
  • An Actor represents an entity that performed an action. For example, an actor could be a user who posted a comment on a support case, a user who uploaded an attachment, or a service account that created a support case.
  • An Attachment contains metadata about a file that was uploaded to a case - it is NOT a file itself. That being said, the name of an Attachment object can be used to download its accompanying file through the endpoint. While attachments can be uploaded in the console at the same time as a comment, they’re associated on a “case” level, not a “comment” level.
  • gdata.* are outside protos with mising documentation
  • A Case is an object that contains the details of a support case. It contains fields for the time it was created, its priority, its classification, and more. Cases can also have comments and attachments that get added over time. A case is parented by a Google Cloud organization or project. Organizations are identified by a number, so the name of a case parented by an organization would look like this: organizations/123/cases/456 Projects have two unique identifiers, an ID and a number, and they look like this: projects/abc/cases/456 projects/123/cases/456 You can use either of them when calling the API. To learn more about project identifiers, see AIP-2510.
  • List all the attachments associated with a support case. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell case="projects/some-project/cases/23598314" curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ "$case/attachments" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) request = ( supportApiService.cases() .attachments() .list(parent="projects/some-project/cases/43595344") ) print(request.execute())
  • A Case Classification represents the topic that a case is about. It’s very important to use accurate classifications, because they’re used to route your cases to specialists who can help you. A classification always has an ID that is its unique identifier. A valid ID is required when creating a case.
  • A builder providing access to all methods supported on caseClassification resources. It is not used directly, but through the CloudSupport hub.
  • Retrieve valid classifications to use when creating a support case. Classifications are hierarchical. Each classification is a string containing all levels of the hierarchy separated by " > ". For example, "Technical Issue > Compute > Compute Engine". Classification IDs returned by this endpoint are valid for at least six months. When a classification is deactivated, this endpoint immediately stops returning it. After six months, case.create requests using the classification will fail. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ '"*Compute%20Engine*"' Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version="v2", discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version=v2", ) request = supportApiService.caseClassifications().search( query='display_name:"*Compute Engine*"' ) print(request.execute())
  • Close a case. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell case="projects/some-project/cases/43595344" curl \ --request POST \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ "$case:close" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) request = supportApiService.cases().close( name="projects/some-project/cases/43595344" ) print(request.execute())
  • Add a new comment to a case. The comment must have the following fields set: body. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell case="projects/some-project/cases/43591344" curl \ --request POST \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "body": "This is a test comment." }' \ "$case/comments" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) request = ( supportApiService.cases() .comments() .create( parent="projects/some-project/cases/43595344", body={"body": "This is a test comment."}, ) ) print(request.execute())
  • List all the comments associated with a case. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell case="projects/some-project/cases/43595344" curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ "$case/comments" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) request = ( supportApiService.cases() .comments() .list(parent="projects/some-project/cases/43595344") ) print(request.execute())
  • Create a new case and associate it with a parent. It must have the following fields set: display_name, description, classification, and priority. If you’re just testing the API and don’t want to route your case to an agent, set testCase=true. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell parent="projects/some-project" curl \ --request POST \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "display_name": "Test case created by me.", "description": "a random test case, feel free to close", "classification": { "id": "100IK2AKCLHMGRJ9CDGMOCGP8DM6UTB4BT262T31BT1M2T31DHNMENPO6KS36CPJ786L2TBFEHGN6NPI64R3CDHN8880G08I1H3MURR7DHII0GRCDTQM8" }, "time_zone": "-07:00", "subscriber_email_addresses": [ "", "" ], "testCase": true, "priority": "P3" }' \ "$parent/cases" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) request = supportApiService.cases().create( parent="projects/some-project", body={ "displayName": "A Test Case", "description": "This is a test case.", "testCase": True, "priority": "P2", "classification": { "id": "100IK2AKCLHMGRJ9CDGMOCGP8DM6UTB4BT262T31BT1M2T31DHNMENPO6KS36CPJ786L2TBFEHGN6NPI64R3CDHN8880G08I1H3MURR7DHII0GRCDTQM8" }, }, ) print(request.execute())
  • Escalate a case, starting the Google Cloud Support escalation management process. This operation is only available for some support services. Go to and look for ‘Technical support escalations’ in the feature list to find out which ones let you do that. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell case="projects/some-project/cases/43595344" curl \ --request POST \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "escalation": { "reason": "BUSINESS_IMPACT", "justification": "This is a test escalation." } }' \ "$case:escalate" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) request = supportApiService.cases().escalate( name="projects/some-project/cases/43595344", body={ "escalation": { "reason": "BUSINESS_IMPACT", "justification": "This is a test escalation.", }, }, ) print(request.execute())
  • Retrieve a case. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell case="projects/some-project/cases/16033687" curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ "$case" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) request = supportApiService.cases().get( name="projects/some-project/cases/43595344", ) print(request.execute())
  • Retrieve all cases under a parent, but not its children. For example, listing cases under an organization only returns the cases that are directly parented by that organization. To retrieve cases under an organization and its projects, use EXAMPLES: cURL: shell parent="projects/some-project" curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ "$parent/cases" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) request = supportApiService.cases().list(parent="projects/some-project") print(request.execute())
  • A builder providing access to all methods supported on case resources. It is not used directly, but through the CloudSupport hub.
  • Update a case. Only some fields can be updated. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell case="projects/some-project/cases/43595344" curl \ --request PATCH \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "priority": "P1" }' \ "$case?updateMask=priority" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) request = supportApiService.cases().patch( name="projects/some-project/cases/43112854", body={ "displayName": "This is Now a New Title", "priority": "P2", }, ) print(request.execute())
  • Search for cases using a query. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell parent="projects/some-project" curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ "$parent/cases:search" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) request = supportApiService.cases().search( parent="projects/some-project", query="state=OPEN" ) print(request.execute())
  • The request message for the CloseCase endpoint.
  • Central instance to access all CloudSupport related resource activities
  • Case comments are the main way Google Support communicates with a user who has opened a case. When a user responds to Google Support, the user’s responses also appear as comments.
  • gdata.* are outside protos with mising documentation
  • gdata.* are outside protos with mising documentation
  • The request message for the CreateAttachment endpoint.
  • gdata.* are outside protos with mising documentation
  • gdata.* are outside protos with mising documentation
  • gdata.* are outside protos with mising documentation
  • gdata.* are outside protos with mising documentation
  • gdata.* are outside protos with mising documentation
  • gdata.* are outside protos with mising documentation
  • The request message for the EscalateCase endpoint.
  • An escalation of a support case.
  • The response message for the ListAttachments endpoint.
  • The response message for the ListCases endpoint.
  • The response message for the ListComments endpoint.
  • gdata.* are outside protos with mising documentation
  • Download a file attached to a case. Note: HTTP requests must append “?alt=media” to the URL. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell name="projects/some-project/cases/43594844/attachments/0674M00000WijAnZAJ" curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ "$name:download?alt=media" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) request = name="projects/some-project/cases/43595344/attachments/0684M00000Pw6pHQAR" ) request.uri = request.uri.split("?")[0] + "?alt=media" print(request.execute())
  • A builder providing access to all methods supported on media resources. It is not used directly, but through the CloudSupport hub.
  • Create a file attachment on a case or Cloud resource. The attachment must have the following fields set: filename. EXAMPLES: cURL: shell echo "This text is in a file I'm uploading using CSAPI." \ > "./example_file.txt" case="projects/some-project/cases/43594844" curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ --data-binary @"./example_file.txt" \ "$case/attachments?attachment.filename=uploaded_via_curl.txt" Python: python import googleapiclient.discovery api_version = "v2" supportApiService = serviceName="cloudsupport", version=api_version, discoveryServiceUrl=f"$discovery/rest?version={api_version}", ) file_path = "./example_file.txt" with open(file_path, "w") as file: file.write( "This text is inside a file I'm going to upload using the Cloud Support API.", ) request = parent="projects/some-project/cases/43595344", media_body=file_path ) request.uri = request.uri.split("?")[0] + "?attachment.filename=uploaded_via_python.txt" print(request.execute())
  • gdata.* are outside protos with mising documentation
  • The full product a case may be associated with, including Product Line and Product Subline.
  • The response message for SearchCaseClassifications endpoint.
  • The response message for the SearchCases endpoint.
