goose 0.5.8

A load testing tool inspired by Locust.


Have you ever been attacked by a goose? Documentation Apache-2.0 licensed CI


Goose is a Rust load testing tool inspired by Locust. User behavior is defined with standard Rust code. Load tests are applications that have a dependency on the Goose library. Web requests are made with the Reqwest HTTP Client.

Getting Started

The in-line documentation offers much more detail about Goose specifics. For a general background to help you get started with Rust and Goose, read on.

Cargo is the Rust package manager. To create a new load test, use Cargo to create a new application (you can name your application anything, we've generically selected loadtest):

$ cargo new loadtest
     Created binary (application) `loadtest` package
$ cd loadtest/

This creates a new directory named loadtest/ containing loadtest/Cargo.toml and loadtest/src/ Start by editing Cargo.toml adding Goose under the dependencies heading:

goose = "^0.5"

At this point it's possible to compile all dependencies, though the resulting binary only displays "Hello, world!":

$ cargo run
    Updating index
  Downloaded goose v0.5.8
   Compiling reqwest v0.10.4
   Compiling goose v0.5.7
   Compiling loadtest v0.1.0 (/home/jandrews/devel/rust/loadtest)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 52.97s
     Running `target/debug/loadtest`
Hello, world!

To create an actual load test, you first have to add the following boilerplate to the top of src/

use goose::GooseState;
use goose::goose::{GooseTaskSet, GooseClient, GooseTask};

Then create a new load testing function. For our example we're simply going to load the front page of the website we're load-testing. Goose passes all load testing functions a mutable pointer to a GooseClient object, which is used to track statistics and make web requests. Thanks to the Reqwest library, the Goose client manages things like cookies, headers, and sessions for you.

In load tests functions you typically do not set the host, and instead configure the host at run time, so you can easily run your load test against different environments without recompiling:

fn loadtest_index(client: &mut GooseClient) {
    let _response = client.get("/");

Finally, edit the main() function, removing the hello world text and replacing it as follows:

fn main() {

And that's it, you've created your first load test! Let's run it and see what happens.

$ cargo run
   Compiling loadtest v0.1.0 (/home/jandrews/devel/rust/loadtest)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 3.56s
     Running `target/debug/loadtest`
12:09:56 [ERROR] Host must be defined globally or per-TaskSet. No host defined for LoadtestTasks.

Goose is unable to run, as it doesn't know the domain you want to load test. So, let's try again, this time passing in the --host flag. While we're at it, lets also tell Goose to collect and display statistics, with --print-statistics. After running for a few seconds, we then press ctrl-c to stop Goose:

$ cargo run -- --host http://apache.fosciana/ --print-stats
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.07s
     Running `target/debug/loadtest --host 'http://apache.fosciana/' --print-stats`
^C12:12:47 [ WARN] caught ctrl-c, stopping...
 Name                    | # reqs         | # fails        | req/s  | fail/s
 GET /                   | 905            | 0 (0%)         | 301    | 0    
 Name                    | Avg (ms)   | Min        | Max        | Median    
 GET /                   | 3139       | 952        | 102412     | 3000      
 Slowest page load within specified percentile of requests (in ms):
 Name                    | 50%    | 75%    | 98%    | 99%    | 99.9%  | 99.99%
 GET /                   | 3000   | 4000   | 5000   | 6000   | 8000   |   8000

When printing statistics, Goose displays three tables. The first shows the total number of requests made (905), how many of those failed (0), the everage number of requests per second (301), and the average number of failed requests per second (0).

The second table shows the average time required to load a page (3139 milliseconds), the mininimum time to load a page (952 ms), the maximum time to load a page (102412 ms) and the median time to load a page (3000 ms).

The final table shows the slowest page load time for a range of percentiles. In our example, in the 50% fastest page loads, the slowest page loaded in 3000 ms. In the 75% fastest page loads, the slowest page loadd in 4000 ms, etc.

In most load tests you'll make have different tasks being run, and each will be split out in the statistics, along with a line showing all totaled together in aggregate.

Refer to the examples directory for more complicated and useful load test examples.


  • Avoid unwrap() in your task functions -- Goose generates a lot of load, and this tends to trigger errors. Embrace Rust's warnings and properly handle all possible errors, this will save you time debugging later.
  • When running your load test for real, use the cargo --release flag to generate optimized code. This can generate considerably more load test traffic.

Simple Example

Passing the included simple example the -h flag you can see the run-time configuration options available to Goose load tests:

client 0.5.7
CLI options available when launching a Goose loadtest, provided by StructOpt

    simple [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help            Prints help information
    -l, --list            Shows list of all possible Goose tasks and exits
    -g, --log-level       Log level (-g, -gg, -ggg, etc.)
        --only-summary    Only prints summary stats
        --print-stats     Prints stats in the console
        --reset-stats     Resets statistics once hatching has been completed
        --status-codes    Includes status code counts in console stats
    -V, --version         Prints version information
    -v, --verbose         Debug level (-v, -vv, -vvv, etc.)

    -c, --clients <clients>          Number of concurrent Goose users (defaults to available CPUs)
    -r, --hatch-rate <hatch-rate>    How many users to spawn per second (defaults to 1 per available CPU)
    -H, --host <host>                Host to load test in the following format: [default: ]
        --log-file <log-file>         [default: goose.log]
    -t, --run-time <run-time>        Stop after the specified amount of time, e.g. (300s, 20m, 3h, 1h30m, etc.)
                                     [default: ]

The examples/ example copies the simple load test documented on the web page, rewritten in Rust for Goose. It uses minimal advanced functionality, but demonstrates how to GET and POST pages. It defines a single Task Set which has the client log in and then load a couple of pages.

Goose can make use of all available CPU cores. By default, it will launch 1 client per core, and it can be configured to launch many more. The following was configured instead to launch 1,024 clients. Each client randomly pauses 5 to 15 seconds after each task is loaded, so it's possible to spin up a large number of clients. Here is a snapshot of top when running this example on an 8-core VM with 10G of available RAM -- there were ample resources to launch considerably more "clients", though ulimit had to be resized:

top - 11:14:57 up 16 days,  4:40,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.04, 0.01
Tasks: 129 total,   1 running, 128 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.3 us,  0.3 sy,  0.0 ni, 99.2 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.2 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :   9993.6 total,   6695.1 free,   1269.3 used,   2029.2 buff/cache
MiB Swap:  10237.0 total,  10234.7 free,      2.3 used.   8401.5 avail Mem 

  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                   
19776 goose     20   0    9.8g 874688   8252 S   6.3   8.5   0:42.90 simple                                                    

Here's the output of running the loadtest. The -v flag sends INFO and more critical messages to stdout (in addition to the log file). The -c1024 tells Goose to spin up 1,024 clients. The -r32 option tells Goose to spin up 32 clients per second. The -t 10m option tells Goose to run the load test for 10 minutes, or 600 seconds. The --print-stats flag tells Goose to collect statistics during the load test, and the --status-codes flag tells it to include statistics about HTTP Status codes returned by the server. Finally, the --only-summary flag tells Goose to only display the statistics when the load test finishes, otherwise it would display running statistics every 15 seconds for the duration of the test.

$ cargo run --release --example simple -- --host http://apache.fosciana -v -c1024 -r32 -t 10m --print-stats --status-codes --only-summary
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.05s
     Running `target/release/examples/simple --host 'http://apache.fosciana' -v -c1024 -r32 -t 10m --print-stats --status-codes --only-summary`
18:42:48 [ INFO] Output verbosity level: INFO
18:42:48 [ INFO] Logfile verbosity level: INFO
18:42:48 [ INFO] Writing to log file: goose.log
18:42:48 [ INFO] run_time = 600
18:42:48 [ INFO] global host configured: http://apache.fosciana
18:42:53 [ INFO] launching client 1 from WebsiteUser...
18:42:53 [ INFO] launching client 2 from WebsiteUser...
18:42:53 [ INFO] launching client 3 from WebsiteUser...
18:42:53 [ INFO] launching client 4 from WebsiteUser...
18:42:53 [ INFO] launching client 5 from WebsiteUser...
18:42:53 [ INFO] launching client 6 from WebsiteUser...
18:42:53 [ INFO] launching client 7 from WebsiteUser...
18:42:53 [ INFO] launching client 8 from WebsiteUser...


18:43:25 [ INFO] launching client 1022 from WebsiteUser...
18:43:25 [ INFO] launching client 1023 from WebsiteUser...
18:43:25 [ INFO] launching client 1024 from WebsiteUser...
18:43:25 [ INFO] launched 1024 clients...
18:53:26 [ INFO] stopping after 600 seconds...
18:53:26 [ INFO] waiting for clients to exit
 Name                    | # reqs         | # fails        | req/s  | fail/s
 GET /                   | 34,077         | 582 (1.7%)     | 53     | 0    
 GET /about/             | 34,044         | 610 (1.8%)     | 53     | 0    
 POST /login             | 1,024          | 0 (0%)         | 1      | 0    
 Aggregated              | 69,145         | 1,192 (1.7%)   | 107    | 1    
 Name                    | Avg (ms)   | Min        | Max        | Median      
 GET /                   | 12.38      | 0.01       | 1001.10    | 0.09      
 GET /about/             | 12.80      | 0.01       | 1001.10    | 0.08      
 POST /login             | 0.21       | 0.15       | 1.82       | 0.20      
 Aggregated              | 12.41      | 0.01       | 1001.10    | 0.02      
 Slowest page load within specified percentile of requests (in ms):
 Name                    | 50%    | 75%    | 98%    | 99%    | 99.9%  | 99.99%
 GET /                   | 0.09   | 0.10   | 345.18 | 500.60 | 1000.93 | 1001.09
 GET /about/             | 0.08   | 0.10   | 356.65 | 500.61 | 1000.94 | 1001.08
 POST /login             | 0.20   | 0.22   | 0.27   | 0.34   | 1.36   |   1.82
 Aggregated              | 0.08   | 0.10   | 349.40 | 500.60 | 1000.93 | 1001.09
 Name                    | Status codes              
 GET /                   | 33,495 [200], 582 [0]      
 GET /about/             | 33,434 [200], 610 [0]      
 POST /login             | 1,024 [200]              
 Aggregated              | 67,953 [200]              


The Goose project roadmap is documented in