google-surveys2 1.0.14+20180508

A complete library to interact with Surveys (protocol v2)
// This file was generated automatically from 'src/mako/api/'

//! This documentation was generated from *Surveys* crate version *1.0.14+20180508*, where *20180508* is the exact revision of the *surveys:v2* schema built by the [mako]( code generator *v1.0.14*.
//! The original source code is [on github](
//! # Features
//! Handle the following *Resources* with ease from the central [hub](struct.Surveys.html) ... 
//! * results
//!  * [*get*](struct.ResultGetCall.html)
//! * [surveys](struct.Survey.html)
//!  * [*delete*](struct.SurveyDeleteCall.html), [*get*](struct.SurveyGetCall.html), [*insert*](struct.SurveyInsertCall.html), [*list*](struct.SurveyListCall.html), [*start*](struct.SurveyStartCall.html), [*stop*](struct.SurveyStopCall.html) and [*update*](struct.SurveyUpdateCall.html)
//! Download supported by ...
//! * [*get results*](struct.ResultGetCall.html)
//! Not what you are looking for ? Find all other Google APIs in their Rust [documentation index](
//! # Structure of this Library
//! The API is structured into the following primary items:
//! * **[Hub](struct.Surveys.html)**
//!     * a central object to maintain state and allow accessing all *Activities*
//!     * creates [*Method Builders*](trait.MethodsBuilder.html) which in turn
//!       allow access to individual [*Call Builders*](trait.CallBuilder.html)
//! * **[Resources](trait.Resource.html)**
//!     * primary types that you can apply *Activities* to
//!     * a collection of properties and *Parts*
//!     * **[Parts](trait.Part.html)**
//!         * a collection of properties
//!         * never directly used in *Activities*
//! * **[Activities](trait.CallBuilder.html)**
//!     * operations to apply to *Resources*
//! All *structures* are marked with applicable traits to further categorize them and ease browsing.
//! Generally speaking, you can invoke *Activities* like this:
//! ```Rust,ignore
//! let r = hub.resource().activity(...).doit()
//! ```
//! Or specifically ...
//! ```ignore
//! let r = hub.surveys().stop(...).doit()
//! let r = hub.surveys().insert(...).doit()
//! let r = hub.surveys().delete(...).doit()
//! let r = hub.surveys().list(...).doit()
//! let r = hub.surveys().update(...).doit()
//! let r = hub.surveys().start(...).doit()
//! let r = hub.surveys().get(...).doit()
//! ```
//! The `resource()` and `activity(...)` calls create [builders][builder-pattern]. The second one dealing with `Activities` 
//! supports various methods to configure the impending operation (not shown here). It is made such that all required arguments have to be 
//! specified right away (i.e. `(...)`), whereas all optional ones can be [build up][builder-pattern] as desired.
//! The `doit()` method performs the actual communication with the server and returns the respective result.
//! # Usage
//! ## Setting up your Project
//! To use this library, you would put the following lines into your `Cargo.toml` file:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! google-surveys2 = "*"
//! # This project intentionally uses an old version of Hyper. See
//! # for more
//! # information.
//! hyper = "^0.10"
//! hyper-rustls = "^0.6"
//! serde = "^1.0"
//! serde_json = "^1.0"
//! yup-oauth2 = "^1.0"
//! ```
//! ## A complete example
//! ```test_harness,no_run
//! extern crate hyper;
//! extern crate hyper_rustls;
//! extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
//! extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
//! use surveys2::{Result, Error};
//! # #[test] fn egal() {
//! use std::default::Default;
//! use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
//! use surveys2::Surveys;
//! // Get an ApplicationSecret instance by some means. It contains the `client_id` and 
//! // `client_secret`, among other things.
//! let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
//! // Instantiate the authenticator. It will choose a suitable authentication flow for you, 
//! // unless you replace  `None` with the desired Flow.
//! // Provide your own `AuthenticatorDelegate` to adjust the way it operates and get feedback about 
//! // what's going on. You probably want to bring in your own `TokenStorage` to persist tokens and
//! // retrieve them from storage.
//! let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
//!                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
//!                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
//! let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
//! // You can configure optional parameters by calling the respective setters at will, and
//! // execute the final call using `doit()`.
//! // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
//! let result = hub.surveys().list()
//!              .token("sed")
//!              .start_index(16)
//!              .max_results(83)
//!              .doit();
//! match result {
//!     Err(e) => match e {
//!         // The Error enum provides details about what exactly happened.
//!         // You can also just use its `Debug`, `Display` or `Error` traits
//!          Error::HttpError(_)
//!         |Error::MissingAPIKey
//!         |Error::MissingToken(_)
//!         |Error::Cancelled
//!         |Error::UploadSizeLimitExceeded(_, _)
//!         |Error::Failure(_)
//!         |Error::BadRequest(_)
//!         |Error::FieldClash(_)
//!         |Error::JsonDecodeError(_, _) => println!("{}", e),
//!     },
//!     Ok(res) => println!("Success: {:?}", res),
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Handling Errors
//! All errors produced by the system are provided either as [Result](enum.Result.html) enumeration as return value of 
//! the doit() methods, or handed as possibly intermediate results to either the 
//! [Hub Delegate](trait.Delegate.html), or the [Authenticator Delegate](*/yup_oauth2/trait.AuthenticatorDelegate.html).
//! When delegates handle errors or intermediate values, they may have a chance to instruct the system to retry. This 
//! makes the system potentially resilient to all kinds of errors.
//! ## Uploads and Downloads
//! If a method supports downloads, the response body, which is part of the [Result](enum.Result.html), should be
//! read by you to obtain the media.
//! If such a method also supports a [Response Result](trait.ResponseResult.html), it will return that by default.
//! You can see it as meta-data for the actual media. To trigger a media download, you will have to set up the builder by making
//! this call: `.param("alt", "media")`.
//! Methods supporting uploads can do so using up to 2 different protocols: 
//! *simple* and *resumable*. The distinctiveness of each is represented by customized 
//! `doit(...)` methods, which are then named `upload(...)` and `upload_resumable(...)` respectively.
//! ## Customization and Callbacks
//! You may alter the way an `doit()` method is called by providing a [delegate](trait.Delegate.html) to the 
//! [Method Builder](trait.CallBuilder.html) before making the final `doit()` call. 
//! Respective methods will be called to provide progress information, as well as determine whether the system should 
//! retry on failure.
//! The [delegate trait](trait.Delegate.html) is default-implemented, allowing you to customize it with minimal effort.
//! ## Optional Parts in Server-Requests
//! All structures provided by this library are made to be [encodable](trait.RequestValue.html) and 
//! [decodable](trait.ResponseResult.html) via *json*. Optionals are used to indicate that partial requests are responses 
//! are valid.
//! Most optionals are are considered [Parts](trait.Part.html) which are identifiable by name, which will be sent to 
//! the server to indicate either the set parts of the request or the desired parts in the response.
//! ## Builder Arguments
//! Using [method builders](trait.CallBuilder.html), you are able to prepare an action call by repeatedly calling it's methods.
//! These will always take a single argument, for which the following statements are true.
//! * [PODs][wiki-pod] are handed by copy
//! * strings are passed as `&str`
//! * [request values](trait.RequestValue.html) are moved
//! Arguments will always be copied or cloned into the builder, to make them independent of their original life times.
//! [wiki-pod]:
//! [builder-pattern]:
//! [google-go-api]:

// Unused attributes happen thanks to defined, but unused structures
// We don't warn about this, as depending on the API, some data structures or facilities are never used.
// Instead of pre-determining this, we just disable the lint. It's manually tuned to not have any
// unused imports in fully featured APIs. Same with unused_mut ... .
#![allow(unused_imports, unused_mut, dead_code)]

// This file was generated automatically from 'src/mako/api/'

extern crate serde_derive;

extern crate hyper;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
extern crate mime;
extern crate url;

mod cmn;

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::borrow::BorrowMut;
use std::default::Default;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use serde_json as json;
use std::io;
use std::fs;
use std::mem;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;

pub use cmn::*;

// ##############
// ############

/// Identifies the an OAuth2 authorization scope.
/// A scope is needed when requesting an
/// [authorization token](
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Scope {
    /// View your surveys and survey results

    /// View your email address

    /// View and manage your surveys and results

impl AsRef<str> for Scope {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            Scope::Readonly => "",
            Scope::UserinfoEmail => "",
            Scope::Full => "",

impl Default for Scope {
    fn default() -> Scope {

// ########
// HUB ###
// ######

/// Central instance to access all Surveys related resource activities
/// # Examples
/// Instantiate a new hub
/// ```test_harness,no_run
/// extern crate hyper;
/// extern crate hyper_rustls;
/// extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
/// extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
/// use surveys2::{Result, Error};
/// # #[test] fn egal() {
/// use std::default::Default;
/// use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
/// use surveys2::Surveys;
/// // Get an ApplicationSecret instance by some means. It contains the `client_id` and 
/// // `client_secret`, among other things.
/// let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
/// // Instantiate the authenticator. It will choose a suitable authentication flow for you, 
/// // unless you replace  `None` with the desired Flow.
/// // Provide your own `AuthenticatorDelegate` to adjust the way it operates and get feedback about 
/// // what's going on. You probably want to bring in your own `TokenStorage` to persist tokens and
/// // retrieve them from storage.
/// let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
///                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
///                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
/// let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
/// // You can configure optional parameters by calling the respective setters at will, and
/// // execute the final call using `doit()`.
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let result = hub.surveys().list()
///              .token("kasd")
///              .start_index(79)
///              .max_results(93)
///              .doit();
/// match result {
///     Err(e) => match e {
///         // The Error enum provides details about what exactly happened.
///         // You can also just use its `Debug`, `Display` or `Error` traits
///          Error::HttpError(_)
///         |Error::MissingAPIKey
///         |Error::MissingToken(_)
///         |Error::Cancelled
///         |Error::UploadSizeLimitExceeded(_, _)
///         |Error::Failure(_)
///         |Error::BadRequest(_)
///         |Error::FieldClash(_)
///         |Error::JsonDecodeError(_, _) => println!("{}", e),
///     },
///     Ok(res) => println!("Success: {:?}", res),
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct Surveys<C, A> {
    client: RefCell<C>,
    auth: RefCell<A>,
    _user_agent: String,
    _base_url: String,
    _root_url: String,

impl<'a, C, A> Hub for Surveys<C, A> {}

impl<'a, C, A> Surveys<C, A>
    where  C: BorrowMut<hyper::Client>, A: oauth2::GetToken {

    pub fn new(client: C, authenticator: A) -> Surveys<C, A> {
        Surveys {
            client: RefCell::new(client),
            auth: RefCell::new(authenticator),
            _user_agent: "google-api-rust-client/1.0.14".to_string(),
            _base_url: "".to_string(),
            _root_url: "".to_string(),

    pub fn results(&'a self) -> ResultMethods<'a, C, A> {
        ResultMethods { hub: &self }
    pub fn surveys(&'a self) -> SurveyMethods<'a, C, A> {
        SurveyMethods { hub: &self }

    /// Set the user-agent header field to use in all requests to the server.
    /// It defaults to `google-api-rust-client/1.0.14`.
    /// Returns the previously set user-agent.
    pub fn user_agent(&mut self, agent_name: String) -> String {
        mem::replace(&mut self._user_agent, agent_name)

    /// Set the base url to use in all requests to the server.
    /// It defaults to ``.
    /// Returns the previously set base url.
    pub fn base_url(&mut self, new_base_url: String) -> String {
        mem::replace(&mut self._base_url, new_base_url)

    /// Set the root url to use in all requests to the server.
    /// It defaults to ``.
    /// Returns the previously set root url.
    pub fn root_url(&mut self, new_root_url: String) -> String {
        mem::replace(&mut self._root_url, new_root_url)

// ############
// SCHEMAS ###
// ##########
/// Message representing why the survey was rejected from review, if it was.
/// This type is not used in any activity, and only used as *part* of another schema.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SurveyRejection {
    /// A human-readable explanation of what was wrong with the survey.
    pub explanation: Option<String>,
    /// Which category of rejection this was. See the  Google Surveys Help Center for additional details on each category.
    pub type_: Option<String>,

impl Part for SurveyRejection {}

/// Reference to the current results for a given survey.
/// # Activities
/// This type is used in activities, which are methods you may call on this type or where this type is involved in. 
/// The list links the activity name, along with information about where it is used (one of *request* and *response*).
/// * [get results](struct.ResultGetCall.html) (response)
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SurveyResults {
    /// Human readable string describing the status of the request.
    pub status: Option<String>,
    /// External survey ID as viewable by survey owners in the editor view.
    pub survey_url_id: Option<String>,

impl ResponseResult for SurveyResults {}

/// There is no detailed description.
/// This type is not used in any activity, and only used as *part* of another schema.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TokenPagination {
    /// no description provided
    pub next_page_token: Option<String>,
    /// no description provided
    pub previous_page_token: Option<String>,

impl Part for TokenPagination {}

/// There is no detailed description.
/// This type is not used in any activity, and only used as *part* of another schema.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct FieldMask {
    /// no description provided
    pub fields: Option<Vec<FieldMask>>,
    /// no description provided
    pub id: Option<i32>,

impl Part for FieldMask {}

/// There is no detailed description.
/// # Activities
/// This type is used in activities, which are methods you may call on this type or where this type is involved in. 
/// The list links the activity name, along with information about where it is used (one of *request* and *response*).
/// * [start surveys](struct.SurveyStartCall.html) (response)
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SurveysStartResponse {
    /// Unique request ID used for logging and debugging. Please include in any error reporting or troubleshooting requests.
    pub request_id: Option<String>,

impl ResponseResult for SurveysStartResponse {}

/// There is no detailed description.
/// # Activities
/// This type is used in activities, which are methods you may call on this type or where this type is involved in. 
/// The list links the activity name, along with information about where it is used (one of *request* and *response*).
/// * [list surveys](struct.SurveyListCall.html) (response)
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SurveysListResponse {
    /// no description provided
    pub token_pagination: Option<TokenPagination>,
    /// no description provided
    pub page_info: Option<PageInfo>,
    /// An individual survey resource.
    pub resources: Option<Vec<Survey>>,
    /// Unique request ID used for logging and debugging. Please include in any error reporting or troubleshooting requests.
    pub request_id: Option<String>,

impl ResponseResult for SurveysListResponse {}

/// Representation of an individual survey object.
/// # Activities
/// This type is used in activities, which are methods you may call on this type or where this type is involved in. 
/// The list links the activity name, along with information about where it is used (one of *request* and *response*).
/// * [stop surveys](struct.SurveyStopCall.html) (none)
/// * [insert surveys](struct.SurveyInsertCall.html) (request|response)
/// * [delete surveys](struct.SurveyDeleteCall.html) (none)
/// * [list surveys](struct.SurveyListCall.html) (none)
/// * [update surveys](struct.SurveyUpdateCall.html) (request|response)
/// * [start surveys](struct.SurveyStartCall.html) (none)
/// * [get surveys](struct.SurveyGetCall.html) (response)
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Survey {
    /// List of email addresses for survey owners. Must contain at least the address of the user making the API call.
    pub owners: Option<Vec<String>>,
    /// Text description of the survey.
    pub description: Option<String>,
    /// Optional name that will be given to the survey.
    pub title: Option<String>,
    /// Additional information to store on behalf of the API consumer and associate with this question. This binary blob is treated as opaque. This field is limited to 64K bytes.
    pub customer_data: Option<String>,
    /// State that the survey is in.
    pub state: Option<String>,
    /// Targeting-criteria message containing demographic information
    pub audience: Option<SurveyAudience>,
    /// Cost to run the survey and collect the necessary number of responses.
    pub cost: Option<SurveyCost>,
    /// Unique survey ID, that is viewable in the URL of the Survey Creator UI
    pub survey_url_id: Option<String>,
    /// List of questions defining the survey.
    pub questions: Option<Vec<SurveyQuestion>>,
    /// Number of responses desired for the survey.
    pub wanted_response_count: Option<i32>,
    /// Reason for the survey being rejected. Only present if the survey state is rejected.
    pub rejection_reason: Option<SurveyRejection>,

impl RequestValue for Survey {}
impl Resource for Survey {}
impl ResponseResult for Survey {}

/// There is no detailed description.
/// # Activities
/// This type is used in activities, which are methods you may call on this type or where this type is involved in. 
/// The list links the activity name, along with information about where it is used (one of *request* and *response*).
/// * [start surveys](struct.SurveyStartCall.html) (request)
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SurveysStartRequest {
    /// *Deprecated* Threshold to start a survey automatically if the quoted prices is less than or equal to this value. See Survey.Cost for more details. This will no longer be available after June 2018.
    pub max_cost_per_response_nanos: Option<String>,

impl RequestValue for SurveysStartRequest {}

/// Message defining the cost to run a given survey through API.
/// This type is not used in any activity, and only used as *part* of another schema.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SurveyCost {
    /// Cost of survey in nano units of the given currency. DEPRECATED in favor of cost_per_response_nanos
    pub nanos: Option<String>,
    /// Currency code that the cost is given in.
    pub currency_code: Option<String>,
    /// Cost per survey response in nano units of the given currency. To get the total cost for a survey, multiply this value by wanted_response_count.
    pub cost_per_response_nanos: Option<String>,
    /// *Deprecated* Threshold to start a survey automatically if the quoted price is at most this value. When a survey has a Screener (threshold) question, it must go through an incidence pricing test to determine the final cost per response. Typically you will have to make a followup call to start the survey giving the final computed cost per response. If the survey has no threshold_answers, setting this property will return an error. By specifying this property, you indicate the max price per response you are willing to pay in advance of the incidence test. If the price turns out to be lower than the specified value, the survey will begin immediately and you will be charged at the rate determined by the incidence pricing test. If the price turns out to be greater than the specified value the survey will not be started and you will instead be notified what price was determined by the incidence test. At that point, you must raise the value of this property to be greater than or equal to that cost before attempting to start the survey again. This will immediately start the survey as long the incidence test was run within the last 21 days. This will no longer be available after June 2018.
    pub max_cost_per_response_nanos: Option<String>,

impl Part for SurveyCost {}

/// Specifications for the target audience of a survey run through the API.
/// This type is not used in any activity, and only used as *part* of another schema.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SurveyAudience {
    /// Language code that surveys should be targeted to. For instance, 'en-US'. Surveys may target bilingual users by specifying a list of language codes (for example, 'de' and 'en-US'). In that case, all languages will be used for targeting users but the survey content (which is displayed) must match the first language listed. Accepts standard BCP47 language codes. See specification.
    pub languages: Option<Vec<String>>,
    /// Country subdivision (states/provinces/etc) that surveys should be targeted to. For all countries except GB, ISO-3166-2 subdivision code is required (eg. 'US-OH' for Ohio, United States). For GB, NUTS 1 statistical region codes for the United Kingdom is required (eg. 'UK-UKC' for North East England).
    pub country_subdivision: Option<String>,
    /// Required country code that surveys should be targeted to. Accepts standard ISO 3166-1 2 character language codes. For instance, 'US' for the United States, and 'GB' for the United Kingdom.
    pub country: Option<String>,
    /// Optional gender to target.
    pub gender: Option<String>,
    /// Optional list of age buckets to target. Supported age buckets are: ['18-24', '25-34', '35-44', '45-54', '55-64', '65+']
    pub ages: Option<Vec<String>>,
    /// Online population source where the respondents are sampled from.
    pub population_source: Option<String>,

impl Part for SurveyAudience {}

/// Message defining the question specifications.
/// This type is not used in any activity, and only used as *part* of another schema.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SurveyQuestion {
    /// Option to force the user to pick one of the open text suggestions. This requires that suggestions are provided for this question.
    pub must_pick_suggestion: Option<bool>,
    /// The threshold/screener answer options, which will screen a user into the rest of the survey. These will be a subset of the answer option strings.
    pub threshold_answers: Option<Vec<String>>,
    /// Number of stars to use for ratings questions.
    pub num_stars: Option<String>,
    /// For rating questions, the text for the lower end of the scale, such as 'Worst'. For numeric questions, a string representing a floating-point that is the minimum allowed number for a response.
    pub low_value_label: Option<String>,
    /// The YouTube video ID to be show in video questions.
    pub video_id: Option<String>,
    /// Required list of answer options for a question.
    pub answers: Option<Vec<String>>,
    /// Option to allow open-ended text box for Single Answer and Multiple Answer question types. This can be used with SINGLE_ANSWER, SINGLE_ANSWER_WITH_IMAGE, MULTIPLE_ANSWERS, and MULTIPLE_ANSWERS_WITH_IMAGE question types.
    pub has_other: Option<bool>,
    /// no description provided
    pub images: Option<Vec<SurveyQuestionImage>>,
    /// Optional unit of measurement for display (for example: hours, people, miles).
    pub unit_of_measurement_label: Option<String>,
    /// Currently only support pinning an answer option to the last position.
    pub last_answer_position_pinned: Option<bool>,
    /// A list of suggested answers for open text question auto-complete. This is only valid if single_line_response is true.
    pub open_text_suggestions: Option<Vec<String>>,
    /// For rating questions, the text for the higher end of the scale, such as 'Best'. For numeric questions, a string representing a floating-point that is the maximum allowed number for a response.
    pub high_value_label: Option<String>,
    /// Required question text shown to the respondent.
    pub question: Option<String>,
    /// Used by the Rating Scale with Text question type. This text goes along with the question field that is presented to the respondent, and is the actual text that the respondent is asked to rate.
    pub sentiment_text: Option<String>,
    /// Option to allow multiple line open text responses instead of a single line response. Note that we don't show auto-complete suggestions with multiple line responses.
    pub single_line_response: Option<bool>,
    /// Required field defining the question type. For details about configuring different type of questions, consult the question configuration guide.
    pub type_: Option<String>,
    /// The randomization option for multiple choice and multi-select questions. If not specified, this option defaults to randomize.
    pub answer_order: Option<String>,
    /// Placeholder text for an open text question.
    pub open_text_placeholder: Option<String>,

impl Part for SurveyQuestion {}

/// Container object for image data and alt_text.
/// This type is not used in any activity, and only used as *part* of another schema.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SurveyQuestionImage {
    /// The read-only URL for the hosted images.
    pub url: Option<String>,
    /// The alt text property used in image tags is required for all images.
    pub alt_text: Option<String>,
    /// Inline jpeg, gif, tiff, bmp, or png image raw bytes for an image question types.
    pub data: Option<String>,

impl Part for SurveyQuestionImage {}

/// There is no detailed description.
/// # Activities
/// This type is used in activities, which are methods you may call on this type or where this type is involved in. 
/// The list links the activity name, along with information about where it is used (one of *request* and *response*).
/// * [get results](struct.ResultGetCall.html) (request)
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ResultsGetRequest {
    /// no description provided
    pub result_mask: Option<ResultsMask>,

impl RequestValue for ResultsGetRequest {}

/// There is no detailed description.
/// This type is not used in any activity, and only used as *part* of another schema.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ResultsMask {
    /// no description provided
    pub fields: Option<Vec<FieldMask>>,
    /// no description provided
    pub projection: Option<String>,

impl Part for ResultsMask {}

/// There is no detailed description.
/// # Activities
/// This type is used in activities, which are methods you may call on this type or where this type is involved in. 
/// The list links the activity name, along with information about where it is used (one of *request* and *response*).
/// * [delete surveys](struct.SurveyDeleteCall.html) (response)
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SurveysDeleteResponse {
    /// Unique request ID used for logging and debugging. Please include in any error reporting or troubleshooting requests.
    pub request_id: Option<String>,

impl ResponseResult for SurveysDeleteResponse {}

/// There is no detailed description.
/// This type is not used in any activity, and only used as *part* of another schema.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PageInfo {
    /// no description provided
    pub result_per_page: Option<i32>,
    /// no description provided
    pub start_index: Option<i32>,
    /// no description provided
    pub total_results: Option<i32>,

impl Part for PageInfo {}

/// There is no detailed description.
/// # Activities
/// This type is used in activities, which are methods you may call on this type or where this type is involved in. 
/// The list links the activity name, along with information about where it is used (one of *request* and *response*).
/// * [stop surveys](struct.SurveyStopCall.html) (response)
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SurveysStopResponse {
    /// Unique request ID used for logging and debugging. Please include in any error reporting or troubleshooting requests.
    pub request_id: Option<String>,

impl ResponseResult for SurveysStopResponse {}

// ###################
// MethodBuilders ###
// #################

/// A builder providing access to all methods supported on *survey* resources.
/// It is not used directly, but through the `Surveys` hub.
/// # Example
/// Instantiate a resource builder
/// ```test_harness,no_run
/// extern crate hyper;
/// extern crate hyper_rustls;
/// extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
/// extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
/// # #[test] fn egal() {
/// use std::default::Default;
/// use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
/// use surveys2::Surveys;
/// let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
/// let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
///                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
///                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
/// let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
/// // Usually you wouldn't bind this to a variable, but keep calling *CallBuilders*
/// // like `delete(...)`, `get(...)`, `insert(...)`, `list(...)`, `start(...)`, `stop(...)` and `update(...)`
/// // to build up your call.
/// let rb = hub.surveys();
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct SurveyMethods<'a, C, A>
    where C: 'a, A: 'a {

    hub: &'a Surveys<C, A>,

impl<'a, C, A> MethodsBuilder for SurveyMethods<'a, C, A> {}

impl<'a, C, A> SurveyMethods<'a, C, A> {
    /// Create a builder to help you perform the following task:
    /// Stops a running survey.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `resourceId` - No description provided.
    pub fn stop(&self, resource_id: &str) -> SurveyStopCall<'a, C, A> {
        SurveyStopCall {
            hub: self.hub,
            _resource_id: resource_id.to_string(),
            _delegate: Default::default(),
            _scopes: Default::default(),
            _additional_params: Default::default(),
    /// Create a builder to help you perform the following task:
    /// Creates a survey.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `request` - No description provided.
    pub fn insert(&self, request: Survey) -> SurveyInsertCall<'a, C, A> {
        SurveyInsertCall {
            hub: self.hub,
            _request: request,
            _delegate: Default::default(),
            _scopes: Default::default(),
            _additional_params: Default::default(),
    /// Create a builder to help you perform the following task:
    /// Removes a survey from view in all user GET requests.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `surveyUrlId` - External URL ID for the survey.
    pub fn delete(&self, survey_url_id: &str) -> SurveyDeleteCall<'a, C, A> {
        SurveyDeleteCall {
            hub: self.hub,
            _survey_url_id: survey_url_id.to_string(),
            _delegate: Default::default(),
            _scopes: Default::default(),
            _additional_params: Default::default(),
    /// Create a builder to help you perform the following task:
    /// Lists the surveys owned by the authenticated user.
    pub fn list(&self) -> SurveyListCall<'a, C, A> {
        SurveyListCall {
            hub: self.hub,
            _token: Default::default(),
            _start_index: Default::default(),
            _max_results: Default::default(),
            _delegate: Default::default(),
            _scopes: Default::default(),
            _additional_params: Default::default(),
    /// Create a builder to help you perform the following task:
    /// Updates a survey. Currently the only property that can be updated is the owners property.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `request` - No description provided.
    /// * `surveyUrlId` - External URL ID for the survey.
    pub fn update(&self, request: Survey, survey_url_id: &str) -> SurveyUpdateCall<'a, C, A> {
        SurveyUpdateCall {
            hub: self.hub,
            _request: request,
            _survey_url_id: survey_url_id.to_string(),
            _delegate: Default::default(),
            _scopes: Default::default(),
            _additional_params: Default::default(),
    /// Create a builder to help you perform the following task:
    /// Begins running a survey.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `request` - No description provided.
    /// * `resourceId` - No description provided.
    pub fn start(&self, request: SurveysStartRequest, resource_id: &str) -> SurveyStartCall<'a, C, A> {
        SurveyStartCall {
            hub: self.hub,
            _request: request,
            _resource_id: resource_id.to_string(),
            _delegate: Default::default(),
            _scopes: Default::default(),
            _additional_params: Default::default(),
    /// Create a builder to help you perform the following task:
    /// Retrieves information about the specified survey.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `surveyUrlId` - External URL ID for the survey.
    pub fn get(&self, survey_url_id: &str) -> SurveyGetCall<'a, C, A> {
        SurveyGetCall {
            hub: self.hub,
            _survey_url_id: survey_url_id.to_string(),
            _delegate: Default::default(),
            _scopes: Default::default(),
            _additional_params: Default::default(),

/// A builder providing access to all methods supported on *result* resources.
/// It is not used directly, but through the `Surveys` hub.
/// # Example
/// Instantiate a resource builder
/// ```test_harness,no_run
/// extern crate hyper;
/// extern crate hyper_rustls;
/// extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
/// extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
/// # #[test] fn egal() {
/// use std::default::Default;
/// use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
/// use surveys2::Surveys;
/// let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
/// let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
///                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
///                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
/// let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
/// // Usually you wouldn't bind this to a variable, but keep calling *CallBuilders*
/// // like `get(...)`
/// // to build up your call.
/// let rb = hub.results();
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct ResultMethods<'a, C, A>
    where C: 'a, A: 'a {

    hub: &'a Surveys<C, A>,

impl<'a, C, A> MethodsBuilder for ResultMethods<'a, C, A> {}

impl<'a, C, A> ResultMethods<'a, C, A> {
    /// Create a builder to help you perform the following task:
    /// Retrieves any survey results that have been produced so far. Results are formatted as an Excel file. You must add "?alt=media" to the URL as an argument to get results.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `request` - No description provided.
    /// * `surveyUrlId` - External URL ID for the survey.
    pub fn get(&self, request: ResultsGetRequest, survey_url_id: &str) -> ResultGetCall<'a, C, A> {
        ResultGetCall {
            hub: self.hub,
            _request: request,
            _survey_url_id: survey_url_id.to_string(),
            _delegate: Default::default(),
            _scopes: Default::default(),
            _additional_params: Default::default(),

// ###################
// CallBuilders   ###
// #################

/// Stops a running survey.
/// A builder for the *stop* method supported by a *survey* resource.
/// It is not used directly, but through a `SurveyMethods` instance.
/// # Example
/// Instantiate a resource method builder
/// ```test_harness,no_run
/// # extern crate hyper;
/// # extern crate hyper_rustls;
/// # extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
/// # extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
/// # #[test] fn egal() {
/// # use std::default::Default;
/// # use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
/// # use surveys2::Surveys;
/// # let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
/// # let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
/// #                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
/// #                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
/// # let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
/// // You can configure optional parameters by calling the respective setters at will, and
/// // execute the final call using `doit()`.
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let result = hub.surveys().stop("resourceId")
///              .doit();
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct SurveyStopCall<'a, C, A>
    where C: 'a, A: 'a {

    hub: &'a Surveys<C, A>,
    _resource_id: String,
    _delegate: Option<&'a mut dyn Delegate>,
    _additional_params: HashMap<String, String>,
    _scopes: BTreeMap<String, ()>

impl<'a, C, A> CallBuilder for SurveyStopCall<'a, C, A> {}

impl<'a, C, A> SurveyStopCall<'a, C, A> where C: BorrowMut<hyper::Client>, A: oauth2::GetToken {

    /// Perform the operation you have build so far.
    pub fn doit(mut self) -> Result<(hyper::client::Response, SurveysStopResponse)> {
        use std::io::{Read, Seek};
        use hyper::header::{ContentType, ContentLength, Authorization, Bearer, UserAgent, Location};
        let mut dd = DefaultDelegate;
        let mut dlg: &mut dyn Delegate = match self._delegate {
            Some(d) => d,
            None => &mut dd
        dlg.begin(MethodInfo { id: "surveys.surveys.stop",
                               http_method: hyper::method::Method::Post });
        let mut params: Vec<(&str, String)> = Vec::with_capacity(3 + self._additional_params.len());
        params.push(("resourceId", self._resource_id.to_string()));
        for &field in ["alt", "resourceId"].iter() {
            if self._additional_params.contains_key(field) {
                return Err(Error::FieldClash(field));
        for (name, value) in self._additional_params.iter() {
            params.push((&name, value.clone()));

        params.push(("alt", "json".to_string()));

        let mut url = self.hub._base_url.clone() + "surveys/{resourceId}/stop";
        if self._scopes.len() == 0 {
            self._scopes.insert(Scope::Full.as_ref().to_string(), ());

        for &(find_this, param_name) in [("{resourceId}", "resourceId")].iter() {
            let mut replace_with: Option<&str> = None;
            for &(name, ref value) in params.iter() {
                if name == param_name {
                    replace_with = Some(value);
            url = url.replace(find_this, replace_with.expect("to find substitution value in params"));
            let mut indices_for_removal: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(1);
            for param_name in ["resourceId"].iter() {
                if let Some(index) = params.iter().position(|t| &t.0 == param_name) {
            for &index in indices_for_removal.iter() {

        let url = hyper::Url::parse_with_params(&url, params).unwrap();

        loop {
            let token = match self.hub.auth.borrow_mut().token(self._scopes.keys()) {
                Ok(token) => token,
                Err(err) => {
                    match  dlg.token(&*err) {
                        Some(token) => token,
                        None => {
                            return Err(Error::MissingToken(err))
            let auth_header = Authorization(Bearer { token: token.access_token });
            let mut req_result = {
                let mut client = &mut *self.hub.client.borrow_mut();
                let mut req = client.borrow_mut().request(hyper::method::Method::Post, url.clone())


            match req_result {
                Err(err) => {
                    if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_error(&err) {
                    return Err(Error::HttpError(err))
                Ok(mut res) => {
                    if !res.status.is_success() {
                        let mut json_err = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_err).unwrap();

                        let json_server_error = json::from_str::<JsonServerError>(&json_err).ok();
                        let server_error = json::from_str::<ServerError>(&json_err)
                            .or_else(|_| json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err).map(|r| r.error))

                        if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_failure(&res,
                                                              server_error) {
                        return match json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err){
                            Err(_) => Err(Error::Failure(res)),
                            Ok(serr) => Err(Error::BadRequest(serr))
                    let result_value = {
                        let mut json_response = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_response).unwrap();
                        match json::from_str(&json_response) {
                            Ok(decoded) => (res, decoded),
                            Err(err) => {
                                dlg.response_json_decode_error(&json_response, &err);
                                return Err(Error::JsonDecodeError(json_response, err));

                    return Ok(result_value)

    /// Sets the *resource id* path property to the given value.
    /// Even though the property as already been set when instantiating this call,
    /// we provide this method for API completeness.
    pub fn resource_id(mut self, new_value: &str) -> SurveyStopCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._resource_id = new_value.to_string();
    /// The delegate implementation is consulted whenever there is an intermediate result, or if something goes wrong
    /// while executing the actual API request.
    /// It should be used to handle progress information, and to implement a certain level of resilience.
    /// Sets the *delegate* property to the given value.
    pub fn delegate(mut self, new_value: &'a mut dyn Delegate) -> SurveyStopCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._delegate = Some(new_value);

    /// Set any additional parameter of the query string used in the request.
    /// It should be used to set parameters which are not yet available through their own
    /// setters.
    /// Please note that this method must not be used to set any of the known parameters
    /// which have their own setter method. If done anyway, the request will fail.
    /// # Additional Parameters
    /// * *quotaUser* (query-string) - An opaque string that represents a user for quota purposes. Must not exceed 40 characters.
    /// * *oauth_token* (query-string) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
    /// * *key* (query-string) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
    /// * *prettyPrint* (query-boolean) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
    /// * *userIp* (query-string) - Deprecated. Please use quotaUser instead.
    /// * *fields* (query-string) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
    /// * *alt* (query-string) - Data format for the response.
    pub fn param<T>(mut self, name: T, value: T) -> SurveyStopCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: AsRef<str> {
        self._additional_params.insert(name.as_ref().to_string(), value.as_ref().to_string());

    /// Identifies the authorization scope for the method you are building.
    /// Use this method to actively specify which scope should be used, instead the default `Scope` variant
    /// `Scope::Full`.
    /// The `scope` will be added to a set of scopes. This is important as one can maintain access
    /// tokens for more than one scope.
    /// If `None` is specified, then all scopes will be removed and no default scope will be used either.
    /// In that case, you have to specify your API-key using the `key` parameter (see the `param()`
    /// function for details).
    /// Usually there is more than one suitable scope to authorize an operation, some of which may
    /// encompass more rights than others. For example, for listing resources, a *read-only* scope will be
    /// sufficient, a read-write scope will do as well.
    pub fn add_scope<T, S>(mut self, scope: T) -> SurveyStopCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: Into<Option<S>>,
                                                              S: AsRef<str> {
        match scope.into() {
          Some(scope) => self._scopes.insert(scope.as_ref().to_string(), ()),
          None => None,

/// Creates a survey.
/// A builder for the *insert* method supported by a *survey* resource.
/// It is not used directly, but through a `SurveyMethods` instance.
/// # Example
/// Instantiate a resource method builder
/// ```test_harness,no_run
/// # extern crate hyper;
/// # extern crate hyper_rustls;
/// # extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
/// # extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
/// use surveys2::Survey;
/// # #[test] fn egal() {
/// # use std::default::Default;
/// # use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
/// # use surveys2::Surveys;
/// # let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
/// # let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
/// #                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
/// #                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
/// # let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
/// // As the method needs a request, you would usually fill it with the desired information
/// // into the respective structure. Some of the parts shown here might not be applicable !
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let mut req = Survey::default();
/// // You can configure optional parameters by calling the respective setters at will, and
/// // execute the final call using `doit()`.
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let result = hub.surveys().insert(req)
///              .doit();
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct SurveyInsertCall<'a, C, A>
    where C: 'a, A: 'a {

    hub: &'a Surveys<C, A>,
    _request: Survey,
    _delegate: Option<&'a mut dyn Delegate>,
    _additional_params: HashMap<String, String>,
    _scopes: BTreeMap<String, ()>

impl<'a, C, A> CallBuilder for SurveyInsertCall<'a, C, A> {}

impl<'a, C, A> SurveyInsertCall<'a, C, A> where C: BorrowMut<hyper::Client>, A: oauth2::GetToken {

    /// Perform the operation you have build so far.
    pub fn doit(mut self) -> Result<(hyper::client::Response, Survey)> {
        use std::io::{Read, Seek};
        use hyper::header::{ContentType, ContentLength, Authorization, Bearer, UserAgent, Location};
        let mut dd = DefaultDelegate;
        let mut dlg: &mut dyn Delegate = match self._delegate {
            Some(d) => d,
            None => &mut dd
        dlg.begin(MethodInfo { id: "surveys.surveys.insert",
                               http_method: hyper::method::Method::Post });
        let mut params: Vec<(&str, String)> = Vec::with_capacity(3 + self._additional_params.len());
        for &field in ["alt"].iter() {
            if self._additional_params.contains_key(field) {
                return Err(Error::FieldClash(field));
        for (name, value) in self._additional_params.iter() {
            params.push((&name, value.clone()));

        params.push(("alt", "json".to_string()));

        let mut url = self.hub._base_url.clone() + "surveys";
        if self._scopes.len() == 0 {
            self._scopes.insert(Scope::Full.as_ref().to_string(), ());

        let url = hyper::Url::parse_with_params(&url, params).unwrap();

        let mut json_mime_type = mime::Mime(mime::TopLevel::Application, mime::SubLevel::Json, Default::default());
        let mut request_value_reader =
                let mut value = json::value::to_value(&self._request).expect("serde to work");
                remove_json_null_values(&mut value);
                let mut dst = io::Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(128));
                json::to_writer(&mut dst, &value).unwrap();
        let request_size =;;

        loop {
            let token = match self.hub.auth.borrow_mut().token(self._scopes.keys()) {
                Ok(token) => token,
                Err(err) => {
                    match  dlg.token(&*err) {
                        Some(token) => token,
                        None => {
                            return Err(Error::MissingToken(err))
            let auth_header = Authorization(Bearer { token: token.access_token });
            let mut req_result = {
                let mut client = &mut *self.hub.client.borrow_mut();
                let mut req = client.borrow_mut().request(hyper::method::Method::Post, url.clone())
                    .header(ContentLength(request_size as u64))
                    .body(&mut request_value_reader);


            match req_result {
                Err(err) => {
                    if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_error(&err) {
                    return Err(Error::HttpError(err))
                Ok(mut res) => {
                    if !res.status.is_success() {
                        let mut json_err = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_err).unwrap();

                        let json_server_error = json::from_str::<JsonServerError>(&json_err).ok();
                        let server_error = json::from_str::<ServerError>(&json_err)
                            .or_else(|_| json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err).map(|r| r.error))

                        if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_failure(&res,
                                                              server_error) {
                        return match json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err){
                            Err(_) => Err(Error::Failure(res)),
                            Ok(serr) => Err(Error::BadRequest(serr))
                    let result_value = {
                        let mut json_response = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_response).unwrap();
                        match json::from_str(&json_response) {
                            Ok(decoded) => (res, decoded),
                            Err(err) => {
                                dlg.response_json_decode_error(&json_response, &err);
                                return Err(Error::JsonDecodeError(json_response, err));

                    return Ok(result_value)

    /// Sets the *request* property to the given value.
    /// Even though the property as already been set when instantiating this call,
    /// we provide this method for API completeness.
    pub fn request(mut self, new_value: Survey) -> SurveyInsertCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._request = new_value;
    /// The delegate implementation is consulted whenever there is an intermediate result, or if something goes wrong
    /// while executing the actual API request.
    /// It should be used to handle progress information, and to implement a certain level of resilience.
    /// Sets the *delegate* property to the given value.
    pub fn delegate(mut self, new_value: &'a mut dyn Delegate) -> SurveyInsertCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._delegate = Some(new_value);

    /// Set any additional parameter of the query string used in the request.
    /// It should be used to set parameters which are not yet available through their own
    /// setters.
    /// Please note that this method must not be used to set any of the known parameters
    /// which have their own setter method. If done anyway, the request will fail.
    /// # Additional Parameters
    /// * *quotaUser* (query-string) - An opaque string that represents a user for quota purposes. Must not exceed 40 characters.
    /// * *oauth_token* (query-string) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
    /// * *key* (query-string) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
    /// * *prettyPrint* (query-boolean) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
    /// * *userIp* (query-string) - Deprecated. Please use quotaUser instead.
    /// * *fields* (query-string) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
    /// * *alt* (query-string) - Data format for the response.
    pub fn param<T>(mut self, name: T, value: T) -> SurveyInsertCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: AsRef<str> {
        self._additional_params.insert(name.as_ref().to_string(), value.as_ref().to_string());

    /// Identifies the authorization scope for the method you are building.
    /// Use this method to actively specify which scope should be used, instead the default `Scope` variant
    /// `Scope::Full`.
    /// The `scope` will be added to a set of scopes. This is important as one can maintain access
    /// tokens for more than one scope.
    /// If `None` is specified, then all scopes will be removed and no default scope will be used either.
    /// In that case, you have to specify your API-key using the `key` parameter (see the `param()`
    /// function for details).
    /// Usually there is more than one suitable scope to authorize an operation, some of which may
    /// encompass more rights than others. For example, for listing resources, a *read-only* scope will be
    /// sufficient, a read-write scope will do as well.
    pub fn add_scope<T, S>(mut self, scope: T) -> SurveyInsertCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: Into<Option<S>>,
                                                              S: AsRef<str> {
        match scope.into() {
          Some(scope) => self._scopes.insert(scope.as_ref().to_string(), ()),
          None => None,

/// Removes a survey from view in all user GET requests.
/// A builder for the *delete* method supported by a *survey* resource.
/// It is not used directly, but through a `SurveyMethods` instance.
/// # Example
/// Instantiate a resource method builder
/// ```test_harness,no_run
/// # extern crate hyper;
/// # extern crate hyper_rustls;
/// # extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
/// # extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
/// # #[test] fn egal() {
/// # use std::default::Default;
/// # use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
/// # use surveys2::Surveys;
/// # let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
/// # let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
/// #                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
/// #                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
/// # let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
/// // You can configure optional parameters by calling the respective setters at will, and
/// // execute the final call using `doit()`.
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let result = hub.surveys().delete("surveyUrlId")
///              .doit();
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct SurveyDeleteCall<'a, C, A>
    where C: 'a, A: 'a {

    hub: &'a Surveys<C, A>,
    _survey_url_id: String,
    _delegate: Option<&'a mut dyn Delegate>,
    _additional_params: HashMap<String, String>,
    _scopes: BTreeMap<String, ()>

impl<'a, C, A> CallBuilder for SurveyDeleteCall<'a, C, A> {}

impl<'a, C, A> SurveyDeleteCall<'a, C, A> where C: BorrowMut<hyper::Client>, A: oauth2::GetToken {

    /// Perform the operation you have build so far.
    pub fn doit(mut self) -> Result<(hyper::client::Response, SurveysDeleteResponse)> {
        use std::io::{Read, Seek};
        use hyper::header::{ContentType, ContentLength, Authorization, Bearer, UserAgent, Location};
        let mut dd = DefaultDelegate;
        let mut dlg: &mut dyn Delegate = match self._delegate {
            Some(d) => d,
            None => &mut dd
        dlg.begin(MethodInfo { id: "surveys.surveys.delete",
                               http_method: hyper::method::Method::Delete });
        let mut params: Vec<(&str, String)> = Vec::with_capacity(3 + self._additional_params.len());
        params.push(("surveyUrlId", self._survey_url_id.to_string()));
        for &field in ["alt", "surveyUrlId"].iter() {
            if self._additional_params.contains_key(field) {
                return Err(Error::FieldClash(field));
        for (name, value) in self._additional_params.iter() {
            params.push((&name, value.clone()));

        params.push(("alt", "json".to_string()));

        let mut url = self.hub._base_url.clone() + "surveys/{surveyUrlId}";
        if self._scopes.len() == 0 {
            self._scopes.insert(Scope::Full.as_ref().to_string(), ());

        for &(find_this, param_name) in [("{surveyUrlId}", "surveyUrlId")].iter() {
            let mut replace_with: Option<&str> = None;
            for &(name, ref value) in params.iter() {
                if name == param_name {
                    replace_with = Some(value);
            url = url.replace(find_this, replace_with.expect("to find substitution value in params"));
            let mut indices_for_removal: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(1);
            for param_name in ["surveyUrlId"].iter() {
                if let Some(index) = params.iter().position(|t| &t.0 == param_name) {
            for &index in indices_for_removal.iter() {

        let url = hyper::Url::parse_with_params(&url, params).unwrap();

        loop {
            let token = match self.hub.auth.borrow_mut().token(self._scopes.keys()) {
                Ok(token) => token,
                Err(err) => {
                    match  dlg.token(&*err) {
                        Some(token) => token,
                        None => {
                            return Err(Error::MissingToken(err))
            let auth_header = Authorization(Bearer { token: token.access_token });
            let mut req_result = {
                let mut client = &mut *self.hub.client.borrow_mut();
                let mut req = client.borrow_mut().request(hyper::method::Method::Delete, url.clone())


            match req_result {
                Err(err) => {
                    if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_error(&err) {
                    return Err(Error::HttpError(err))
                Ok(mut res) => {
                    if !res.status.is_success() {
                        let mut json_err = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_err).unwrap();

                        let json_server_error = json::from_str::<JsonServerError>(&json_err).ok();
                        let server_error = json::from_str::<ServerError>(&json_err)
                            .or_else(|_| json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err).map(|r| r.error))

                        if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_failure(&res,
                                                              server_error) {
                        return match json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err){
                            Err(_) => Err(Error::Failure(res)),
                            Ok(serr) => Err(Error::BadRequest(serr))
                    let result_value = {
                        let mut json_response = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_response).unwrap();
                        match json::from_str(&json_response) {
                            Ok(decoded) => (res, decoded),
                            Err(err) => {
                                dlg.response_json_decode_error(&json_response, &err);
                                return Err(Error::JsonDecodeError(json_response, err));

                    return Ok(result_value)

    /// External URL ID for the survey.
    /// Sets the *survey url id* path property to the given value.
    /// Even though the property as already been set when instantiating this call,
    /// we provide this method for API completeness.
    pub fn survey_url_id(mut self, new_value: &str) -> SurveyDeleteCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._survey_url_id = new_value.to_string();
    /// The delegate implementation is consulted whenever there is an intermediate result, or if something goes wrong
    /// while executing the actual API request.
    /// It should be used to handle progress information, and to implement a certain level of resilience.
    /// Sets the *delegate* property to the given value.
    pub fn delegate(mut self, new_value: &'a mut dyn Delegate) -> SurveyDeleteCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._delegate = Some(new_value);

    /// Set any additional parameter of the query string used in the request.
    /// It should be used to set parameters which are not yet available through their own
    /// setters.
    /// Please note that this method must not be used to set any of the known parameters
    /// which have their own setter method. If done anyway, the request will fail.
    /// # Additional Parameters
    /// * *quotaUser* (query-string) - An opaque string that represents a user for quota purposes. Must not exceed 40 characters.
    /// * *oauth_token* (query-string) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
    /// * *key* (query-string) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
    /// * *prettyPrint* (query-boolean) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
    /// * *userIp* (query-string) - Deprecated. Please use quotaUser instead.
    /// * *fields* (query-string) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
    /// * *alt* (query-string) - Data format for the response.
    pub fn param<T>(mut self, name: T, value: T) -> SurveyDeleteCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: AsRef<str> {
        self._additional_params.insert(name.as_ref().to_string(), value.as_ref().to_string());

    /// Identifies the authorization scope for the method you are building.
    /// Use this method to actively specify which scope should be used, instead the default `Scope` variant
    /// `Scope::Full`.
    /// The `scope` will be added to a set of scopes. This is important as one can maintain access
    /// tokens for more than one scope.
    /// If `None` is specified, then all scopes will be removed and no default scope will be used either.
    /// In that case, you have to specify your API-key using the `key` parameter (see the `param()`
    /// function for details).
    /// Usually there is more than one suitable scope to authorize an operation, some of which may
    /// encompass more rights than others. For example, for listing resources, a *read-only* scope will be
    /// sufficient, a read-write scope will do as well.
    pub fn add_scope<T, S>(mut self, scope: T) -> SurveyDeleteCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: Into<Option<S>>,
                                                              S: AsRef<str> {
        match scope.into() {
          Some(scope) => self._scopes.insert(scope.as_ref().to_string(), ()),
          None => None,

/// Lists the surveys owned by the authenticated user.
/// A builder for the *list* method supported by a *survey* resource.
/// It is not used directly, but through a `SurveyMethods` instance.
/// # Example
/// Instantiate a resource method builder
/// ```test_harness,no_run
/// # extern crate hyper;
/// # extern crate hyper_rustls;
/// # extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
/// # extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
/// # #[test] fn egal() {
/// # use std::default::Default;
/// # use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
/// # use surveys2::Surveys;
/// # let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
/// # let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
/// #                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
/// #                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
/// # let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
/// // You can configure optional parameters by calling the respective setters at will, and
/// // execute the final call using `doit()`.
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let result = hub.surveys().list()
///              .token("erat")
///              .start_index(66)
///              .max_results(92)
///              .doit();
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct SurveyListCall<'a, C, A>
    where C: 'a, A: 'a {

    hub: &'a Surveys<C, A>,
    _token: Option<String>,
    _start_index: Option<u32>,
    _max_results: Option<u32>,
    _delegate: Option<&'a mut dyn Delegate>,
    _additional_params: HashMap<String, String>,
    _scopes: BTreeMap<String, ()>

impl<'a, C, A> CallBuilder for SurveyListCall<'a, C, A> {}

impl<'a, C, A> SurveyListCall<'a, C, A> where C: BorrowMut<hyper::Client>, A: oauth2::GetToken {

    /// Perform the operation you have build so far.
    pub fn doit(mut self) -> Result<(hyper::client::Response, SurveysListResponse)> {
        use std::io::{Read, Seek};
        use hyper::header::{ContentType, ContentLength, Authorization, Bearer, UserAgent, Location};
        let mut dd = DefaultDelegate;
        let mut dlg: &mut dyn Delegate = match self._delegate {
            Some(d) => d,
            None => &mut dd
        dlg.begin(MethodInfo { id: "surveys.surveys.list",
                               http_method: hyper::method::Method::Get });
        let mut params: Vec<(&str, String)> = Vec::with_capacity(5 + self._additional_params.len());
        if let Some(value) = self._token {
            params.push(("token", value.to_string()));
        if let Some(value) = self._start_index {
            params.push(("startIndex", value.to_string()));
        if let Some(value) = self._max_results {
            params.push(("maxResults", value.to_string()));
        for &field in ["alt", "token", "startIndex", "maxResults"].iter() {
            if self._additional_params.contains_key(field) {
                return Err(Error::FieldClash(field));
        for (name, value) in self._additional_params.iter() {
            params.push((&name, value.clone()));

        params.push(("alt", "json".to_string()));

        let mut url = self.hub._base_url.clone() + "surveys";
        if self._scopes.len() == 0 {
            self._scopes.insert(Scope::Readonly.as_ref().to_string(), ());

        let url = hyper::Url::parse_with_params(&url, params).unwrap();

        loop {
            let token = match self.hub.auth.borrow_mut().token(self._scopes.keys()) {
                Ok(token) => token,
                Err(err) => {
                    match  dlg.token(&*err) {
                        Some(token) => token,
                        None => {
                            return Err(Error::MissingToken(err))
            let auth_header = Authorization(Bearer { token: token.access_token });
            let mut req_result = {
                let mut client = &mut *self.hub.client.borrow_mut();
                let mut req = client.borrow_mut().request(hyper::method::Method::Get, url.clone())


            match req_result {
                Err(err) => {
                    if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_error(&err) {
                    return Err(Error::HttpError(err))
                Ok(mut res) => {
                    if !res.status.is_success() {
                        let mut json_err = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_err).unwrap();

                        let json_server_error = json::from_str::<JsonServerError>(&json_err).ok();
                        let server_error = json::from_str::<ServerError>(&json_err)
                            .or_else(|_| json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err).map(|r| r.error))

                        if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_failure(&res,
                                                              server_error) {
                        return match json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err){
                            Err(_) => Err(Error::Failure(res)),
                            Ok(serr) => Err(Error::BadRequest(serr))
                    let result_value = {
                        let mut json_response = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_response).unwrap();
                        match json::from_str(&json_response) {
                            Ok(decoded) => (res, decoded),
                            Err(err) => {
                                dlg.response_json_decode_error(&json_response, &err);
                                return Err(Error::JsonDecodeError(json_response, err));

                    return Ok(result_value)

    /// Sets the *token* query property to the given value.
    pub fn token(mut self, new_value: &str) -> SurveyListCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._token = Some(new_value.to_string());
    /// Sets the *start index* query property to the given value.
    pub fn start_index(mut self, new_value: u32) -> SurveyListCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._start_index = Some(new_value);
    /// Sets the *max results* query property to the given value.
    pub fn max_results(mut self, new_value: u32) -> SurveyListCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._max_results = Some(new_value);
    /// The delegate implementation is consulted whenever there is an intermediate result, or if something goes wrong
    /// while executing the actual API request.
    /// It should be used to handle progress information, and to implement a certain level of resilience.
    /// Sets the *delegate* property to the given value.
    pub fn delegate(mut self, new_value: &'a mut dyn Delegate) -> SurveyListCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._delegate = Some(new_value);

    /// Set any additional parameter of the query string used in the request.
    /// It should be used to set parameters which are not yet available through their own
    /// setters.
    /// Please note that this method must not be used to set any of the known parameters
    /// which have their own setter method. If done anyway, the request will fail.
    /// # Additional Parameters
    /// * *quotaUser* (query-string) - An opaque string that represents a user for quota purposes. Must not exceed 40 characters.
    /// * *oauth_token* (query-string) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
    /// * *key* (query-string) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
    /// * *prettyPrint* (query-boolean) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
    /// * *userIp* (query-string) - Deprecated. Please use quotaUser instead.
    /// * *fields* (query-string) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
    /// * *alt* (query-string) - Data format for the response.
    pub fn param<T>(mut self, name: T, value: T) -> SurveyListCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: AsRef<str> {
        self._additional_params.insert(name.as_ref().to_string(), value.as_ref().to_string());

    /// Identifies the authorization scope for the method you are building.
    /// Use this method to actively specify which scope should be used, instead the default `Scope` variant
    /// `Scope::Readonly`.
    /// The `scope` will be added to a set of scopes. This is important as one can maintain access
    /// tokens for more than one scope.
    /// If `None` is specified, then all scopes will be removed and no default scope will be used either.
    /// In that case, you have to specify your API-key using the `key` parameter (see the `param()`
    /// function for details).
    /// Usually there is more than one suitable scope to authorize an operation, some of which may
    /// encompass more rights than others. For example, for listing resources, a *read-only* scope will be
    /// sufficient, a read-write scope will do as well.
    pub fn add_scope<T, S>(mut self, scope: T) -> SurveyListCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: Into<Option<S>>,
                                                              S: AsRef<str> {
        match scope.into() {
          Some(scope) => self._scopes.insert(scope.as_ref().to_string(), ()),
          None => None,

/// Updates a survey. Currently the only property that can be updated is the owners property.
/// A builder for the *update* method supported by a *survey* resource.
/// It is not used directly, but through a `SurveyMethods` instance.
/// # Example
/// Instantiate a resource method builder
/// ```test_harness,no_run
/// # extern crate hyper;
/// # extern crate hyper_rustls;
/// # extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
/// # extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
/// use surveys2::Survey;
/// # #[test] fn egal() {
/// # use std::default::Default;
/// # use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
/// # use surveys2::Surveys;
/// # let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
/// # let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
/// #                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
/// #                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
/// # let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
/// // As the method needs a request, you would usually fill it with the desired information
/// // into the respective structure. Some of the parts shown here might not be applicable !
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let mut req = Survey::default();
/// // You can configure optional parameters by calling the respective setters at will, and
/// // execute the final call using `doit()`.
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let result = hub.surveys().update(req, "surveyUrlId")
///              .doit();
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct SurveyUpdateCall<'a, C, A>
    where C: 'a, A: 'a {

    hub: &'a Surveys<C, A>,
    _request: Survey,
    _survey_url_id: String,
    _delegate: Option<&'a mut dyn Delegate>,
    _additional_params: HashMap<String, String>,
    _scopes: BTreeMap<String, ()>

impl<'a, C, A> CallBuilder for SurveyUpdateCall<'a, C, A> {}

impl<'a, C, A> SurveyUpdateCall<'a, C, A> where C: BorrowMut<hyper::Client>, A: oauth2::GetToken {

    /// Perform the operation you have build so far.
    pub fn doit(mut self) -> Result<(hyper::client::Response, Survey)> {
        use std::io::{Read, Seek};
        use hyper::header::{ContentType, ContentLength, Authorization, Bearer, UserAgent, Location};
        let mut dd = DefaultDelegate;
        let mut dlg: &mut dyn Delegate = match self._delegate {
            Some(d) => d,
            None => &mut dd
        dlg.begin(MethodInfo { id: "surveys.surveys.update",
                               http_method: hyper::method::Method::Put });
        let mut params: Vec<(&str, String)> = Vec::with_capacity(4 + self._additional_params.len());
        params.push(("surveyUrlId", self._survey_url_id.to_string()));
        for &field in ["alt", "surveyUrlId"].iter() {
            if self._additional_params.contains_key(field) {
                return Err(Error::FieldClash(field));
        for (name, value) in self._additional_params.iter() {
            params.push((&name, value.clone()));

        params.push(("alt", "json".to_string()));

        let mut url = self.hub._base_url.clone() + "surveys/{surveyUrlId}";
        if self._scopes.len() == 0 {
            self._scopes.insert(Scope::Full.as_ref().to_string(), ());

        for &(find_this, param_name) in [("{surveyUrlId}", "surveyUrlId")].iter() {
            let mut replace_with: Option<&str> = None;
            for &(name, ref value) in params.iter() {
                if name == param_name {
                    replace_with = Some(value);
            url = url.replace(find_this, replace_with.expect("to find substitution value in params"));
            let mut indices_for_removal: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(1);
            for param_name in ["surveyUrlId"].iter() {
                if let Some(index) = params.iter().position(|t| &t.0 == param_name) {
            for &index in indices_for_removal.iter() {

        let url = hyper::Url::parse_with_params(&url, params).unwrap();

        let mut json_mime_type = mime::Mime(mime::TopLevel::Application, mime::SubLevel::Json, Default::default());
        let mut request_value_reader =
                let mut value = json::value::to_value(&self._request).expect("serde to work");
                remove_json_null_values(&mut value);
                let mut dst = io::Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(128));
                json::to_writer(&mut dst, &value).unwrap();
        let request_size =;;

        loop {
            let token = match self.hub.auth.borrow_mut().token(self._scopes.keys()) {
                Ok(token) => token,
                Err(err) => {
                    match  dlg.token(&*err) {
                        Some(token) => token,
                        None => {
                            return Err(Error::MissingToken(err))
            let auth_header = Authorization(Bearer { token: token.access_token });
            let mut req_result = {
                let mut client = &mut *self.hub.client.borrow_mut();
                let mut req = client.borrow_mut().request(hyper::method::Method::Put, url.clone())
                    .header(ContentLength(request_size as u64))
                    .body(&mut request_value_reader);


            match req_result {
                Err(err) => {
                    if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_error(&err) {
                    return Err(Error::HttpError(err))
                Ok(mut res) => {
                    if !res.status.is_success() {
                        let mut json_err = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_err).unwrap();

                        let json_server_error = json::from_str::<JsonServerError>(&json_err).ok();
                        let server_error = json::from_str::<ServerError>(&json_err)
                            .or_else(|_| json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err).map(|r| r.error))

                        if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_failure(&res,
                                                              server_error) {
                        return match json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err){
                            Err(_) => Err(Error::Failure(res)),
                            Ok(serr) => Err(Error::BadRequest(serr))
                    let result_value = {
                        let mut json_response = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_response).unwrap();
                        match json::from_str(&json_response) {
                            Ok(decoded) => (res, decoded),
                            Err(err) => {
                                dlg.response_json_decode_error(&json_response, &err);
                                return Err(Error::JsonDecodeError(json_response, err));

                    return Ok(result_value)

    /// Sets the *request* property to the given value.
    /// Even though the property as already been set when instantiating this call,
    /// we provide this method for API completeness.
    pub fn request(mut self, new_value: Survey) -> SurveyUpdateCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._request = new_value;
    /// External URL ID for the survey.
    /// Sets the *survey url id* path property to the given value.
    /// Even though the property as already been set when instantiating this call,
    /// we provide this method for API completeness.
    pub fn survey_url_id(mut self, new_value: &str) -> SurveyUpdateCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._survey_url_id = new_value.to_string();
    /// The delegate implementation is consulted whenever there is an intermediate result, or if something goes wrong
    /// while executing the actual API request.
    /// It should be used to handle progress information, and to implement a certain level of resilience.
    /// Sets the *delegate* property to the given value.
    pub fn delegate(mut self, new_value: &'a mut dyn Delegate) -> SurveyUpdateCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._delegate = Some(new_value);

    /// Set any additional parameter of the query string used in the request.
    /// It should be used to set parameters which are not yet available through their own
    /// setters.
    /// Please note that this method must not be used to set any of the known parameters
    /// which have their own setter method. If done anyway, the request will fail.
    /// # Additional Parameters
    /// * *quotaUser* (query-string) - An opaque string that represents a user for quota purposes. Must not exceed 40 characters.
    /// * *oauth_token* (query-string) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
    /// * *key* (query-string) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
    /// * *prettyPrint* (query-boolean) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
    /// * *userIp* (query-string) - Deprecated. Please use quotaUser instead.
    /// * *fields* (query-string) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
    /// * *alt* (query-string) - Data format for the response.
    pub fn param<T>(mut self, name: T, value: T) -> SurveyUpdateCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: AsRef<str> {
        self._additional_params.insert(name.as_ref().to_string(), value.as_ref().to_string());

    /// Identifies the authorization scope for the method you are building.
    /// Use this method to actively specify which scope should be used, instead the default `Scope` variant
    /// `Scope::Full`.
    /// The `scope` will be added to a set of scopes. This is important as one can maintain access
    /// tokens for more than one scope.
    /// If `None` is specified, then all scopes will be removed and no default scope will be used either.
    /// In that case, you have to specify your API-key using the `key` parameter (see the `param()`
    /// function for details).
    /// Usually there is more than one suitable scope to authorize an operation, some of which may
    /// encompass more rights than others. For example, for listing resources, a *read-only* scope will be
    /// sufficient, a read-write scope will do as well.
    pub fn add_scope<T, S>(mut self, scope: T) -> SurveyUpdateCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: Into<Option<S>>,
                                                              S: AsRef<str> {
        match scope.into() {
          Some(scope) => self._scopes.insert(scope.as_ref().to_string(), ()),
          None => None,

/// Begins running a survey.
/// A builder for the *start* method supported by a *survey* resource.
/// It is not used directly, but through a `SurveyMethods` instance.
/// # Example
/// Instantiate a resource method builder
/// ```test_harness,no_run
/// # extern crate hyper;
/// # extern crate hyper_rustls;
/// # extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
/// # extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
/// use surveys2::SurveysStartRequest;
/// # #[test] fn egal() {
/// # use std::default::Default;
/// # use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
/// # use surveys2::Surveys;
/// # let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
/// # let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
/// #                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
/// #                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
/// # let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
/// // As the method needs a request, you would usually fill it with the desired information
/// // into the respective structure. Some of the parts shown here might not be applicable !
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let mut req = SurveysStartRequest::default();
/// // You can configure optional parameters by calling the respective setters at will, and
/// // execute the final call using `doit()`.
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let result = hub.surveys().start(req, "resourceId")
///              .doit();
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct SurveyStartCall<'a, C, A>
    where C: 'a, A: 'a {

    hub: &'a Surveys<C, A>,
    _request: SurveysStartRequest,
    _resource_id: String,
    _delegate: Option<&'a mut dyn Delegate>,
    _additional_params: HashMap<String, String>,
    _scopes: BTreeMap<String, ()>

impl<'a, C, A> CallBuilder for SurveyStartCall<'a, C, A> {}

impl<'a, C, A> SurveyStartCall<'a, C, A> where C: BorrowMut<hyper::Client>, A: oauth2::GetToken {

    /// Perform the operation you have build so far.
    pub fn doit(mut self) -> Result<(hyper::client::Response, SurveysStartResponse)> {
        use std::io::{Read, Seek};
        use hyper::header::{ContentType, ContentLength, Authorization, Bearer, UserAgent, Location};
        let mut dd = DefaultDelegate;
        let mut dlg: &mut dyn Delegate = match self._delegate {
            Some(d) => d,
            None => &mut dd
        dlg.begin(MethodInfo { id: "surveys.surveys.start",
                               http_method: hyper::method::Method::Post });
        let mut params: Vec<(&str, String)> = Vec::with_capacity(4 + self._additional_params.len());
        params.push(("resourceId", self._resource_id.to_string()));
        for &field in ["alt", "resourceId"].iter() {
            if self._additional_params.contains_key(field) {
                return Err(Error::FieldClash(field));
        for (name, value) in self._additional_params.iter() {
            params.push((&name, value.clone()));

        params.push(("alt", "json".to_string()));

        let mut url = self.hub._base_url.clone() + "surveys/{resourceId}/start";
        if self._scopes.len() == 0 {
            self._scopes.insert(Scope::Full.as_ref().to_string(), ());

        for &(find_this, param_name) in [("{resourceId}", "resourceId")].iter() {
            let mut replace_with: Option<&str> = None;
            for &(name, ref value) in params.iter() {
                if name == param_name {
                    replace_with = Some(value);
            url = url.replace(find_this, replace_with.expect("to find substitution value in params"));
            let mut indices_for_removal: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(1);
            for param_name in ["resourceId"].iter() {
                if let Some(index) = params.iter().position(|t| &t.0 == param_name) {
            for &index in indices_for_removal.iter() {

        let url = hyper::Url::parse_with_params(&url, params).unwrap();

        let mut json_mime_type = mime::Mime(mime::TopLevel::Application, mime::SubLevel::Json, Default::default());
        let mut request_value_reader =
                let mut value = json::value::to_value(&self._request).expect("serde to work");
                remove_json_null_values(&mut value);
                let mut dst = io::Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(128));
                json::to_writer(&mut dst, &value).unwrap();
        let request_size =;;

        loop {
            let token = match self.hub.auth.borrow_mut().token(self._scopes.keys()) {
                Ok(token) => token,
                Err(err) => {
                    match  dlg.token(&*err) {
                        Some(token) => token,
                        None => {
                            return Err(Error::MissingToken(err))
            let auth_header = Authorization(Bearer { token: token.access_token });
            let mut req_result = {
                let mut client = &mut *self.hub.client.borrow_mut();
                let mut req = client.borrow_mut().request(hyper::method::Method::Post, url.clone())
                    .header(ContentLength(request_size as u64))
                    .body(&mut request_value_reader);


            match req_result {
                Err(err) => {
                    if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_error(&err) {
                    return Err(Error::HttpError(err))
                Ok(mut res) => {
                    if !res.status.is_success() {
                        let mut json_err = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_err).unwrap();

                        let json_server_error = json::from_str::<JsonServerError>(&json_err).ok();
                        let server_error = json::from_str::<ServerError>(&json_err)
                            .or_else(|_| json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err).map(|r| r.error))

                        if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_failure(&res,
                                                              server_error) {
                        return match json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err){
                            Err(_) => Err(Error::Failure(res)),
                            Ok(serr) => Err(Error::BadRequest(serr))
                    let result_value = {
                        let mut json_response = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_response).unwrap();
                        match json::from_str(&json_response) {
                            Ok(decoded) => (res, decoded),
                            Err(err) => {
                                dlg.response_json_decode_error(&json_response, &err);
                                return Err(Error::JsonDecodeError(json_response, err));

                    return Ok(result_value)

    /// Sets the *request* property to the given value.
    /// Even though the property as already been set when instantiating this call,
    /// we provide this method for API completeness.
    pub fn request(mut self, new_value: SurveysStartRequest) -> SurveyStartCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._request = new_value;
    /// Sets the *resource id* path property to the given value.
    /// Even though the property as already been set when instantiating this call,
    /// we provide this method for API completeness.
    pub fn resource_id(mut self, new_value: &str) -> SurveyStartCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._resource_id = new_value.to_string();
    /// The delegate implementation is consulted whenever there is an intermediate result, or if something goes wrong
    /// while executing the actual API request.
    /// It should be used to handle progress information, and to implement a certain level of resilience.
    /// Sets the *delegate* property to the given value.
    pub fn delegate(mut self, new_value: &'a mut dyn Delegate) -> SurveyStartCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._delegate = Some(new_value);

    /// Set any additional parameter of the query string used in the request.
    /// It should be used to set parameters which are not yet available through their own
    /// setters.
    /// Please note that this method must not be used to set any of the known parameters
    /// which have their own setter method. If done anyway, the request will fail.
    /// # Additional Parameters
    /// * *quotaUser* (query-string) - An opaque string that represents a user for quota purposes. Must not exceed 40 characters.
    /// * *oauth_token* (query-string) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
    /// * *key* (query-string) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
    /// * *prettyPrint* (query-boolean) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
    /// * *userIp* (query-string) - Deprecated. Please use quotaUser instead.
    /// * *fields* (query-string) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
    /// * *alt* (query-string) - Data format for the response.
    pub fn param<T>(mut self, name: T, value: T) -> SurveyStartCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: AsRef<str> {
        self._additional_params.insert(name.as_ref().to_string(), value.as_ref().to_string());

    /// Identifies the authorization scope for the method you are building.
    /// Use this method to actively specify which scope should be used, instead the default `Scope` variant
    /// `Scope::Full`.
    /// The `scope` will be added to a set of scopes. This is important as one can maintain access
    /// tokens for more than one scope.
    /// If `None` is specified, then all scopes will be removed and no default scope will be used either.
    /// In that case, you have to specify your API-key using the `key` parameter (see the `param()`
    /// function for details).
    /// Usually there is more than one suitable scope to authorize an operation, some of which may
    /// encompass more rights than others. For example, for listing resources, a *read-only* scope will be
    /// sufficient, a read-write scope will do as well.
    pub fn add_scope<T, S>(mut self, scope: T) -> SurveyStartCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: Into<Option<S>>,
                                                              S: AsRef<str> {
        match scope.into() {
          Some(scope) => self._scopes.insert(scope.as_ref().to_string(), ()),
          None => None,

/// Retrieves information about the specified survey.
/// A builder for the *get* method supported by a *survey* resource.
/// It is not used directly, but through a `SurveyMethods` instance.
/// # Example
/// Instantiate a resource method builder
/// ```test_harness,no_run
/// # extern crate hyper;
/// # extern crate hyper_rustls;
/// # extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
/// # extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
/// # #[test] fn egal() {
/// # use std::default::Default;
/// # use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
/// # use surveys2::Surveys;
/// # let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
/// # let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
/// #                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
/// #                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
/// # let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
/// // You can configure optional parameters by calling the respective setters at will, and
/// // execute the final call using `doit()`.
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let result = hub.surveys().get("surveyUrlId")
///              .doit();
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct SurveyGetCall<'a, C, A>
    where C: 'a, A: 'a {

    hub: &'a Surveys<C, A>,
    _survey_url_id: String,
    _delegate: Option<&'a mut dyn Delegate>,
    _additional_params: HashMap<String, String>,
    _scopes: BTreeMap<String, ()>

impl<'a, C, A> CallBuilder for SurveyGetCall<'a, C, A> {}

impl<'a, C, A> SurveyGetCall<'a, C, A> where C: BorrowMut<hyper::Client>, A: oauth2::GetToken {

    /// Perform the operation you have build so far.
    pub fn doit(mut self) -> Result<(hyper::client::Response, Survey)> {
        use std::io::{Read, Seek};
        use hyper::header::{ContentType, ContentLength, Authorization, Bearer, UserAgent, Location};
        let mut dd = DefaultDelegate;
        let mut dlg: &mut dyn Delegate = match self._delegate {
            Some(d) => d,
            None => &mut dd
        dlg.begin(MethodInfo { id: "surveys.surveys.get",
                               http_method: hyper::method::Method::Get });
        let mut params: Vec<(&str, String)> = Vec::with_capacity(3 + self._additional_params.len());
        params.push(("surveyUrlId", self._survey_url_id.to_string()));
        for &field in ["alt", "surveyUrlId"].iter() {
            if self._additional_params.contains_key(field) {
                return Err(Error::FieldClash(field));
        for (name, value) in self._additional_params.iter() {
            params.push((&name, value.clone()));

        params.push(("alt", "json".to_string()));

        let mut url = self.hub._base_url.clone() + "surveys/{surveyUrlId}";
        if self._scopes.len() == 0 {
            self._scopes.insert(Scope::Readonly.as_ref().to_string(), ());

        for &(find_this, param_name) in [("{surveyUrlId}", "surveyUrlId")].iter() {
            let mut replace_with: Option<&str> = None;
            for &(name, ref value) in params.iter() {
                if name == param_name {
                    replace_with = Some(value);
            url = url.replace(find_this, replace_with.expect("to find substitution value in params"));
            let mut indices_for_removal: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(1);
            for param_name in ["surveyUrlId"].iter() {
                if let Some(index) = params.iter().position(|t| &t.0 == param_name) {
            for &index in indices_for_removal.iter() {

        let url = hyper::Url::parse_with_params(&url, params).unwrap();

        loop {
            let token = match self.hub.auth.borrow_mut().token(self._scopes.keys()) {
                Ok(token) => token,
                Err(err) => {
                    match  dlg.token(&*err) {
                        Some(token) => token,
                        None => {
                            return Err(Error::MissingToken(err))
            let auth_header = Authorization(Bearer { token: token.access_token });
            let mut req_result = {
                let mut client = &mut *self.hub.client.borrow_mut();
                let mut req = client.borrow_mut().request(hyper::method::Method::Get, url.clone())


            match req_result {
                Err(err) => {
                    if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_error(&err) {
                    return Err(Error::HttpError(err))
                Ok(mut res) => {
                    if !res.status.is_success() {
                        let mut json_err = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_err).unwrap();

                        let json_server_error = json::from_str::<JsonServerError>(&json_err).ok();
                        let server_error = json::from_str::<ServerError>(&json_err)
                            .or_else(|_| json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err).map(|r| r.error))

                        if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_failure(&res,
                                                              server_error) {
                        return match json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err){
                            Err(_) => Err(Error::Failure(res)),
                            Ok(serr) => Err(Error::BadRequest(serr))
                    let result_value = {
                        let mut json_response = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_response).unwrap();
                        match json::from_str(&json_response) {
                            Ok(decoded) => (res, decoded),
                            Err(err) => {
                                dlg.response_json_decode_error(&json_response, &err);
                                return Err(Error::JsonDecodeError(json_response, err));

                    return Ok(result_value)

    /// External URL ID for the survey.
    /// Sets the *survey url id* path property to the given value.
    /// Even though the property as already been set when instantiating this call,
    /// we provide this method for API completeness.
    pub fn survey_url_id(mut self, new_value: &str) -> SurveyGetCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._survey_url_id = new_value.to_string();
    /// The delegate implementation is consulted whenever there is an intermediate result, or if something goes wrong
    /// while executing the actual API request.
    /// It should be used to handle progress information, and to implement a certain level of resilience.
    /// Sets the *delegate* property to the given value.
    pub fn delegate(mut self, new_value: &'a mut dyn Delegate) -> SurveyGetCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._delegate = Some(new_value);

    /// Set any additional parameter of the query string used in the request.
    /// It should be used to set parameters which are not yet available through their own
    /// setters.
    /// Please note that this method must not be used to set any of the known parameters
    /// which have their own setter method. If done anyway, the request will fail.
    /// # Additional Parameters
    /// * *quotaUser* (query-string) - An opaque string that represents a user for quota purposes. Must not exceed 40 characters.
    /// * *oauth_token* (query-string) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
    /// * *key* (query-string) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
    /// * *prettyPrint* (query-boolean) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
    /// * *userIp* (query-string) - Deprecated. Please use quotaUser instead.
    /// * *fields* (query-string) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
    /// * *alt* (query-string) - Data format for the response.
    pub fn param<T>(mut self, name: T, value: T) -> SurveyGetCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: AsRef<str> {
        self._additional_params.insert(name.as_ref().to_string(), value.as_ref().to_string());

    /// Identifies the authorization scope for the method you are building.
    /// Use this method to actively specify which scope should be used, instead the default `Scope` variant
    /// `Scope::Readonly`.
    /// The `scope` will be added to a set of scopes. This is important as one can maintain access
    /// tokens for more than one scope.
    /// If `None` is specified, then all scopes will be removed and no default scope will be used either.
    /// In that case, you have to specify your API-key using the `key` parameter (see the `param()`
    /// function for details).
    /// Usually there is more than one suitable scope to authorize an operation, some of which may
    /// encompass more rights than others. For example, for listing resources, a *read-only* scope will be
    /// sufficient, a read-write scope will do as well.
    pub fn add_scope<T, S>(mut self, scope: T) -> SurveyGetCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: Into<Option<S>>,
                                                              S: AsRef<str> {
        match scope.into() {
          Some(scope) => self._scopes.insert(scope.as_ref().to_string(), ()),
          None => None,

/// Retrieves any survey results that have been produced so far. Results are formatted as an Excel file. You must add "?alt=media" to the URL as an argument to get results.
/// This method supports **media download**. To enable it, adjust the builder like this:
/// `.param("alt", "media")`.
/// Please note that due to missing multi-part support on the server side, you will only receive the media,
/// but not the `SurveyResults` structure that you would usually get. The latter will be a default value.
/// A builder for the *get* method supported by a *result* resource.
/// It is not used directly, but through a `ResultMethods` instance.
/// # Example
/// Instantiate a resource method builder
/// ```test_harness,no_run
/// # extern crate hyper;
/// # extern crate hyper_rustls;
/// # extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
/// # extern crate google_surveys2 as surveys2;
/// use surveys2::ResultsGetRequest;
/// # #[test] fn egal() {
/// # use std::default::Default;
/// # use oauth2::{Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, ApplicationSecret, MemoryStorage};
/// # use surveys2::Surveys;
/// # let secret: ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
/// # let auth = Authenticator::new(&secret, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate,
/// #                               hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())),
/// #                               <MemoryStorage as Default>::default(), None);
/// # let mut hub = Surveys::new(hyper::Client::with_connector(hyper::net::HttpsConnector::new(hyper_rustls::TlsClient::new())), auth);
/// // As the method needs a request, you would usually fill it with the desired information
/// // into the respective structure. Some of the parts shown here might not be applicable !
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let mut req = ResultsGetRequest::default();
/// // You can configure optional parameters by calling the respective setters at will, and
/// // execute the final call using `doit()`.
/// // Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
/// let result = hub.results().get(req, "surveyUrlId")
///              .doit();
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct ResultGetCall<'a, C, A>
    where C: 'a, A: 'a {

    hub: &'a Surveys<C, A>,
    _request: ResultsGetRequest,
    _survey_url_id: String,
    _delegate: Option<&'a mut dyn Delegate>,
    _additional_params: HashMap<String, String>,
    _scopes: BTreeMap<String, ()>

impl<'a, C, A> CallBuilder for ResultGetCall<'a, C, A> {}

impl<'a, C, A> ResultGetCall<'a, C, A> where C: BorrowMut<hyper::Client>, A: oauth2::GetToken {

    /// Perform the operation you have build so far.
    pub fn doit(mut self) -> Result<(hyper::client::Response, SurveyResults)> {
        use std::io::{Read, Seek};
        use hyper::header::{ContentType, ContentLength, Authorization, Bearer, UserAgent, Location};
        let mut dd = DefaultDelegate;
        let mut dlg: &mut dyn Delegate = match self._delegate {
            Some(d) => d,
            None => &mut dd
        dlg.begin(MethodInfo { id: "surveys.results.get",
                               http_method: hyper::method::Method::Get });
        let mut params: Vec<(&str, String)> = Vec::with_capacity(3 + self._additional_params.len());
        params.push(("surveyUrlId", self._survey_url_id.to_string()));
        for &field in ["surveyUrlId"].iter() {
            if self._additional_params.contains_key(field) {
                return Err(Error::FieldClash(field));
        for (name, value) in self._additional_params.iter() {
            params.push((&name, value.clone()));

        let (json_field_missing, enable_resource_parsing) = {
            let mut enable = true;
            let mut field_present = true;
            for &(name, ref value) in params.iter() {
                if name == "alt" {
                    field_present = false;
                    if <String as AsRef<str>>::as_ref(&value) != "json" {
                        enable = false;
            (field_present, enable)
        if json_field_missing {
            params.push(("alt", "json".to_string()));

        let mut url = self.hub._base_url.clone() + "surveys/{surveyUrlId}/results";
        if self._scopes.len() == 0 {
            self._scopes.insert(Scope::Readonly.as_ref().to_string(), ());

        for &(find_this, param_name) in [("{surveyUrlId}", "surveyUrlId")].iter() {
            let mut replace_with: Option<&str> = None;
            for &(name, ref value) in params.iter() {
                if name == param_name {
                    replace_with = Some(value);
            url = url.replace(find_this, replace_with.expect("to find substitution value in params"));
            let mut indices_for_removal: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(1);
            for param_name in ["surveyUrlId"].iter() {
                if let Some(index) = params.iter().position(|t| &t.0 == param_name) {
            for &index in indices_for_removal.iter() {

        let url = hyper::Url::parse_with_params(&url, params).unwrap();

        let mut json_mime_type = mime::Mime(mime::TopLevel::Application, mime::SubLevel::Json, Default::default());
        let mut request_value_reader =
                let mut value = json::value::to_value(&self._request).expect("serde to work");
                remove_json_null_values(&mut value);
                let mut dst = io::Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(128));
                json::to_writer(&mut dst, &value).unwrap();
        let request_size =;;

        loop {
            let token = match self.hub.auth.borrow_mut().token(self._scopes.keys()) {
                Ok(token) => token,
                Err(err) => {
                    match  dlg.token(&*err) {
                        Some(token) => token,
                        None => {
                            return Err(Error::MissingToken(err))
            let auth_header = Authorization(Bearer { token: token.access_token });
            let mut req_result = {
                let mut client = &mut *self.hub.client.borrow_mut();
                let mut req = client.borrow_mut().request(hyper::method::Method::Get, url.clone())
                    .header(ContentLength(request_size as u64))
                    .body(&mut request_value_reader);


            match req_result {
                Err(err) => {
                    if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_error(&err) {
                    return Err(Error::HttpError(err))
                Ok(mut res) => {
                    if !res.status.is_success() {
                        let mut json_err = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_err).unwrap();

                        let json_server_error = json::from_str::<JsonServerError>(&json_err).ok();
                        let server_error = json::from_str::<ServerError>(&json_err)
                            .or_else(|_| json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err).map(|r| r.error))

                        if let oauth2::Retry::After(d) = dlg.http_failure(&res,
                                                              server_error) {
                        return match json::from_str::<ErrorResponse>(&json_err){
                            Err(_) => Err(Error::Failure(res)),
                            Ok(serr) => Err(Error::BadRequest(serr))
                    let result_value = if enable_resource_parsing {
                        let mut json_response = String::new();
                        res.read_to_string(&mut json_response).unwrap();
                        match json::from_str(&json_response) {
                            Ok(decoded) => (res, decoded),
                            Err(err) => {
                                dlg.response_json_decode_error(&json_response, &err);
                                return Err(Error::JsonDecodeError(json_response, err));
                    } else { (res, Default::default()) };

                    return Ok(result_value)

    /// Sets the *request* property to the given value.
    /// Even though the property as already been set when instantiating this call,
    /// we provide this method for API completeness.
    pub fn request(mut self, new_value: ResultsGetRequest) -> ResultGetCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._request = new_value;
    /// External URL ID for the survey.
    /// Sets the *survey url id* path property to the given value.
    /// Even though the property as already been set when instantiating this call,
    /// we provide this method for API completeness.
    pub fn survey_url_id(mut self, new_value: &str) -> ResultGetCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._survey_url_id = new_value.to_string();
    /// The delegate implementation is consulted whenever there is an intermediate result, or if something goes wrong
    /// while executing the actual API request.
    /// It should be used to handle progress information, and to implement a certain level of resilience.
    /// Sets the *delegate* property to the given value.
    pub fn delegate(mut self, new_value: &'a mut dyn Delegate) -> ResultGetCall<'a, C, A> {
        self._delegate = Some(new_value);

    /// Set any additional parameter of the query string used in the request.
    /// It should be used to set parameters which are not yet available through their own
    /// setters.
    /// Please note that this method must not be used to set any of the known parameters
    /// which have their own setter method. If done anyway, the request will fail.
    /// # Additional Parameters
    /// * *quotaUser* (query-string) - An opaque string that represents a user for quota purposes. Must not exceed 40 characters.
    /// * *oauth_token* (query-string) - OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
    /// * *key* (query-string) - API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
    /// * *prettyPrint* (query-boolean) - Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
    /// * *userIp* (query-string) - Deprecated. Please use quotaUser instead.
    /// * *fields* (query-string) - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
    /// * *alt* (query-string) - Data format for the response.
    pub fn param<T>(mut self, name: T, value: T) -> ResultGetCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: AsRef<str> {
        self._additional_params.insert(name.as_ref().to_string(), value.as_ref().to_string());

    /// Identifies the authorization scope for the method you are building.
    /// Use this method to actively specify which scope should be used, instead the default `Scope` variant
    /// `Scope::Readonly`.
    /// The `scope` will be added to a set of scopes. This is important as one can maintain access
    /// tokens for more than one scope.
    /// If `None` is specified, then all scopes will be removed and no default scope will be used either.
    /// In that case, you have to specify your API-key using the `key` parameter (see the `param()`
    /// function for details).
    /// Usually there is more than one suitable scope to authorize an operation, some of which may
    /// encompass more rights than others. For example, for listing resources, a *read-only* scope will be
    /// sufficient, a read-write scope will do as well.
    pub fn add_scope<T, S>(mut self, scope: T) -> ResultGetCall<'a, C, A>
                                                        where T: Into<Option<S>>,
                                                              S: AsRef<str> {
        match scope.into() {
          Some(scope) => self._scopes.insert(scope.as_ref().to_string(), ()),
          None => None,