gobble 0.1.1

A Combinator based parser for strings that is just code. That is: no macros and you don't have to think too much about generics

## A not too generic parser for strings in Rust

This parser exists take some of the generics and macros pain out of parsing. 

A parser is anything that implements the Parser Trait


pub type ParseRes<'a, V> = Result<(LCChars<'a>, V), ParseError>;

pub trait Parser<V>: Sized {
    fn parse<'a>(&self, i: &LCChars<'a>) -> ParseRes<'a, V>;
This is automatically implemented for any function with the same signature.

LCChars is a wrapper around the "Chars" iterator which tracks line number and column number.
This is to help return the correct errors.

the main.rs file is an example parser.

Mostly you will be combining functions with ```then()```, ```ig_then()```, ```then_ig()```, and ```or()```

## Example:

use gobble::*;
let ident = || {
    read_fs(is_alpha, 1)
        .then(read_fs(is_alpha_num, 0))
        .map(|(mut a, b)| {

let fsig = ident()
    .then(sep(ident(), tag(","), true))
 let (nm, args) = fsig.parse_s("loadFile1(fname,ref)").unwrap();
 assert_eq!(nm, "loadFile1");
 assert_eq!(args, vec!["fname", "ref"]);


## Changelog:

### v 0.1.1 :

Added ```eoi``` and ```to_end()``` functions for making sure you have the end of the input;
Also added ```common_str()``` for getting the most common form of string