go-template 0.0.3

The Golang Templating Language for Rust
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::io::Write;

use crate::error::ExecError;
use crate::node::*;
use crate::template::Template;
use crate::utils::is_true;

use gtmpl_value::{Func, Value};

const MAX_TEMPLATE_DEPTH: usize = 100_000;
struct Variable {
    name: String,
    value: Value,

struct State<'a, 'b, T: Write> {
    template: &'a Template,
    writer: &'b mut T,
    node: Option<&'a Nodes>,
    vars: VecDeque<VecDeque<Variable>>,
    depth: usize,

/// A Context for the template. Passed to the template exectution.
pub struct Context {
    dot: Value,

impl Context {
    pub fn empty() -> Context {
        Context { dot: Value::Nil }

    pub fn from<T>(value: T) -> Context
        T: Into<Value>,
        let serialized: Value = value.into();
        Context { dot: serialized }

impl<'b> Template {
    pub fn execute<T: Write>(&self, writer: &'b mut T, data: &Context) -> Result<(), ExecError> {
        let mut vars: VecDeque<VecDeque<Variable>> = VecDeque::new();
        let mut dot = VecDeque::new();
        dot.push_back(Variable {
            name: "$".to_owned(),
            value: data.dot.clone(),

        let mut state = State {
            template: self,
            node: None,
            depth: 0,

        let root = self
            .and_then(|tree| tree.root.as_ref())
            .ok_or_else(|| ExecError::IncompleteTemplate(self.name.clone()))?;
        state.walk(data, root)?;


    pub fn render(&self, data: &Context) -> Result<String, ExecError> {
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        self.execute(&mut w, data)?;

impl<'a, 'b, T: Write> State<'a, 'b, T> {
    fn set_kth_last_var_value(&mut self, k: usize, value: Value) -> Result<(), ExecError> {
        if let Some(last_vars) = self.vars.back_mut() {
            let i = last_vars.len() - k;
            if let Some(kth_last_var) = last_vars.get_mut(i) {
                kth_last_var.value = value;
                return Ok(());
            return Err(ExecError::VarContextToSmall(k));

    fn var_value(&self, key: &str) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {
        for context in self.vars.iter().rev() {
            for var in context.iter().rev() {
                if var.name == key {
                    return Ok(var.value.clone());

    fn walk_list(&mut self, ctx: &Context, node: &'a ListNode) -> Result<(), ExecError> {
        for n in &node.nodes {
            self.walk(ctx, n)?;

    // Top level walk function. Steps through the major parts for the template strcuture and
    // writes to the output.
    fn walk(&mut self, ctx: &Context, node: &'a Nodes) -> Result<(), ExecError> {
        self.node = Some(node);
        match *node {
            Nodes::Action(ref n) => {
                let val = self.eval_pipeline(ctx, &n.pipe)?;
                if n.pipe.decl.is_empty() {
            Nodes::If(_) | Nodes::With(_) => self.walk_if_or_with(node, ctx),
            Nodes::Range(ref n) => self.walk_range(ctx, n),
            Nodes::List(ref n) => self.walk_list(ctx, n),
            Nodes::Text(ref n) => write!(self.writer, "{}", n).map_err(ExecError::IOError),
            Nodes::Template(ref n) => self.walk_template(ctx, n),
            _ => Err(ExecError::UnknownNode(node.clone())),

    fn walk_template(&mut self, ctx: &Context, template: &TemplateNode) -> Result<(), ExecError> {
        let name = match template.name {
            PipeOrString::String(ref name) => name.to_owned(),
            PipeOrString::Pipe(ref pipe) => {
                if let Value::String(s) = self.eval_pipeline(ctx, pipe)? {
                } else {
                    return Err(ExecError::PipelineMustYieldString);
        if self.depth >= MAX_TEMPLATE_DEPTH {
            return Err(ExecError::MaxTemplateDepth);
        let tree = self.template.tree_set.get(&name);
        if let Some(tree) = tree {
            if let Some(ref root) = tree.root {
                let mut vars = VecDeque::new();
                let mut dot = VecDeque::new();
                let value = if let Some(ref pipe) = template.pipe {
                    self.eval_pipeline(ctx, pipe)?
                } else {
                dot.push_back(Variable {
                    name: "$".to_owned(),
                    value: value.clone(),
                let mut new_state = State {
                    template: self.template,
                    writer: self.writer,
                    node: None,
                    depth: self.depth + 1,
                return new_state.walk(&Context::from(value), root);

    fn eval_pipeline(&mut self, ctx: &Context, pipe: &PipeNode) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {
        let mut val: Option<Value> = None;
        for cmd in &pipe.cmds {
            val = Some(self.eval_command(ctx, cmd, &val)?);
            // TODO
        let val = val.ok_or_else(|| ExecError::ErrorEvaluatingPipe(pipe.clone()))?;
        for var in &pipe.decl {
            if pipe.is_assign == true {
                let mut idx2 = -1;
                let mut idx1 = -1;
                for (k, v) in self.vars.iter().enumerate() {
                    for (k2, v2) in v.iter().enumerate() {
                        if v2.name == var.ident[0] {
                            idx2 = k2 as i32;
                            idx1 = k as i32;
                // println!("val assign is   {:?}", self.vars);
                self.vars[idx1 as usize].remove(idx2 as usize);
                self.vars[idx1 as usize].insert(
                    idx2 as usize,
                    Variable {
                        name: var.ident[0].clone(),
                        value: val.clone(),
                // println!(
                //     "val assign is{} {:?}, {:?}",
                //     var.ident[0],
                //     val.clone(),
                //     self.vars
                // );
            } else {
                // println!("val no assign is{} {:?}", var.ident[0].clone(), val.clone());

                    .map(|v| {
                        v.push_back(Variable {
                            name: var.ident[0].clone(),
                            value: val.clone(),

    fn eval_command(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &Context,
        cmd: &CommandNode,
        val: &Option<Value>,
    ) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {
        let first_word = &cmd
            .ok_or_else(|| ExecError::NoArgsForCommandNode(cmd.clone()))?;

        match *(*first_word) {
            Nodes::Field(ref n) => return self.eval_field_node(ctx, n, &cmd.args, val),
            Nodes::Variable(ref n) => return self.eval_variable_node(n, &cmd.args, val),
            Nodes::Pipe(ref n) => return self.eval_pipeline(ctx, n),
            Nodes::Chain(ref n) => return self.eval_chain_node(ctx, n, &cmd.args, val),
            Nodes::Identifier(ref n) => return self.eval_function(ctx, n, &cmd.args, val),
            _ => {}
        not_a_function(&cmd.args, val)?;
        match *(*first_word) {
            Nodes::Bool(ref n) => Ok(n.value.clone()),
            Nodes::Dot(_) => Ok(ctx.dot.clone()),
            Nodes::Number(ref n) => Ok(n.value.clone()),
            Nodes::String(ref n) => Ok(n.value.clone()),
            _ => Err(ExecError::CannotEvaluateCommand((*first_word).clone())),

    fn eval_function(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &Context,
        ident: &IdentifierNode,
        args: &[Nodes],
        fin: &Option<Value>,
    ) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {
        let name = &ident.ident;
        let function = self
            .ok_or_else(|| ExecError::UndefinedFunction(name.to_string()))?;
        self.eval_call(ctx, *function, args, fin)

    fn eval_call(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &Context,
        function: Func,
        args: &[Nodes],
        fin: &Option<Value>,
    ) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {
        let mut arg_vals = vec![];
        if !args.is_empty() {
            for arg in &args[1..] {
                let val = self.eval_arg(ctx, arg)?;
        if let Some(ref f) = *fin {
        // println!("{:?}", arg_vals);


    fn eval_chain_node(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &Context,
        chain: &ChainNode,
        args: &[Nodes],
        fin: &Option<Value>,
    ) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {
        if chain.field.is_empty() {
            return Err(ExecError::NoFieldsInEvalChainNode);
        if let Nodes::Nil(_) = *chain.node {
            return Err(ExecError::NullInChain(chain.clone()));
        let pipe = self.eval_arg(ctx, &*chain.node)?;
        self.eval_field_chain(&pipe, &chain.field, args, fin)

    fn eval_arg(&mut self, ctx: &Context, node: &Nodes) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {
        match *node {
            Nodes::Dot(_) => Ok(ctx.dot.clone()),
            Nodes::Field(ref n) => self.eval_field_node(ctx, n, &[], &None), // args?
            Nodes::Variable(ref n) => self.eval_variable_node(n, &[], &None),
            Nodes::Pipe(ref n) => self.eval_pipeline(ctx, n),
            // Nodes::Identifier
            Nodes::Identifier(ref n) => self.eval_function(ctx, n, &[], &None),
            Nodes::Chain(ref n) => self.eval_chain_node(ctx, n, &[], &None),
            Nodes::String(ref n) => Ok(n.value.clone()),
            Nodes::Bool(ref n) => Ok(n.value.clone()),
            Nodes::Number(ref n) => Ok(n.value.clone()),
            _ => Err(ExecError::InvalidArgument(node.clone())),

    fn eval_field_node(
        &mut self,
        ctx: &Context,
        field: &FieldNode,
        args: &[Nodes],
        fin: &Option<Value>,
    ) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {
        self.eval_field_chain(&ctx.dot, &field.ident, args, fin)

    fn eval_field_chain(
        &mut self,
        receiver: &Value,
        ident: &[String],
        args: &[Nodes],
        fin: &Option<Value>,
    ) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {
        let n = ident.len();
        if n < 1 {
            return Err(ExecError::FieldChainWithoutFields);
        // TODO clean shit up
        let mut r: Value = Value::from(0);
        for (i, id) in ident.iter().enumerate().take(n - 1) {
            r = self.eval_field(if i == 0 { receiver } else { &r }, id, &[], &None)?;
        self.eval_field(if n == 1 { receiver } else { &r }, &ident[n - 1], args, fin)

    fn eval_field(
        &mut self,
        receiver: &Value,
        field_name: &str,
        args: &[Nodes],
        fin: &Option<Value>,
    ) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {
        let has_args = args.len() > 1 || fin.is_some();
        if has_args {
            return Err(ExecError::NotAFunctionButArguments(field_name.to_string()));
        let ret = match *receiver {
            Value::Object(ref o) => o
                .ok_or_else(|| ExecError::NoFiledFor(field_name.to_string(), receiver.clone())),
            Value::Map(ref o) => Ok(o.get(field_name).cloned().unwrap_or(Value::NoValue)),
            _ => Err(ExecError::OnlyMapsAndObjectsHaveFields),
        if let Ok(Value::Function(ref f)) = ret {
            return (f.f)(&[receiver.clone()]).map_err(Into::into);

    fn eval_variable_node(
        &mut self,
        variable: &VariableNode,
        args: &[Nodes],
        fin: &Option<Value>,
    ) -> Result<Value, ExecError> {
        let val = self.var_value(&variable.ident[0])?;
        if variable.ident.len() == 1 {
            not_a_function(args, fin)?;
            return Ok(val);
        self.eval_field_chain(&val, &variable.ident[1..], args, fin)

    // Walks an `if` or `with` node. They behave the same, except that `with` sets dot.
    fn walk_if_or_with(&mut self, node: &'a Nodes, ctx: &Context) -> Result<(), ExecError> {
        let pipe = match *node {
            Nodes::If(ref n) | Nodes::With(ref n) => &n.pipe,
            _ => return Err(ExecError::ExpectedIfOrWith(node.clone())),
        let val = self.eval_pipeline(ctx, pipe)?;
        let truth = is_true(&val);
        if truth {
            match *node {
                Nodes::If(ref n) => self.walk_list(ctx, &n.list)?,
                Nodes::With(ref n) => {
                    let ctx = Context { dot: val };
                    self.walk_list(&ctx, &n.list)?;
                _ => {}
        } else {
            match *node {
                Nodes::If(ref n) | Nodes::With(ref n) => {
                    if let Some(ref otherwise) = n.else_list {
                        self.walk_list(ctx, otherwise)?;
                _ => {}

    fn one_iteration(
        &mut self,
        key: Value,
        val: Value,
        range: &'a RangeNode,
    ) -> Result<(), ExecError> {
        if !range.pipe.decl.is_empty() {
            self.set_kth_last_var_value(1, val.clone())?;
        if range.pipe.decl.len() > 1 {
            self.set_kth_last_var_value(2, key)?;
        let vars = VecDeque::new();
        let ctx = Context { dot: val };
        self.walk_list(&ctx, &range.list)?;

    fn walk_range(&mut self, ctx: &Context, range: &'a RangeNode) -> Result<(), ExecError> {
        let val = self.eval_pipeline(ctx, &range.pipe)?;
        match val {
            Value::Object(ref map) | Value::Map(ref map) => {
                for (k, v) in map.clone() {
                    self.one_iteration(Value::from(k), v, range)?;
            Value::Array(ref vec) => {
                for (k, v) in vec.iter().enumerate() {
                    self.one_iteration(Value::from(k), v.clone(), range)?;
            _ => return Err(ExecError::InvalidRange(val)),
        if let Some(ref else_list) = range.else_list {
            self.walk_list(ctx, else_list)?;

    fn print_value(&mut self, val: &Value) -> Result<(), ExecError> {
        write!(self.writer, "{}", val).map_err(ExecError::IOError)?;

fn not_a_function(args: &[Nodes], val: &Option<Value>) -> Result<(), ExecError> {
    if args.len() > 1 || val.is_some() {
        return Err(ExecError::ArgumentForNonFunction(args[0].clone()));

mod tests_mocked {
    use super::*;
    use anyhow::anyhow;
    use gtmpl_derive::Gtmpl;
    use gtmpl_value::FuncError;
    use std::collections::HashMap;

    fn simple_template() {
        let data = Context::from(1);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ if false }} 2000 {{ end }}"#).is_ok());
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "");

        let data = Context::from(1);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ if true }} 2000 {{ end }}"#).is_ok());
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), " 2000 ");

        let data = Context::from(1);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ if true -}} 2000 {{- end }}"#).is_ok());
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "2000");

        let data = Context::from(1);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ if false -}} 2000 {{- else -}} 3000 {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "3000");

    fn test_dot() {
        let data = Context::from(1);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ if . -}} 2000 {{- else -}} 3000 {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "2000");

        let data = Context::from(false);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ if . -}} 2000 {{- else -}} 3000 {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "3000");

    fn test_sub() {
        let data = Context::from(1u8);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "1");

        struct Foo {
            foo: u8,
        let f = Foo { foo: 1 };
        let data = Context::from(f);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "1");

    fn test_novalue() {
        struct Foo {
            foo: u8,
        let f = Foo { foo: 1 };
        let data = Context::from(f);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);

        let map: HashMap<String, u64> = [("foo".to_owned(), 23u64)].iter().cloned().collect();
        let data = Context::from(map);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), Value::NoValue.to_string());

    fn test_dollar_dot() {
        #[derive(Gtmpl, Clone)]
        struct Foo {
            foo: u8,
        let data = Context::from(Foo { foo: 1u8 });
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "1");

    fn test_function_via_dot() {
        struct Foo {
            foo: Func,
        fn foo(_: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, FuncError> {
        let data = Context::from(Foo { foo });
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "foobar");

        fn plus_one(args: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, FuncError> {
            if let Value::Object(ref o) = &args[0] {
                if let Some(Value::Number(ref n)) = o.get("num") {
                    if let Some(i) = n.as_i64() {
                        return Ok((i + 1).into());
            Err(anyhow!("integer required, got: {:?}", args).into())

        struct AddMe {
            num: u8,
            plus_one: Func,
        let data = Context::from(AddMe { num: 42, plus_one });
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "43");

    fn test_function_ret_map() {
        fn map(_: &[Value]) -> Result<Value, FuncError> {
            let mut h = HashMap::new();
            h.insert("field".to_owned(), 1);

        let data = Context::empty();
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        t.add_func("map", map);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "1");

    fn test_dot_value() {
        #[derive(Gtmpl, Clone)]
        struct Foo {
            foo: u8,
        struct Bar {
            bar: Foo,
        let f = Foo { foo: 1 };
        let data = Context::from(f);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ if .foo -}} 2000 {{- else -}} 3000 {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "2000");

        let f = Foo { foo: 0 };
        let data = Context::from(f);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ if .foo -}} 2000 {{- else -}} 3000 {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "3000");

        let bar = Bar {
            bar: Foo { foo: 1 },
        let data = Context::from(bar);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ if .bar.foo -}} 2000 {{- else -}} 3000 {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "2000");

        let bar = Bar {
            bar: Foo { foo: 0 },
        let data = Context::from(bar);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ if .bar.foo -}} 2000 {{- else -}} 3000 {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "3000");

    fn test_with() {
        struct Foo {
            foo: u16,
        let f = Foo { foo: 1000 };
        let data = Context::from(f);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ with .foo -}} {{.}} {{- else -}} 3000 {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "1000");

    fn to_sorted_string(buf: Vec<u8>) -> String {
        let mut chars: Vec<char> = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap().chars().collect();

    fn test_range() {
        let mut map = HashMap::new();
        map.insert("a".to_owned(), 1);
        map.insert("b".to_owned(), 2);
        let data = Context::from(map);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ range . -}} {{.}} {{- end }}"#).is_ok());
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(to_sorted_string(w), "12");

        let vec = vec!["foo", "bar", "2000"];
        let data = Context::from(vec);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ range . -}} {{.}} {{- end }}"#).is_ok());
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "foobar2000");

    fn test_proper_range() {
        let vec = vec!["a".to_string(), "b".to_string()];
        let data = Context::from(vec);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ range $k, $v := . -}} {{ $k }}{{ $v }} {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "0a1b");

        let mut map = HashMap::new();
        map.insert("a".to_owned(), 1);
        map.insert("b".to_owned(), 2);
        let data = Context::from(map);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ range $k, $v := . -}} {{ $v }} {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(to_sorted_string(w), "12");

        let mut map = HashMap::new();
        map.insert("a".to_owned(), "b");
        map.insert("c".to_owned(), "d");
        let data = Context::from(map);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ range $k, $v := . -}} {{ $k }}{{ $v }} {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(to_sorted_string(w), "abcd");

        let mut map = HashMap::new();
        map.insert("a".to_owned(), 1);
        map.insert("b".to_owned(), 2);
        let data = Context::from(map);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ range $k, $v := . -}} {{ $k }}{{ $v }} {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(to_sorted_string(w), "12ab");

        let mut map = HashMap::new();
        map.insert("a".to_owned(), 1);
        map.insert("b".to_owned(), 2);
        struct Foo {
            foo: HashMap<String, i32>,
        let f = Foo { foo: map };
        let data = Context::from(f);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ range $k, $v := .foo -}} {{ $v }} {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(to_sorted_string(w), "12");

        let mut map = HashMap::new();
        #[derive(Gtmpl, Clone)]
        struct Bar {
            bar: i32,
        map.insert("a".to_owned(), Bar { bar: 1 });
        map.insert("b".to_owned(), Bar { bar: 2 });
        let data = Context::from(map);
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ range $k, $v := . -}} {{ $v.bar }} {{- end }}"#)
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(to_sorted_string(w), "12");

    fn test_len() {
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"my len is {{ len . }}"#).is_ok());
        let data = Context::from(vec![1, 2, 3]);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "my len is 3");

        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ len . }}"#).is_ok());
        let data = Context::from("hello".to_owned());
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "5");

    fn test_pipeline_function() {
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ if ( 1 | eq . ) -}} 2000 {{- end }}"#).is_ok());
        let data = Context::from(1);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "2000");

    fn test_function() {
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ if eq . . -}} 2000 {{- end }}"#).is_ok());
        let data = Context::from(1);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "2000");

    fn test_eq() {
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ if eq "a" "a" -}} 2000 {{- end }}"#).is_ok());
        let data = Context::from(1);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "2000");

        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ if eq "a" "b" -}} 2000 {{- end }}"#).is_ok());
        let data = Context::from(1);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "");

        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ if eq true true -}} 2000 {{- end }}"#).is_ok());
        let data = Context::from(1);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "2000");

        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ if eq true false -}} 2000 {{- end }}"#)
        let data = Context::from(1);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "");

        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ if eq 23.42 23.42 -}} 2000 {{- end }}"#)
        let data = Context::from(1);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "2000");

        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
        assert!(t.parse(r#"{{ if eq 1 . -}} 2000 {{- end }}"#).is_ok());
        let data = Context::from(1);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "2000");

    fn test_block() {
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ block "foobar" true -}} {{ $ }} {{- end }}"#)
        let data = Context::from(2000);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "true");

    fn test_assign_string() {
        let mut w: Vec<u8> = vec![];
        let mut t = Template::default();
            .parse(r#"{{ with $foo := "bar" }}{{ $foo }}{{ end }}"#)
        let data = Context::from(1);
        let out = t.execute(&mut w, &data);
        assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(w).unwrap(), "bar");