Module google_maps::roads::snap_to_roads

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The Roads API Snap To Roads service takes up to 100 GPS points collected along a route, and returns a similar set of data, with the points snapped to the most likely roads the vehicle was traveling along. Optionally, you can request that the points be interpolated, resulting in a path that smoothly follows the geometry of the road.

§Required parameters

  • path - The path to be snapped. The path parameter accepts a list of latitude/longitude pairs. Latitude and longitude values should be separated by commas. Coordinates should be separated by the pipe character: “|”. For example: path=60.170880,24.942795|60.170879,24.942796|60.170877,24.942796.

Note: The snapping algorithm works best for points that are not too far apart. If you observe odd snapping behavior, try creating paths that have points closer together. To ensure the best snap-to-road quality, you should aim to provide paths on which consecutive pairs of points are within 300m of each other. This will also help in handling any isolated, long jumps between consecutive points caused by GPS signal loss, or noise.

§Optional parameters

  • interpolate - Whether to interpolate a path to include all points forming the full road-geometry. When true, additional interpolated points will also be returned, resulting in a path that smoothly follows the geometry of the road, even around corners and through tunnels. Interpolated paths will most likely contain more points than the original path. Defaults to false.


  • pub use crate::roads::snap_to_roads::request::Request as SnapToRoadsRequest;
  • pub use crate::roads::snap_to_roads::response::Response as SnapToRoadsResponse;


  • Look in this module for documentation on building your Snap To Roads query. In particular, look at the Request struct for examples of the builder pattern. This module contains the tools (enums, structs, methods) for building your Google Maps Platform request.
  • Resources (enums, structs) for processing the Snap To Roads response from the Google Maps Platform. Look in here for more information about the data returned from Google’s server and how to parse it with your program.