pub struct ProjectMethods<'a, S>
where S: 'a,
{ /* private fields */ }
Expand description

A builder providing access to all methods supported on project resources. It is not used directly, but through the CloudTasks hub.


Instantiate a resource builder

extern crate hyper;
extern crate hyper_rustls;
extern crate google_cloudtasks2 as cloudtasks2;
use std::default::Default;
use cloudtasks2::{CloudTasks, oauth2, hyper, hyper_rustls, chrono, FieldMask};
let secret: oauth2::ApplicationSecret = Default::default();
let auth = oauth2::InstalledFlowAuthenticator::builder(
let mut hub = CloudTasks::new(hyper::Client::builder().build(hyper_rustls::HttpsConnectorBuilder::new().with_native_roots().https_or_http().enable_http1().build()), auth);
// Usually you wouldn't bind this to a variable, but keep calling *CallBuilders*
// like `locations_get(...)`, `locations_get_cmek_config(...)`, `locations_list(...)`, `locations_queues_create(...)`, `locations_queues_delete(...)`, `locations_queues_get(...)`, `locations_queues_get_iam_policy(...)`, `locations_queues_list(...)`, `locations_queues_patch(...)`, `locations_queues_pause(...)`, `locations_queues_purge(...)`, `locations_queues_resume(...)`, `locations_queues_set_iam_policy(...)`, `locations_queues_tasks_buffer(...)`, `locations_queues_tasks_create(...)`, `locations_queues_tasks_delete(...)`, `locations_queues_tasks_get(...)`, `locations_queues_tasks_list(...)`, `locations_queues_tasks_run(...)`, `locations_queues_test_iam_permissions(...)` and `locations_update_cmek_config(...)`
// to build up your call.
let rb = hub.projects();



impl<'a, S> ProjectMethods<'a, S>


pub fn locations_queues_tasks_buffer( &self, request: BufferTaskRequest, queue: &str, task_id: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueTaskBufferCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates and buffers a new task without the need to explicitly define a Task message. The queue must have HTTP target. To create the task with a custom ID, use the following format and set TASK_ID to your desired ID: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID:buffer To create the task with an automatically generated ID, use the following format: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks:buffer.

  • request - No description provided.
  • queue - Required. The parent queue name. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID` The queue must already exist.
  • taskId - Optional. Task ID for the task being created. If not provided, Cloud Tasks generates an ID for the task.

pub fn locations_queues_tasks_create( &self, request: CreateTaskRequest, parent: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueTaskCreateCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates a task and adds it to a queue. Tasks cannot be updated after creation; there is no UpdateTask command. * The maximum task size is 100KB.

  • request - No description provided.
  • parent - Required. The queue name. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID The queue must already exist.

pub fn locations_queues_tasks_delete( &self, name: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueTaskDeleteCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Deletes a task. A task can be deleted if it is scheduled or dispatched. A task cannot be deleted if it has executed successfully or permanently failed.

  • name - Required. The task name. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID

pub fn locations_queues_tasks_get( &self, name: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueTaskGetCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets a task.

  • name - Required. The task name. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID

pub fn locations_queues_tasks_list( &self, parent: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueTaskListCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Lists the tasks in a queue. By default, only the BASIC view is retrieved due to performance considerations; response_view controls the subset of information which is returned. The tasks may be returned in any order. The ordering may change at any time.

  • parent - Required. The queue name. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID

pub fn locations_queues_tasks_run( &self, request: RunTaskRequest, name: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueTaskRunCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Forces a task to run now. When this method is called, Cloud Tasks will dispatch the task, even if the task is already running, the queue has reached its RateLimits or is PAUSED. This command is meant to be used for manual debugging. For example, RunTask can be used to retry a failed task after a fix has been made or to manually force a task to be dispatched now. The dispatched task is returned. That is, the task that is returned contains the status after the task is dispatched but before the task is received by its target. If Cloud Tasks receives a successful response from the task’s target, then the task will be deleted; otherwise the task’s schedule_time will be reset to the time that RunTask was called plus the retry delay specified in the queue’s RetryConfig. RunTask returns NOT_FOUND when it is called on a task that has already succeeded or permanently failed.

  • request - No description provided.
  • name - Required. The task name. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID/tasks/TASK_ID

pub fn locations_queues_create( &self, request: Queue, parent: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueCreateCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates a queue. Queues created with this method allow tasks to live for a maximum of 31 days. After a task is 31 days old, the task will be deleted regardless of whether it was dispatched or not. WARNING: Using this method may have unintended side effects if you are using an App Engine queue.yaml or queue.xml file to manage your queues. Read Overview of Queue Management and queue.yaml before using this method.

  • request - No description provided.
  • parent - Required. The location name in which the queue will be created. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID The list of allowed locations can be obtained by calling Cloud Tasks’ implementation of ListLocations.

pub fn locations_queues_delete( &self, name: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueDeleteCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Deletes a queue. This command will delete the queue even if it has tasks in it. Note: If you delete a queue, you may be prevented from creating a new queue with the same name as the deleted queue for a tombstone window of up to 3 days. During this window, the CreateQueue operation may appear to recreate the queue, but this can be misleading. If you attempt to create a queue with the same name as one that is in the tombstone window, run GetQueue to confirm that the queue creation was successful. If GetQueue returns 200 response code, your queue was successfully created with the name of the previously deleted queue. Otherwise, your queue did not successfully recreate. WARNING: Using this method may have unintended side effects if you are using an App Engine queue.yaml or queue.xml file to manage your queues. Read Overview of Queue Management and queue.yaml before using this method.

  • name - Required. The queue name. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID

pub fn locations_queues_get( &self, name: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueGetCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets a queue.

  • name - Required. The resource name of the queue. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID

pub fn locations_queues_get_iam_policy( &self, request: GetIamPolicyRequest, resource: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueGetIamPolicyCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets the access control policy for a Queue. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set. Authorization requires the following Google IAM permission on the specified resource parent: * cloudtasks.queues.getIamPolicy

  • request - No description provided.
  • resource - REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested. See Resource names for the appropriate value for this field.

pub fn locations_queues_list( &self, parent: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueListCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Lists queues. Queues are returned in lexicographical order.

  • parent - Required. The location name. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID

pub fn locations_queues_patch( &self, request: Queue, name: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueuePatchCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Updates a queue. This method creates the queue if it does not exist and updates the queue if it does exist. Queues created with this method allow tasks to live for a maximum of 31 days. After a task is 31 days old, the task will be deleted regardless of whether it was dispatched or not. WARNING: Using this method may have unintended side effects if you are using an App Engine queue.yaml or queue.xml file to manage your queues. Read Overview of Queue Management and queue.yaml before using this method.

  • request - No description provided.
  • name - Caller-specified and required in CreateQueue, after which it becomes output only. The queue name. The queue name must have the following format: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID * PROJECT_ID can contain letters ([A-Za-z]), numbers ([0-9]), hyphens (-), colons (:), or periods (.). For more information, see Identifying projects * LOCATION_ID is the canonical ID for the queue’s location. The list of available locations can be obtained by calling ListLocations. For more information, see * QUEUE_ID can contain letters ([A-Za-z]), numbers ([0-9]), or hyphens (-). The maximum length is 100 characters.

pub fn locations_queues_pause( &self, request: PauseQueueRequest, name: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueuePauseCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Pauses the queue. If a queue is paused then the system will stop dispatching tasks until the queue is resumed via ResumeQueue. Tasks can still be added when the queue is paused. A queue is paused if its state is PAUSED.

  • request - No description provided.
  • name - Required. The queue name. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/location/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID

pub fn locations_queues_purge( &self, request: PurgeQueueRequest, name: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueuePurgeCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Purges a queue by deleting all of its tasks. All tasks created before this method is called are permanently deleted. Purge operations can take up to one minute to take effect. Tasks might be dispatched before the purge takes effect. A purge is irreversible.

  • request - No description provided.
  • name - Required. The queue name. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/location/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID

pub fn locations_queues_resume( &self, request: ResumeQueueRequest, name: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueResumeCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Resume a queue. This method resumes a queue after it has been PAUSED or DISABLED. The state of a queue is stored in the queue’s state; after calling this method it will be set to RUNNING. WARNING: Resuming many high-QPS queues at the same time can lead to target overloading. If you are resuming high-QPS queues, follow the 500/50/5 pattern described in Managing Cloud Tasks Scaling Risks.

  • request - No description provided.
  • name - Required. The queue name. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/location/LOCATION_ID/queues/QUEUE_ID

pub fn locations_queues_set_iam_policy( &self, request: SetIamPolicyRequest, resource: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueSetIamPolicyCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Sets the access control policy for a Queue. Replaces any existing policy. Note: The Cloud Console does not check queue-level IAM permissions yet. Project-level permissions are required to use the Cloud Console. Authorization requires the following Google IAM permission on the specified resource parent: * cloudtasks.queues.setIamPolicy

  • request - No description provided.
  • resource - REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified. See Resource names for the appropriate value for this field.

pub fn locations_queues_test_iam_permissions( &self, request: TestIamPermissionsRequest, resource: &str ) -> ProjectLocationQueueTestIamPermissionCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Returns permissions that a caller has on a Queue. If the resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. Note: This operation is designed to be used for building permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization checking. This operation may “fail open” without warning.

  • request - No description provided.
  • resource - REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. See Resource names for the appropriate value for this field.

pub fn locations_get(&self, name: &str) -> ProjectLocationGetCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets information about a location.

  • name - Resource name for the location.

pub fn locations_get_cmek_config( &self, name: &str ) -> ProjectLocationGetCmekConfigCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Gets the CMEK config. Gets the Customer Managed Encryption Key configured with the Cloud Tasks lcoation. By default there is no kms_key configured.

  • name - Required. The config. For example: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/CmekConfig`

pub fn locations_list(&self, name: &str) -> ProjectLocationListCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Lists information about the supported locations for this service.

  • name - The resource that owns the locations collection, if applicable.

pub fn locations_update_cmek_config( &self, request: CmekConfig, name: &str ) -> ProjectLocationUpdateCmekConfigCall<'a, S>

Create a builder to help you perform the following task:

Creates or Updates a CMEK config. Updates the Customer Managed Encryption Key assotiated with the Cloud Tasks location (Creates if the key does not already exist). All new tasks created in the location will be encrypted at-rest with the KMS-key provided in the config.

  • request - No description provided.
  • name - Output only. The config resource name which includes the project and location and must end in ‘cmekConfig’, in the format projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/cmekConfig`

Trait Implementations§


impl<'a, S> MethodsBuilder for ProjectMethods<'a, S>

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<'a, S> !RefUnwindSafe for ProjectMethods<'a, S>


impl<'a, S> Send for ProjectMethods<'a, S>
where S: Sync,


impl<'a, S> Sync for ProjectMethods<'a, S>
where S: Sync,


impl<'a, S> Unpin for ProjectMethods<'a, S>


impl<'a, S> !UnwindSafe for ProjectMethods<'a, S>

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more