goose 0.13.0

A load testing framework inspired by Locust.
# Changelog

## 0.13.0 July 19, 2021
  - enable [`gzip`](*/reqwest/struct.ClientBuilder.html#method.gzip) support and set Accept-Encoding header by default in the client; disable with `--no-gzip` or `GooseDefault::NoGzip`
  - document how to add custom cookies (*/goose/goose/struct.GooseUser.html#custom-cookies)
  - update [`rustc_version`]( dependency to `0.4`
  - include client request headers in `GooseRequestMetric` so they show up in the request log and the debug log
  - introduce `GooseRawMetric` which contains the `method`, `url`, `headers` and `body` of the client request made, and is now contained in `raw` field of the `GooseRequestMetric` (API change)
  - introduce `--request-body` (and `GooseDefault::RequestBody`) which when enabled shows up in the `body` field of the `GooseRawMetric`
  - add `GooseRawMetric` to the request log, debug log and error log

## 0.12.1 July 15, 2021
 - rename `rustls` feature to `rustls-tls` so `tests/` can build with the `rustls` library; update `tungstenite` to `0.14` and `tokio-tungstenite` = `0.15` to allow building with `rustls`
  - documentation cleanup; properly rename `GooseDefault::RequestFormat` and fix links
  - always configure `GooseConfiguration.manager` and `GooseConfiguration.worker`; confirm Manager is enabled when setting `--expect-workers`
  - moved `GooseConfiguration`, `GooseDefault`, and `GooseDefaultType` into new `src/` file; standardized configuration precedence through internal `GooseConfigure` trait defining `get_value()` for all supported types; general improvements to configuration documentation

## 0.12.0 July 8, 2021
 - remove internal-only functions and structures from documentation, exposing only what's useful to consumers of the Goose library (API change)
    o `goose::initialize_logger()`, `Socket` reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::controller::GooseControllerProtocol`, `GooseControllerRequestMessage`, `GooseControllerResponseMessage`, `GooseControllerRequest`, `GooseControllerResponse`, `GooseControllerState`, `::controller_main()` reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::manager::manager_main()` reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::metrics::GooseRequestMetric::new()`, `::set_final_url()`, `::set_response_time()`, and `::set_status_code()`, `::per_second_calculations()`, `format_number()`, `merge_times()`, `update_min_time()`, `update_max_time()`, `calculate_response_time_percentile()`, and `prepare_status_codes()` reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::metrics::GooseRequestMetricAggregate::new()`, `::set_response_time()`, and `::set_status_code()` reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::metrics::GooseTaskMetric::new()` and `::set_time()` reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::metrics::GooseMetrics::initialize_task_metrics()` and `::print_running()`, `::fmt_requests()`, `::fmt_tasks()`, `::fmt_task_times()`, `::fmt_response_times()`, `::fmt_percentiles()`, `::fmt_status_codes()` and `::fmt_errors()` reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o from `goose::metrics::GooseMetrics` reduced `final_metrics`, `display_status_codes` and `display_metrics` fields to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::metrics::GooseErrorMetric::new()` reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::logger::logger_main()` reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::user::user_main()` reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::worker::worker_main()` reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
 - move all metrics-related stuctures and methods into ``, rename for consistency, and improve documentation (API change)
    o `goose::GooseRawRequest` changed to `goose::metrics::GooseRequestMetric`
    o `goose::GooseRequest` changed to `goose::metrics::GooseRequestMetricAggregate`
    o `goose::GooseRawTask` changed to `goose::metrics::GooseTaskMetric`
    o `goose::GooseRawTask` changed to `goose::metrics::GooseTaskMetricAggregate`
    o `goose::update_duration()` changed to `goose::metrics::update_duration()` and reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::sync_metrics()` changed to `goose::metrics::sync_metrics()` and reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::reset_metrics()` changed to `goose::metrics::reset_metrics()` and reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::receive_metrics()` changed to `goose::metrics::receive_metrics()` and reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
    o `goose::record_error()` changed to `goose::metrics::record_error()` and reduced to `pub(crate)` scope
 - expose utility functions used by Goose for use by load tests
    o `goose::util::parse_timespan()`, `::gcd()`, `::median()`, `::truncate_string()`, `::timer_expired()`, `::ms_timer_expired()`, `::get_hatch_rate()`, and `::is_valid_host()` were elevated to `pub` scope
 - introduce (disabled by default) Coordinated Omission Mitigation, configured through `--co-mitigation` with the following options: "disabled" (default0), "average", "minimum", "maximum"; (or with `GooseDefault::CoordinatedOmissionMitigation`)
  - (EXPERIMENTAL) Coordinated Omission Mitigation tracks the cadence that a GooseUser loops through all GooseTasks, (also accounting for time spent sleeping due to `.set_wait_time()`); it detects stalls (network or upstream server) that block and prevent other requests from running, and backfills the metrics to mitigate this loss of data ([based on the general implementation found in HdrHistogram](
  - When displaying metrics (via the cli and the html report) show both "raw" (actual) metrics and "coordinated omission mitigation" (back-filled with statistically generated) metrics, and the standard deviation between the average times for each
  - introduce `GooseLog` enum for sending `GooseDebug`, `GooseRequestMetric` and `GooseTaskMetric` objects to the Logger thread for logging to file
  - introduce `--tasks-file` run-time option for logging `GooseTaskMetric`s to file
  - rename `GooseTaskMetric` to `GooseTaskMetricAggregate`, and introduce `GooseTaskMetric` which is a subset of `GooseRequestMetric` only used for logging
  - introduce `--error-file` run-time option for logging `GooseErrorMetric`s to file
  - introduce `GooseLogFormat` enum for formatting all logs; add `--task-format` and `--error-format` using new enum, update `--requests-format` and `--debug-format`.
  - renamed `--log-file` to `--goose-log`, `--requests-file` to `--request-log`, `--requests-format` to `--request-format`, `--tasks-file` to `--task-log`, `--tasks-format` to `--task-format`, `--error-file` to `--error-log`, and `--debug-file` to `--debug-log`

## 0.11.2 June 10, 2021
 - introduce telnet Controller allowing real-time control of load test, optionally disable with `--no-telnet`, supports the following commands:
    o `help` (and `?`) display help
    o `exit` (and `quit`) exit the telnet Controller
    o `shutdown` shuts down the running load test (and exits the controller)
    o `host` (and `hosts`) HOST sets host to load test against, ie http://localhost/
    o `users` (and `user`) INT sets number of simulated users
    o `hatchrate` (and `hatch_rate`) FLOAT sets per-second rate users hatch
    o `runtime` (and `run_time`) TIME sets how long the load test should run
    o `config` displays the current load test configuration
    o `config-json` displays the current load test configuration in json format
    o `metrics` (and `stats`) displays metrics for the current load test
    o `metrics-json` (and `stats-json`) displays metrics for the current load test in json format
 - telnet Controller bind host defaults to ``, can be configured with `--telnet-host`
 - telnet Controller bind port defaults to `5116`, can be configured with `--telnet-port`
 - telnet Controller defaults can be changed:
    o default to not enabling telnet Controller: `GooseDefault::NoTelnet` (bool)
    o default host to bind telnet Controller to: `GooseDefault::TelnetHost` (&str)
    o default port to bind telnet Controller to: `GooseDefault::TelnetPort` (usize)
 - introduce WebSocket Controller allowing real-time control of load test, optionally disable with `--no-websocket`, supports the same commands as the telnet Controller, except:
    o `config` and `config-json` both return the load test configuration in json format
    o `metrics` and `metrics-json` both return metrics for the current load test in json format
 - WebSocket Controller bind host defaults to ``, can be configured with `--websocket-host`
 - WebSocket Controller bind port defaults to `5117`, can be configured with `--websocket-port`
 - WebSocket Controller defaults can be changed:
    o default to not enabling WebSocket Controller: `GooseDefault::NoWebSocket` (bool)
    o default host to bind WebSocket Controller to: `GooseDefault::WebSocketHost` (&str)
    o default port to bind WebSocket Controller to: `GooseDefault::WebSocketPort` (usize)
 - make it possible to start and stop a load test without completely restarting Goose
 - introduce `--no-autostart` to disable automatically starting the load test, leaves Goose in an idle state waiting for Controller commands (optionally change the default with `GooseDefault::NoAutoStart`)
    o renamed `stop` Controller command to `shutdown`
    o added new `start` Controller command, telling idle Goose load test to start
    o added new `stop` Controller command, telling running Goose load test to stop and return to idle state
 - code cleanup and logic consollidation to support Controller fixed a bug where metrics wouldn't display and the debug file, request file, and html report weren't written when load test was stopped while still launching users
 - regularly sync metrics, using a timeout to avoid hanging the main loop
 - properly reset metrics when load test is stopped and restarted
 - properly flush debug file, request file, and html report when stopping load test with Controller
 - properly (re)create debug file, request file, and html report when starting load test with Controller
 - if metrics are enabled, display when controller stops load test
 - de-duplicate code with traits, gaining compile-time validation that both Controllers are properly handling all defined commands
 - add [`async_trait`]( dependency as stable Rust doesn't otherwise support async traits
 - allow starting Goose without specifying a host if `--no-autostart` is enabled, requiring instead that the host be configured via a Controller before starting a load test
 - add test for telnet and WebSocket Controllers

## 0.11.1 May 16, 2021
 - update [`rand`]( dependency to `0.8` branch, update [`gen_range`](*/rand/trait.Rng.html#method.gen_range) method call
 - update dependencies: [`itertools`]( to `0.10`, [`simplelog`]( to `0.10`, [`url`]( to `2`
 - update [`nng`]( dependency for optional `gaggle` feature
 - simplify [`examples/umami`]( regex when parsing form
 - allow configuration of algorithm for allocating `GooseTask`s the same as `GooseTaskSet`s; `GooseTaskSetScheduler` becomes more generically `GooseScheduler`
 - specify (and detect) minimum `rustc` requirement of `1.49.0`, due to [`flume`]( dependency which in turn depends on [`spinning_top`]( which uses [`hint::spin_loop`]( which stabilized in `rustc` version `1.49.0
 - standardize links in documentation; general documentation cleanups

## 0.11.0 April 9, 2021
 - capture errors and count frequency for each, including summary in metrics report; optionally disable with `--no-error-summary`
 - clippy cleanups (prepare for Rust 2021
    o API change: all `GooseMethod`s renamed to enforce Rust naming conventions in regards to case, for example `GooseMethod::GET` becomes `GooseMethod::Get`
    o use `vec![]` macro to avoid unnecessarily pushing data into mutable vectors
    o call `format!` macro directly for improved readability
    o remove unnecessary `panic!`

## 0.10.9 March 23, 2021
 - avoid unnecessary work on Manager when starting a Gaggle
 - respect `--hatch-rate` when starting a Gaggle
 - update httpmock for running tests
 - remove unnecessary `Result()` types where no error was possible

## 0.10.8 February 13, 2021
 - introduce `--report-file` (and `GooseDefault::ReportFile`) to optionally generate an HTML report when the load test completes
 - upgrade to `tokio` 1.x, and switch to `flume` for all multi-producer, multi-consumer channels
 - make `examples/umami` more generic for easier load testing of any Drupal 9 version of the demo install profile

## 0.10.7 November 16, 2020
 - account for time spent doing things other than sleeping, maintaining more consistency when displaying statistics and shutting down
 - start each debug log file with a line feed in case the page is too big for the buffer; increase the debug logger buffer size from 8K to 8M
 - introduce `--no-debug-body` flag to optionally prevent debug log from including the response body
 - rename the metrics file to requests file to better reflect what it is
    o `--metrics-file` becomes `--requests-file`
    o `--metrics-format` becomes `--requests-format`
    o `GooseDebug::MetricsFile` becomes `GooseDebug::RequestsFile`
    o `GooseDebug::MetricsFormat` becomes `GooseDebug::RequestsFormat`
 - reset drift timer any time the attack_phase changes
 - document all public high level files and functions

## 0.10.6 November 10, 2020
 - replace `--only-summary` with `--running-metrics <usize>`, running metrics are disabled by default
 - allow configuration of the algorithm used when allocating `GooseTaskSet`s to starting `GooseUser`s:
    o `GooseTaskSetScheduler::RoundRobin` allocates 1 of each available `GooseTaskSet` at a time (new default)
    o `GooseTaskSetScheduler::Serial` allocates all of each available `GooseTaskSet` in the order they are defined
    o `GooseTaskSetScheduler::Random` allocates 1 random `GooseTaskSet` from all available
 - when enabled, display running metrics for the entire duration of test, including ramp-up and shutdown

## 0.10.5 November 5, 2020
 - support floating point hatch rate (ie, hatch 1 user every 2 seconds with `-r .5`)

## 0.10.4 November 1, 2020
 - add new `examples/umami` for load testing Drupal 9 demo install profile
 - replace TermLogger with SimpleLogger for increased logging flexibility
 - add initial OCI Dockerfile for container-based workflows
 - use checked subtraction when calculating drift duration to prevent panic
 - update `nng-rs` dependency to fix bug when testing that the manager is ready
## 0.10.3 October 14, 2020
 - fixup sticky redirect tests to properly test functionality
 - add `test/` to confirm sequencing tests works correctly, even in Gaggle mode
 - deduplicate test logic by moving shared functionality into `tests/`; consistently test functionality both in standalone and Gaggle mode
 - properly create debug log when enabled in Gaggle mode

## 0.10.2 September 27, 2020
 - remove unnecessary `GooseAttack.number_of_cpus` instead calling `num_cpus::get()` directly
 - remove `tests/`, instead mixing gaggle tests with per-feature integration tests
 - ensure `test_start` and `test_stop` run one and only one time even in Gaggle mode

## 0.10.1 September 20, 2020
 - rework `hatch_rate` to be stored in an `Option<usize>` as it can be `None` on a Worker
 - remove redundant `GooseAttack.users` instead using the `Option<usize>` in `configuration`
 - improve bounds handling of defaults, generate errors for invalid values
 - properly handle early shutdown of Gaggle distributed load test from Worker process
 - Manager starts timing Gaggle distributed load test only after all Workers start

## 0.10.0 September 13, 2020
 - default to resetting statistics, disable with `--no-reset-stats`, display spawning statistics before resetting
 - only run gaggle integration tests when feature is enabled
 - prevent time-drift when launching users and throttling requests
 - add per-task statistics in addition to per-request statistics, disable with `--no-task-stats`
 - rename `stats` and `statistics` to `metrics` for consistency and clarity
    o `--no-stats` became `--no-metrics`
    o `--no-reset-stats` became `--no-reset-metrics`
    o `--no-task-stats` became `--no-task-metrics`
    o `--stats-log-file` became `--metrics-log-file`
    o `--stats-log-format` became `--metrics-log-format`
 - shorten some configuration options to fit standard console width, preparation for switch to gumdrop
    o `--debug-log-file` became `--debug-file`
    o `--debug-log-format` became `--debug-format`
    o `--metrics-log-file` became `--metrics-file`
    o `--metrics-log-format` became `--metrics-format`
 - reworded errors for consistency, made error.detail required
 - replace `structopt` with `gumdrop`
    o restructured help page to logically group related options
    o rewrote/simplified configuration descriptions to fit standard console width
 - update prelude documentation
 - increase precision of metrics for smaller values
 - consistently build configuration from arguments
 - replace `GooseAttack::set_host()` with more generic `GooseAttack::set_default()`, exposes the following defaults:
    o default host: `GooseDefault::Host` (&str)
    o default users to start: `GooseDefault::Users` (usize)
    o default users to start per second: `GooseDefault::HatchRate` (usize)
    o default number of seconds for test to run: `GooseDefault::RunTime` (usize)
    o default log level: `GooseDefault::LogLevel` (usize)
    o default log file name: `GooseDefault::LogFile` (&str)
    o default verbosity: `GooseDefault::Verbose` (usize)
    o default to only printing final summary metrics: `GooseDefault::OnlySummary` (bool)
    o default to not resetting metrics after all users start: `GooseDefault::NoResetMetrics` (bool)
    o default to not tracking metrics: `GooseDefault::NoMetrics` (bool)
    o default to not tracking task metrics: `GooseDefault::NoTaskMetrics` (bool)
    o default metrics log file name: `GooseDefault::MetricsFile` (&str)
    o default metrics log file format: `GooseDefault::MetricsFormat` (&str)
    o default debug log file name: `GooseDefault::DebugFile` (&str)
    o default debug log file format: `GooseDefault::DebugFormat` (&str)
    o default to tracking status codes: `GooseDefault::StatusCodes` (bool)
    o default maximum requests per second: `GooseDefault::ThrottleRequests` (usize)
    o default to following redirect of base_url: `GooseDefault::StickyFollow` (bool)
    o default to enabling Manager mode: `GooseDefault::Manager` (bool)
    o default number of Workers to expect: `GooseDefault::ExpectWorkers` (usize)
    o default to ignoring load test checksum: `GooseDefault::NoHashCheck` (bool)
    o default host to bind Manager to: `GooseDefault::ManagerBindHost` (&str)
    o default port to bind Manager to: `GooseDefault::ManagerBindPort` (usize)
    o default to enabling Worker mode: `GooseDefault::Worker` (bool)
    o default host for Worker to connect to: `GooseDefault::ManagerHost` (&str)
    o default port for Worker to connect to: `GooseDefault::ManagerPort` (usize)

## 0.9.1 August 1, 2020
 - return `GooseStats` from `GooseAttack` `.execute()`
 - rework as methods of `GooseStats`: `.print()`, `.print_running()`, `fmt_requests()`,
   `fmt_response_times()`, `fmt_percentiles()`, and `fmt_status_codes()`
 - display `GooseStats` with fmt::Display (ie `print!("{}", goose_stats);`)
 - make it possible to pass a closure to GooseTask::new
 - fix display of `GooseError` and `GooseTaskError`

## 0.9.0 July 23, 2020
 - fix code documentation, requests are async and require await
 - properly support setting host when registering task set 
 - rename `response` wrapper to `goose`, so we end up with `goose.request` and `goose.response`
 - add `--throttle-requests` to optionally limit the maximum requests per second (api change)
 - introduce `GooseError` and `GooseTaskError`
 - change task function signature, tasks must return a `GooseTaskResult`
 - change `GooseAttack` method signatures where an error is possible
 - where possible, pass error up the stack instead of calling `exit(1)`
 - introduce `GooseAttack.display()` which consumes the load test state and displays statistics
 - `panic!()` on unexpected errors instead of `exit(1)`

## 0.8.2 July 2, 2020
 - `client.log_debug()` will write debug logs to file when specified with `--debug-log-file=`
 - add `-debug-log-format=` to switch between `json` (default) and `raw` formats
 - cleanup code with clippy, automate clippy with PRs
 - add optional compile-time `rustls` feature

## 0.8.1 June 30, 2020
 - sort stats by method:name to ease comparisons
 - optionally log all requests to file specified with `--stats-log-file=`
 - add `--stats-log-format=` to switch between `json` (default), `csv` and `raw` formats

## 0.8.0 June 26, 2020
 - properly subtract previous statistic when handling `set_failure()` and `set_success()`
 - detect and track redirects in `GooseRawRequest`
 - `--sticky-follow` makes redirect of GooseClient base_url sticky, affecting subsequent requests
 - changed `GooseClient` to `GooseUser`

## 0.7.5 June 10, 2020
 - store actual URL requested in GooseRawRequest
 - add `set_client_builder`, allow load test to build Reqwest clients with custom options
 - properly fix documentation links

## 0.7.4 June 5, 2020
 - fix gaggles to not panic, add test
 - fix test_start and test_stop to not panic, add tests
 - optimize NNG usage, write directly to Message instead of first to buffer
 - fix documentation links

## 0.7.3 June 5, 2020
 - move client out of GooseClient into global GooseClientState
 - introduce `test_start_task` and `test_stop_task` allowing global setup and teardown
 - don't panic if a load test doesn't define any normal tasks
 - pass immutable GooseClient to tasks
 - integrate httpmock into testing load test

## 0.7.2 June 1, 2020
 - don't shuffle order of weighted task sets when launching clients
 - remove GooseClientMode as it serves no useful purpose
 - push statistics from client threads to parent in real-time
 - simplify `set_failure` and `set_success` to pass in request

## 0.7.1 May 26, 2020
 - no longer compile Reqwest blocking client
 - remove need to declare `use std::boxed::Box` in load tests
 - remove unnecessary mutexes
 - introduce `use goose::prelude::*`

## 0.7.0 May 25, 2020
 - initial async support

## 0.6.3-dev
 - nng does not support udp as a transport protocol, and tcp overhead isn't
   problematic; remove to-do to add udp, hard-code tcp
 - add worker id for tracing gaggle worker threads
 - cleanup gaggle logic and comments

## 0.6.2 May 18, 2020
 - replace `unsafe` code blocks with `lazy_static` singleton
 - perform checksum to confirm workers are running same load test,
   `--no-hash-check` to ignore
 - code and documentation consistency

## 0.6.1 May 16, 2020
 - replace `--print-stats` with `--no-stats`, default to printing stats
 - make gaggle an optional compile-time feature
 - GooseState is now GooseAttack

## 0.6.0 May 14, 2020
 - Initial support for gaggles: distributed load testing