method") {
					ty.set_method(kv.path.span(), kv.lit.expect_str()?.parse_with(Expr::parse)?)?;
				} else if kv.path.ends_with("uri") {
					ty.set_uri(kv.path.span(), kv.lit.expect_str()?)?;
				} else if kv.path.ends_with("params") {
					ty.set_params(kv.path.span(), kv.lit.expect_bool()?)?;
				} else if kv.path.ends_with("body") {
					ty.set_body(kv.path.span(), kv.lit.expect_bool()?)?;
				} else {
					return Err(Error::new(kv.path.span(), "Unknown attribute"));
			_ => return Err(Error::new(meta.span(), "Invalid attribute syntax"))
	#[cfg(not(feature = "openapi"))]
	if let Some(operation_id) = operation_id {
		return Err(Error::new(
			"`operation_id` is only supported with the openapi feature"

	// extract arguments into pattern, ident and type
	let args = fun
		.map(|(i, arg)| match arg {
			FnArg::Typed(arg) => interpret_arg(i, arg),
			FnArg::Receiver(_) => Err(Error::new(arg.span(), "Didn't expect self parameter"))

	let fun_vis = &fun.vis;
	let fun_ident = &fun.sig.ident;
	let fun_is_async = fun.sig.asyncness.is_some();

	let ident = endpoint_ident(fun_ident);
	let dummy_ident = format_ident!("_IMPL_Endpoint_for_{}", ident);
	let (output_ty, is_no_content) = match &fun.sig.output {
		ReturnType::Default => (quote!(::gotham_restful::NoContent), true),
		ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => (quote!(#ty), false)
	let output_typedef = quote_spanned!(output_ty.span() => type Output = #output_ty;);

	let arg_tys = args.iter().filter(|arg| arg.ty.is_method_arg()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
	let mut arg_ty_idx = 0;
	let mut next_arg_ty = |return_none: bool| {
		if return_none {
			return Ok(None);
		if arg_ty_idx >= arg_tys.len() {
			return Err(Error::new(fun_ident.span(), "Too few arguments"));
		let ty = arg_tys[arg_ty_idx].ty.ty().unwrap();
		arg_ty_idx += 1;

	let http_method = ty.http_method().ok_or_else(|| {
			"Missing `method` attribute (e.g. `#[endpoint(method = \"gotham_restful::gotham::hyper::Method::GET\")]`)"
	let uri = ty.uri().ok_or_else(|| {
			"Missing `uri` attribute (e.g. `#[endpoint(uri = \"custom_endpoint\")]`)"
	let has_placeholders = ty.has_placeholders();
	let placeholder_ty = ty.placeholders_ty(next_arg_ty(!has_placeholders.value)?);
	let placeholder_typedef = quote_spanned!(placeholder_ty.span() => type Placeholders = #placeholder_ty;);
	let needs_params = ty.needs_params();
	let params_ty = ty.params_ty(next_arg_ty(!needs_params.value)?);
	let params_typedef = quote_spanned!(params_ty.span() => type Params = #params_ty;);
	let needs_body = ty.needs_body();
	let body_ty = ty.body_ty(next_arg_ty(!needs_body.value)?);
	let body_typedef = quote_spanned!(body_ty.span() => type Body = #body_ty;);

	if arg_ty_idx < arg_tys.len() {
		return Err(Error::new(fun_ident.span(), "Too many arguments"));

	let mut handle_args: Vec<TokenStream> = Vec::new();
	if has_placeholders.value {
		if matches!(ty, EndpointType::Custom { .. }) {
		} else {
	if needs_params.value {
	if needs_body.value {
	let handle_args = args.iter().map(|arg| match arg.ty {
		HandlerArgType::StateRef | HandlerArgType::StateMutRef => quote!(state),
		HandlerArgType::MethodArg(_) => handle_args.remove(0),
		HandlerArgType::DatabaseConnection(_) => quote!(&conn),
		HandlerArgType::AuthStatus(_) => quote!(auth),
		HandlerArgType::AuthStatusRef(_) => quote!(&auth)

	let expand_handle_content = || {
		let mut state_block = quote!();
		if let Some(arg) = args.iter().find(|arg| arg.ty.is_auth_status()) {
			let auth_ty = arg.ty.quote_ty();
			state_block = quote! {
				let auth: #auth_ty = state.borrow::<#auth_ty>().clone();

		let mut handle_content = quote!(#fun_ident(#(#handle_args),*));
		if fun_is_async {
			if let Some(arg) = args.iter().find(|arg| matches!(arg.ty, HandlerArgType::StateRef)) {
				return Err(Error::new(arg.span(), "Endpoint handler functions that are async must not take `&State` as an argument, consider taking `&mut State`"));
			handle_content = quote!(#handle_content.await);
		if is_no_content {
			handle_content = quote!(#handle_content; <::gotham_restful::NoContent as ::std::default::Default>::default())

		if let Some(arg) = args.iter().find(|arg| arg.ty.is_database_conn()) {
			let conn_ty = arg.ty.quote_ty();
			state_block = quote! {
				let repo = <::gotham_restful::private::Repo<#conn_ty>>::borrow_from(state).clone();
			handle_content = quote! {<_, _, ()>(move |conn| {
					Ok({ #handle_content })

		Ok(quote! {
			use ::gotham_restful::private::FutureExt as _;
			use ::gotham_restful::gotham::state::FromState as _;
			async move {
	let handle_content = match expand_handle_content() {
		Ok(content) => content,
		Err(err) => err.to_compile_error()

	let tr8 = if cfg!(feature = "openapi") {
	} else {
	let operation_id = expand_operation_id(operation_id);
	let wants_auth = expand_wants_auth(wants_auth, args.iter().any(|arg| arg.ty.is_auth_status()));
	let code = quote! {
		/// `gotham_restful` implementation detail
		#fun_vis struct #ident;

		static #dummy_ident: () = {
			impl #tr8 for #ident {
				fn http_method() -> ::gotham_restful::gotham::hyper::Method {

				fn uri() -> ::std::borrow::Cow<'static, str> {
					{ #uri }.into()


				fn has_placeholders() -> bool {

				fn needs_params() -> bool {

				fn needs_body() -> bool {

				fn handle<'a>(
					state: &'a mut ::gotham_restful::gotham::state::State,
					placeholders: Self::Placeholders,
					params: Self::Params,
					body: ::std::option::Option<Self::Body>
				) -> ::gotham_restful::private::BoxFuture<'a, Self::Output> {

	if debug {
		eprintln!("{}", code);

pub fn expand_endpoint(ty: EndpointType, attrs: AttributeArgs, fun: ItemFn) -> Result<TokenStream> {
	let endpoint_type = match expand_endpoint_type(ty, attrs, &fun) {
		Ok(code) => code,
		Err(err) => err.to_compile_error()
	Ok(quote! {