goliard 0.1.0

Command-line viewer for patterns in Conway's Game of Life
# goliard

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`goliard` is a command-line viewer for patterns in Conway's Game of Life. It's powered by
[`smeagol`](https://github.com/billyrieger/smeagol), which uses HashLife and SIMD to efficiently
evolve repetitive patterns.

## Installation

cargo install goliard --force

## Quick start

curl http://www.conwaylife.com/patterns/sirrobin.rle | goliard -s

## Usage

`goliard --help`

goliard 0.1.0
Billy Rieger <wrieger@protonmail.com>
Command-line viewer for patterns in Conway's Game of Life 

    goliard [FLAGS] <FILE>

    -s, --stdin      Reads a file from stdin
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <FILE>    The file to load. Not required if reading a file from stdin.

To see a list of available key commands, press `?`.

## License

`goliard` is licensed under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0. See the [license
file](https://github.com/billyrieger/goliard/blob/master/LICENSE) and the [MPL 2.0
FAQ](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/FAQ/) for more details.