google_maps 2.1.7

An unofficial Google Maps Platform client library for the Rust programming language.
# Change Log

* 2.1.7: 2022-08-27: `str` to `enum` table look-ups are now powered by
[phf] (perfect hash functions.)

* 2.1.7: 2022-08-27: Manual implementation `serde` deserializers for Google Maps
types, which can utilize the new `phf` tables.

* 2.1.7: 2022-08-27: Google Maps client types now implement `FromStr` which
gives access to `parse`.

* 2.1.7: 2022-08-22: Added debug logging message to show Google Maps client's
request activity.

* 2.1.6: 2022-08-19: Support for geocoding from Google Maps
[Place IDs]
Thank you [E-gy]!

* 2.1.6: 2022-04-10: `country` was moved up the hierarchy because it's now being
shared amongst several APIs. Made `google_maps::country` module public.

* 2.1.5: 2022-03-23: Partial support for the `Google Maps` `Places API`.
Implemented the `Place Autocomplete` and `Query Autocomplete` services. Example
of basic usage:
let google_maps_client = ClientSettings::new("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE");

let predictions = google_maps_client.place_autocomplete("51".to_string())
    .with_location_and_radius(LatLng::try_from(dec!(54), dec!(-114))?, 1_000)

println!("{:#?}", predictions);

* 2.1.3: 2021-07-22: Web Assembly (WASM) support: if Google Maps API Client's
`default-features` are set to false, all desired reqwest features (`brotli`,
`rustls`, etc.) must be manually added to the `Cargo.toml` file. Now, the
`enable-reqwest` feature starts with no reqwest features so that Web Assembly
users may rely on reqwest's JS fetch API. Also, changed `query_string()` to
`query_url()`. Example `query_url()` usage:
use google_maps::prelude::*;

let google_maps_client = ClientSettings::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");

// Get query string from builder pattern:
let query_url = google_maps_client.time_zone(
     LatLng::try_from(dec!(50.090_903), dec!(14.400_512))?,

// Insert your favourite HTTP client here:
let json = reqwest::get(query_url).await?.text().await?;

// Parse JSON string into a TimeZoneResponse structure:
let time_zone: TimeZoneResponse = json.parse()?;

// Dump entire response:
println!("{:#?}", time_zone);


* 2.1.2: 2021-07-18: Sorry for all of the updates. Made more dependencies
optional. This adds the ability to slim down this client when needed. Also,
spruced up the `query_string()` methods.

* 2.1.1: 2021-07-18: House-keeping. Fixed issue with Google Maps API `features`.
Added support for using your own HTTP client.

* 2.1.0: 2021-07-17: Transitioned from an in-house retry/backoff implementation
to the `backoff` crate. Google Maps APIs are now optional through the use of
feature flags. Improved examples.

* 2.0.2: 2021-07-16: Added support for using rustls-tls in reqwest dependency -
thanks [seanpianka]! Transitioned from `log`
crate to the `tracing` crate.

* 2.0.1: 2022-07-15: Now supports a user-configured Reqwest client in the Google
Maps client builder. `ClientSettings::new("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE").with_reqwest_client(your_reqwest_client).finalize();`

* 2.0.0: 2022-07-13: The Rust Google Maps client is now async thanks to

* 1.0.3: 2021-01-06: Updated dependencies. A few minor corrections. Async
support is planned for the next month or two.

* 1.0.2: 2020-08-07: Corrected error where string formatted for display were
being sent to the Google Maps Platform API. Thanks

* 1.0.1: 2020-05-25: Ensuring all public structures use Serde's serialize and
deserialize traits. Thanks [qrayven]!

* 1.0.0: 2020-05-16: Inteface stable.

* 0.7.3: 2020-04-25: For the Distance-Matrix API, some response fields that
should have been public weren't. Fixed. Thanks

* 0.7.2: 2020-04-21: Small bug fixes. Also, some logging was causing stack
overflows, so it had to be disabled.

* 0.7.1: 2020-03-10: Added in as many derivable traits as possible. Changed
transit fare amount from `f64` to `rust_decimal::Decimal`. Clean-ups as
commanded by Clippy.

* 0.7.1: 2020-03-10: For Time Zone API requests from this crate has moved from
expressing the time in `chrono::NaiveDateTime` to `chrono::DateTime<Utc>`. See
the updated time zone example.

* 0.7.0: 2020-03-08: Transitioned from `f64` to `rust_decimal::Decimal` for
latitude and longitude coordinates. This eliminates rounding errors. The
`Decimal` type is also hashable. Nice. `LatLng`, `Waypoint`, `Location` types
can now be used as keys for hash maps. **To define a `Decimal` value in your
code, currently you must add the `rust_decimal_macros` dependency into your
`Cargo.toml` file**. Use the `dec!()` macro like so: `dec!(12.345)`. This is the
preferred way to define latitude and longitude coordinates. If you do not want
to add this line to your `Cargo.toml` file, you may also create a `Decimal` from
a `&str` like so: `Decimal::from_str("12.345").unwrap()`. See the new examples.
Also, see the [rust_decimal crate] for
more information.

* 0.7.0: 2020-03-08: To better align this crate with Rust conventions, I've
converted many `String` parameters to `&str` parameters. If you're receiving new
compilations errors like `the trait bound google_maps::directions::response::
driving_maneuver::DrivingManeuver: std::convert::From<std::string::String> is
not satisfied` you will have to change your code to borrow the string. For
example, change `TransitCurrency::try_from(currency)` to
`TransitCurrency::try_from(&currency)` or to
`TransitCurrency::try_from(&*currency)` if its a `String` type.

* 0.6.0: 2020-02-29: Cleaned up the `mod` and `use` declarations. To glob import
everything from google_maps into your project, you can use the
`use google_maps::prelude::*` convention now.

* 0.5.2: 2020-02-29: I'm a procedural programmer at heart, so using handles is
second nature to me. In an oversight, I was forcing library users to use
handles without being consciously aware of it. I have improved the ergonomics of
the library. Check out the new examples.

* 0.5.2: 2020-02-29: There were inaccuracies in the rate limiting examples.
Sorry if these poor examples caused you any frustration.

* 0.5.0: 2020-02-23: The `time` crate has deprecated the `PrimitiveDateTime`
struct. This crate has moved from the `time` crate to the `chrono` crate. Since
there is no reasonable way for this crate to always know which time zone is
intended in every context, this crate relies on the `NaiveDateTime` struct. That
means that _time_ and _time zone_ considerations must be tracked and handled by
you, the programmer. Check into the `chrono-tz` crate which integrates nicely
with the `chrono` crate.

* 0.4.6: 2020-02-19: Emergency update! Case conflict for TransitMode. Had to
force to lower case in URL query string builder.

* 0.4.6: 2020-02-19: Connected Travis CI.

* 0.4.6: 2020-02-19: Added support for sub-steps in Directions API.

* 0.4.5: 2020-02-19: Emergency update! Custom deserializer for Durations was
not included in the 0.4.4 release.

* 0.4.4: 2020-02-19: Interface should be stablizing.

* 0.4.4: Added some helper functions for destructuring responses.

* 0.4.4: Ensured response structures are all declared as public.

* 0.4.4: 2020-02-18: Aliased `Distance` and `Duration` structs to
`DirectionsDistance` and `DirectionsDuration` respectively to prevent name

* 0.4.4: 2020-02-18: Changed `DirectionsDuration.value` type from `u32` to
`time::Duration` type.

* 0.4.4: 2020-02-18: Dropped my custom Serde deserializer in favour of the
`time` crate's built-in _Serde_ feature.

* 0.4.4: 2020-02-17: Added support for waypoint optimization.

* 0.4.3: 2020-02-09: [Happy 15th birthday to Google

* 0.4.3: 2020-02-09: Ensured request rate limiting was applied to all API

* 0.4.2: 2020-02-06: Unix timestamps received from the Google Maps Platform are
now automatically deserialized into `time::PrimitiveDateTime` structs for

* 0.4.2: 2020-02-06: Removed precision limit for Google Maps Platform requests.

* 0.4.1: 2020-02-06: Added time zone and currency enumerations for look-up
tables, conversions, and additional handling to be added in the future.

* 0.4.1: 2020-02-06: Fixed some errors in the examples.

* 0.4.1: 2020-02-05: Some internal restructuring to make the library more
consistent. Improved many comments, better documentation.

* 0.4.0: ⚠ **Breaking change**: API keys are no longer passed directly to
Google Maps requests. Now, a structure containing your API key, and several
optional settings, is passed instead. For example:

let location = GeocodingReverseRequest::new(
    // 10 Downing St, Westminster, London
    LatLng { lat: 51.5033635, lng: -0.1276248 }

After. Note to Rust newbies: you may need to change the `?` to an `.unwrap()`
if you're running these examples in your `main()` function.
let my_settings = ClientSettings::new(YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE);
let location = GeocodingReverseRequest::new(
    &mut my_settings,
    // 10 Downing St, Westminster, London
    LatLng(LatLng::try_from(51.5033635, -0.1276248)?),

* 0.4.0: ⚠ **Breaking change**: All response structures, such as
`DirectionsResponse`, have been altered.

* 0.4.0: ⚠ **Breaking change**: All LatLng enum variants have had the
{ lat, lng } fields removed in favour of LatLng structs. Use
`LatLng::try_from(lat, lng)` to define latitude/longitude pairs. See the
updated examples.

* 0.4.0: ⚠ **Breaking change**: The Elevation API methods
`positional_request()` & `sampled_path_request()` have been renamed to
`for_positional_request()` & `for_sampled_path_request()` respectively. See the
updated examples.

* 0.4.0: ⚠ **Breaking change**: All `f32` fields have been increased to `f64`

* 0.4.0: Implemented automatic retry with exponential backoff. This client
library will now attempt to query the Google Cloud Platform several times before
giving up and returning an error. Temporary network hiccups will no longer cause
your program to fail.

* 0.4.0: Implemented request rate limiting. Each API can have different request
rate limits.

* 0.4.0: Now implements the `log` crate with some logging messages for