google_maps 2.1.4

An unofficial Google Maps Platform client library for the Rust programming language.
//! # google_maps
//! 🗺 An unofficial Google Maps Platform client library for the Rust
//! programming language. This client currently implements the Directions API,
//! Distance Matrix API, Elevation API, Geocoding API, and Time Zone API.
//! ![alt text]( "Unofficial Google Maps Platform Client for Rust")
//! # Welcome
//! This crate is expected to work well and have the more important Google Maps
//! features implemented. It should work well because
//! [Serde]( and, by default,
//! [reqwest]( do most of the heavy lifting!
//! I created this client library because I needed several Google Maps Platform
//! features for a project that I'm working on. So, I've decided to spin my
//! library off into a public crate. This is a very small token of gratitude and
//! an attempt to give back to the Rust community. I hope it saves someone out
//! there some work.
//! # Before You Begin
//! * In your project's `Cargo.toml` file, under the `[dependencies]` section:
//!     * Add `google_maps = "2.1"`. Check
//!         []( for the latest
//!         version number.
//!     * Optionally, add `rust_decimal = "1"` and `rust_decimal_macros = "1"`
//!         for access to the dec! macro. This macro can be used to define
//!         decimal numbers in your program. This is useful for efficiently
//!         hard-coding latitudes and longitudes in your code.
//! * The full documentation is available at [](
//! # What's new?
//! * 2.1.3: 2021-07-22: Web Assembly (WASM) support: if Google Maps API
//! Client's `default-features` are set to false, all desired reqwest features
//! (`brotli`, `rustls`, etc.) must be manually added to the `Cargo.toml` file.
//! Now, the `enable-reqwest` feature starts with no reqwest features so that
//! Web Assembly users may rely on reqwest's JS fetch API. Also, changed
//! `query_string()` to `query_url()`. See
//! [](
//! for example usage.
//! * 2.1.2: 2021-07-18: Made more dependencies optional. This adds the ability
//! to slim down this client when needed. Also, spruced up the `query_string()`
//! methods.
//! * 2.1.1: 2021-07-18: House-keeping. Fixed issue with Google Maps API
//! `features`. Added support for using your own HTTP client. See
//! [](
//! for example usage.
//! * 2.1.0: 2021-07-17: Transitioned from an in-house retry/backoff
//! implementation to the `backoff` crate. Google Maps APIs are now optional
//! through the use of feature flags. Improved examples.
//! * 2.0.2: 2021-07-16: Added support for using rustls-tls in reqwest
//! dependency - thanks [seanpianka](!
//! Transitioned from `log` crate to the `tracing` crate.
//! * 2.0.1: 2021-07-15: Now supports a user-configured Reqwest client in the
//! Google Maps client builder.
//! `ClientSettings::new("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE").with_reqwest_client(your_reqwest_client).finalize();`
//! * 2.0.0: 2021-07-13: The Rust Google Maps client is now async thanks to
//! [seanpianka](!
//! * The full [change
//! log]( is
//! available on GitHub.
//! ## Example Directions API Request
//! The Directions API is a service that calculates directions between
//! locations. You can search for directions for several modes of
//! transportation, including transit, driving, walking, or cycling.
//! ```rust
//! use google_maps::prelude::*;
//! use rust_decimal_macros::dec;
//! let google_maps_client = ClientSettings::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");
//! // Example request:
//! let directions = google_maps_client.directions(
//!     // Origin: Canadian Museum of Nature
//!     Location::Address(String::from("240 McLeod St, Ottawa, ON K2P 2R1")),
//!     // Destination: Canada Science and Technology Museum
//!     Location::LatLng(LatLng::try_from(dec!(45.403_509), dec!(-75.618_904))?),
//! )
//! .with_travel_mode(TravelMode::Driving)
//! .execute()
//! .await?;
//! // Dump entire response:
//! println!("{:#?}", directions);
//! ```
//! ## Example Distance Matrix API Request
//! The Distance Matrix API is a service that provides travel distance and time
//! for a matrix of origins and destinations, based on the recommended route
//! between start and end points.
//! ```rust
//! use google_maps::prelude::*;
//! use rust_decimal_macros::dec;
//! let google_maps_client = ClientSettings::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");
//! // Example request:
//! let distance_matrix = google_maps_client.distance_matrix(
//!     // Origins
//!     vec![
//!         // Microsoft
//!         Waypoint::Address(String::from("One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, United States")),
//!         // Cloudflare
//!         Waypoint::Address(String::from("101 Townsend St, San Francisco, CA 94107, United States")),
//!     ],
//!     // Destinations
//!     vec![
//!         // Google
//!         Waypoint::PlaceId(String::from("ChIJj61dQgK6j4AR4GeTYWZsKWw")),
//!         // Mozilla
//!         Waypoint::LatLng(LatLng::try_from(dec!(37.387_316), dec!(-122.060_008))?),
//!     ],
//! ).execute().await?;
//! // Dump entire response:
//! println!("{:#?}", distance_matrix);
//! ```
//! ## Example Elevation API Positional Request
//! The Elevation API provides elevation data for all locations on the surface
//! of the earth, including depth locations on the ocean floor (which return
//! negative values).
//! ```rust
//! use google_maps::prelude::*;
//! use rust_decimal_macros::dec;
//! let google_maps_client = ClientSettings::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");
//! // Example request:
//! let elevation = google_maps_client.elevation()
//!     // Denver, Colorado, the "Mile High City"
//!     .for_positional_request(LatLng::try_from(dec!(39.739_154), dec!(-104.984_703))?)
//!     .execute()
//!     .await?;
//! // Dump entire response:
//! println!("{:#?}", elevation);
//! // Display all results:
//! if let Some(results) = &elevation.results {
//!     for result in results {
//!         println!("Elevation: {} meters", result.elevation)
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Example Geocoding API Request
//! The Geocoding API is a service that provides geocoding and reverse geocoding
//! of addresses. Geocoding is the process of converting addresses (like a
//! street address) into geographic coordinates (like latitude and longitude),
//! which you can use to place markers on a map, or position the map.
//! ```rust
//! use google_maps::prelude::*;
//! let google_maps_client = ClientSettings::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");
//! // Example request:
//! let location = google_maps_client.geocoding()
//!     .with_address("10 Downing Street London")
//!     .execute()
//!     .await?;
//! // Dump entire response:
//! println!("{:#?}", location);
//! // Print latitude & longitude coordinates:
//! for result in location.results {
//!     println!("{}", result.geometry.location)
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Example Reverse Geocoding API Request
//! The Geocoding API is a service that provides geocoding and reverse geocoding
//! of addresses. Reverse geocoding is the process of converting geographic
//! coordinates into a human-readable address.
//! ```rust
//! use google_maps::prelude::*;
//! use rust_decimal_macros::dec;
//! let google_maps_client = ClientSettings::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");
//! // Example request:
//! let location = google_maps_client.reverse_geocoding(
//!     // 10 Downing St, Westminster, London
//!     LatLng::try_from(dec!(51.503_364), dec!(-0.127_625))?,
//! )
//! .with_result_type(PlaceType::StreetAddress)
//! .execute()
//! .await?;
//! // Dump entire response:
//! println!("{:#?}", location);
//! // Display all results:
//! for result in location.results {
//!     println!(
//!         "{}",
//!         result.address_components.iter()
//!             .map(|address_component| address_component.short_name.to_string())
//!             .collect::<Vec<String>>()
//!             .join(", ")
//!     );
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Example Time Zone API Request
//! The Time Zone API provides time offset data for locations on the surface of
//! the earth. You request the time zone information for a specific
//! latitude/longitude pair and date. The API returns the name of that time
//! zone, the time offset from UTC, and the daylight savings offset.
//! ```rust
//! use google_maps::prelude::*;
//! use rust_decimal_macros::dec;
//! let google_maps_client = ClientSettings::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE");
//! // Example request:
//! let time_zone = google_maps_client.time_zone(
//!      // St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, Czechia
//!      LatLng::try_from(dec!(50.090_903), dec!(14.400_512))?,
//!      // The time right now in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
//!      Utc::now()
//! ).execute().await?;
//! // Dump entire response:
//! println!("{:#?}", time_zone);
//! // Usage example:
//! println!("Time at your computer: {}", Utc::now().to_rfc2822());
//! if let Some(time_zone_id) = time_zone.time_zone_id {
//!     println!(
//!         "Time in {}: {}",
//!         Local::now().with_timezone(&time_zone_id).to_rfc2822()
//!     );
//! }
//! ```
//! ## [Geolocation API](
//! Google's Geolocation API seems to be offline. While the online documentation
//! is still available and the API appears configurable through the Google Cloud
//! Platform console, the Geolocation API responds Status code `404 Not Found`
//! with an empty body to all requests. This API cannot be implemented until the
//! server responds as expected.
//! ## Example Client Settings
//! The Google Maps client settings can be used to change the request rate and
//! automatic retry parameters.
//! ```rust
//! use google_maps::prelude::*;
//! let google_maps_client = ClientSettings::new("YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_HERE")
//!     // For all Google Maps Platform APIs, the client will limit 2 sucessful
//!     // requests for every 10 seconds:
//!     .with_rate(Api::All, 2, std::time::Duration::from_secs(10))
//!     // Returns the `ClientSettings` struct to the caller. This struct is used to
//!     // make Google Maps Platform requests.
//!     .finalize();
//! ```
//! ## Feature Flags
//! It is possible to change the Reqwest features that are in turn used by the
//! Google Maps API client through feature flags. It is also possible to only
//! include desired Google Maps APIs by using Cargo.toml feature flags.
//! Google Maps API Client feature flags:
//! * directions
//! * distance_matrix
//! * elevation
//! * geocoding
//! * time_zone
//! Reqwest feature flags:
//! * native-tls
//! * rustls
//! * gzip
//! * brotli
//! **Feature flag usage example**: This example will only include the Google
//! Maps Directions API. Reqwest will secure the connection using the Rustls
//! library, and has brotli compression enabled.
//! ```toml
//! google_maps = { version = "2.1", default-features = false, features = ["directions", "enable-reqwest", "rustls", "brotli"] }
//! ```
//! **Default feature flag configuration**: By default, the Google Maps client
//! includes all implemented Google Maps APIs. Reqwest will secure the
//! connection using the system-native TLS (`native-tls`), and has gzip
//! compression enabled (`gzip`).
//! ```toml
//! default = ["directions", "distance_matrix", "elevation", "geocoding", "time_zone", "enable-reqwest", "reqwest/default-tls", "reqwest/gzip"]
//! ```
//! # Feedback
//! I would like for you to be successful with your project! If this crate is
//! not working for you, doesn't work how you think it should, or if you have
//! requests, or suggestions - please [report them to
//! me](! I'm not always fast
//! at responding but I will respond. Thanks!
//! # To do
//! 1. Track both _requests_ and request _elements_ for rate limiting.
//! 2. Make a generic get() function for that can be used by all APIs.
//! 3. Considering move from `reqwest` to a lighter-weight HTTP client.
//! 4. Look into making APIs optional, i.e. as features. Possible? Desirable?
//! 5. Look into integrating [yaiouom](
//! 6. Convert explicit query validation to session types wherever reasonable.
//! 7. [Places API](
//! There are no immediate plans for supporting this API. It's quite big and I
//! have no current need for it. If you would like to have to implemented,
//! please contact me.
//! 8. [Roads API](
//! There are no immediate plans for supporting this API. It's quite big and I
//! have no current need for it. If you would like to have to implemented,
//! please contact me.

#![doc(html_favicon_url = "")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]

// Common / global modules:

mod bounds;
mod client_settings;
mod language;
mod latlng;
mod place_type;
mod region;
mod serde;
pub mod error;
pub mod prelude;

// Optional Google Maps API modules. Their inclusion can be changed with
// feature flags:

#[cfg(any(feature = "directions", feature = "distance_matrix"))]
pub mod directions;
#[cfg(feature = "distance_matrix")]
pub mod distance_matrix;
#[cfg(feature = "elevation")]
pub mod elevation;
#[cfg(feature = "geocoding")]
pub mod geocoding;
#[cfg(feature = "time_zone")]
pub mod time_zone;

// Optional dependencies:

#[cfg(feature = "enable-reqwest")]
mod request_rate;

// Re-exports:

pub use crate::{
}; // crate

#[cfg(feature = "enable-reqwest")]
pub use crate::request_rate::api::Api;