good_lp 0.3.5

Linear Programming for Rust, with an user-friendly API. This crate allows modeling LP problems, and lets you solve them with various solvers.
# good_lp

A Linear Programming modeler that is easy to use, performant with large problems, and well-typed.

[![MIT license](](

use good_lp::{variables, variable, coin_cbc, SolverModel, Solution, contraint};

fn main() {
    let mut vars = variables!();
    let a = vars.add(variable().max(1));
    let b = vars.add(variable().min(2).max(4));
    let solution = vars.maximise(10 * (a - b / 5) - b)
        .with(constraint!(a + 2 <= b))
        .with(constraint!(1 + a >= 4 - b))
    println!("a={}   b={}", solution.value(a), solution.value(b));
    println!("a + b = {}", solution.eval(a + b));

## Features and limitations

 - **Linear programming**. This crate currently supports only the definition of linear programs. You cannot use it with
   quadratic functions, for instance:
   you can maximise `y + 3 * y`, but not `3 * x * y`.
 - **Continuous variables**. Currently, only continuous variables are supported.
   Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) is not supported.
 - **Not a solver**. This crate uses other rust crates to provide the solvers.
   There is no solving algorithm in good_lp itself. If you have an issue with a solver,
   report it to the solver directly. See below for the list of supported solvers.

### Contributing

Pull requests are welcome !
If you need any of the features mentioned above, get in touch.
Also, do not hesitate to open issues to discuss the implementation.

### Alternatives

If you need non-linear programming or integer variables, you can use 
However, it is currently very slow with large problems.

You can also directly use the underlying solver libraries, such as
[coin_cbc]( or
if you don't need a way to express your objective function and
constraints using an idiomatic rust syntax.

## Usage examples

You can find a resource allocation problem example in

## Solvers

This library offers an abstraction over multiple solvers. By default, it uses [cbc](, but
you can also activate other solvers using cargo features.

#### [cbc]

Used by default, performant, but requires to have a C compiler and the cbc C library installed.

In ubuntu, you can install it with:

sudo apt-get install coinor-cbc coinor-libcbc-dev

In MacOS, using [homebrew]( :

brew install cbc

#### [minilp]

minilp is a pure rust solver, which means it works out of the box without installing anything else.

You can activate it with :

good_lp = { version = "0.3", features = ["minilp"], default-features = false }

Then use `minilp` instead of `coin_cbc` in your code:

use good_lp::minilp;

fn optimize<V>(vars: ProblemVariables<V>) {

Minilp is written in pure rust, and performs poorly when compiled in debug mode. Be sure to compile your code
in `--release` mode when solving large problems.

#### [lpsolve]

lp_solve is a free ([LGPL]( linear (integer) programming solver
written in C and based on the revised simplex method.

good_lp = { version = "0.3", features = ["lpsolve"], default-features = false }

good_lp uses the [lpsolve crate]( to call lpsolve.
You will need a C compiler, but you won't have to install any additional library. 

### License

This library is published under the MIT license.