Module goblin::archive

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Implements a simple parser and extractor for a Unix Archive.

There are two “common” formats: BSD and SysV

This crate currently only implements the SysV version, which essentially postfixes all names in the archive with a / as a sigil for the end of the name, and uses a special symbol index for looking up symbols faster.


  • An in-memory representation of a parsed Unix Archive
  • The special index member signified by the name '/'. The data element contains a list of symbol indexes and symbol names, giving their offsets into the archive for a given name.
  • Represents a single entry in the archive
  • A Unix Archive Header - meta data for the file/byte blob/whatever that follows exactly after. All data is right-padded with spaces ASCII 0x20. The Binary layout is as follows:


  • The type of symbol index can be present in an archive. Can serve as an indication of the archive format.
