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Good Web Game

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good-web-game is a wasm32-unknown-unknown implementation of a ggez subset on top of miniquad. Originally built to run Zemeroth on the web.

It has been recently updated to support much of the ggez 0.6.1 API. If you’re already working with ggez you might use this library to port your game to the web (or perhaps even mobile). Since it also runs well on desktop it also offers an alternative implementation of ggez, which might always come in handy.

If you are just looking for a well supported minimal high-level engine on top of miniquad you might want to take a look at macroquad.


“good-web-game” implements most of the ggez 0.6.1 API.


  • boilerplate code differs slightly, as shown here
  • audio API differs slightly due to use of quad-snd instead of rodio for easy portability
  • shaders have to be written in GLSL100, due to support for WebGL1
  • API for creation of shaders and their corresponding uniform structs differs slightly, but the workflow remains the same, see the shader example

Missing / Not available:

  • filesystem with writing access (if you need it take a look at quad-storage)
  • writing your own event loop (doesn’t make much sense on callback-only platforms like HTML5)
  • spatial audio (overall audio support is still relatively limited)
  • resolution control in fullscreen mode
  • setting window position / size (the latter is available on Windows, but buggy)
  • screenshot function
  • window icon
  • gamepad support on WASM (as gilrs depends on wasm-bindgen)

On blurry graphics

You may run into somewhat blurry graphics. This is caused by high-dpi rendering:

When run on a system with a scaling factor unequal to 1 the graphics may appear blurry, due to the drawbuffer being scaled up, to achieve a window of the size requested by your OS. This size is usually “the size you specified in Conf” * “your OS scaling factor”.

To avoid this set Conf::high_dpi to true. This leads to the drawbuffer being the size of your actual physical window. It also means though that you can’t be sure how big your drawable space will actually be, as this will then depend on where the program is being run.

We aim towards changing this, so that windows are always created with the physical size specified in Conf, but that’s not directly supported by miniquad currently.


pub extern crate miniquad;
pub extern crate mint;
pub use cgmath;
pub use crate::error::*;


Loading and playing sounds.
Error types and conversion functions.
Timing and measurement functions.


A Context is an object that holds on to global resources. It basically tracks hardware state such as the screen, audio system, timers, and so on. Generally this type can not be shared/sent between threads and only one Context can exist at a time. Trying to create a second one will fail.


Starts the game. Takes a start configuration, allowing you to specify additional options like high-dpi behavior, as well as a function specifying how to create the event handler from the new context.