gnverify 0.3.0

Takes a scientific name or a list of names and verifies them against a variety of biodiversity Data Sources
# gnverify

Takes a name or a list of names and verifies them against a variety of
biodiversity [Data Sources][data_source_ids]

<!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->

* [Features]#features
* [Installation]#installation
  * [MS Windows]#ms-windows
  * [Linux and Mac]#linux-and-mac
  * [Compile from source]#compile-from-source
* [Usage]#usage
  * [One name-string]#one-name-string
  * [Many name-strings in a file]#many-name-strings-in-a-file
  * [Options and flags]#options-and-flags
    * [help]#help
    * [version]#version
    * [name_field]#name_field
    * [format]#format
    * [sources]#sources
    * [preferred_only]#preferred_only
* [Copyright]#copyright

<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->

## Features

* Small and fast app to verify scientific names against many biodiversity
* Has 4 different match levels:
  * Exact: complete match with a canonical form or full name-string from a
     data source.
  * Fuzzy: if exact match did not happen, it tries to match name-strings
     assuming spelling errors.
  *  Partial: strips  middle or last epithets from bi- or multi-nomial names
              and tries to match what is left.
  *  PartialFuzzy: the same as Partial but assuming spelling mistakes.
* Taxonomic resolution. If a database contains taxonomic information, returns
  currently accepted name for a name-string, if it is different from the
  matched name.
* Best match is returned according to the match score. Data sources with some
  manual curation have priority over auto-curated and uncurated datasets. For
  example [Catalogue of Life] or [WoRMS] are considered curated,
  [GBIF] auto-curated, [uBio] not curated.
* It is possible to map any name-strings checklist to any of registered
  Data Sources.
* If a Data Source provides classification for a name, it will be returned in
  the output.
* Works for checking just one name-string, or multiple ones written in a file.
* Supports feeding data vie pips of an operating system. This feature allows
  to chain the program together with other tools.

## Installation

### MS Windows

Download the latest release from [github], unzip.

One possible way would be to create a default folder for executables and place
``gnveriry`` there.

Use ``Windows+R`` keys
combination and type "``cmd``". In the appeared terminal window type:

mkdir C:\Users\your_username\bin
copy path_to\gnverify.exe C:\Users\your_username\bin

[Add ``C:\Users\your_username\bin`` directory to your ``PATH``][winpath]
environment variable.

Another, simpler way, would be to use ``cd C:\Users\your_username\bin`` command
in ``cmd`` terminal window. The ``gnverify`` program then will be automatically
found by Windows operating system when you run its commands from that

You can also read more a detailed guide for Windows users in
[a PDF document][win-pdf].

### Linux and Mac

Download the latest release from [github], untar, and install binary somewhere
in your path.

tar xvf gnverify-linux-0.2.0.tar.xz
# or tar xvf gnverify-mac-0.2.0.tar.gz
sudo mv gnverify /usr/local/bin

### Compile from source

Install Rust according to their [installation instructions][rust-install]

cargo install gnverify

## Usage

``gnverify`` takes one name-string or a tab-delimited file with many
name-strings as an argument, sends a query with these data to [remote
``gnindex`` server][gnindex] to match the name-strigs against many different
biodiversity databases and returns results to STDOUT either in JSON or CSV

### One name-string

gnverify "Monohamus galloprovincialis"

### Many name-strings in a file

gnverify /path/to/names.tsv
The app assumes that a file either contains a simple list of names, one per line,
of a tab-separated list where the first column is an `id` associated with a
name_string, and the second is the name-string itself. You can find examples
of such files in the project's [test directory].

It is also possible to feed data via STDIN:

cat /path/to/names.txt | gnverify

### Options and flags

According to POSIX standard flags and options can be given either before or
after name-string or file name.

#### help

gnverify -h
# or
gnverify --help
# or

#### version

gnverify -V
# or
gnverify --version

#### name_field

If the name-string's ScientificName field is not the first in your data,
the **``name-field`` flag is very important**. Set it to the position of
the name-string field.

For example, if your file has the following fields:

"ID", "Taxon_ID", "Name", "Reference", "Notes"

and the "Name" field contains the names you want to verify, use

gnverify -n 3
# or
gnverify --name-field=3

#### format

Allows to pick a format for output. Supported format are

* compact: one-liner JSON.
* pretty: prettified JSON with new lines and tabs for easier reading.
* csv: (DEFAULT) returns CSV representation.

gnverify -f compact file.txt
# or
gnverify --format="pretty" file.csv

Note that a separate JSON "document" is returned for each separate record,
instead of returning one big JSON document for all records. For large lists it
significantly speeds up parsin of the JSON on the user side.

#### sources

By default ``gnverify`` returns only one "best" result of a match. If a user
has a particular interest in a data set, s/he can set it with this option, and
all matches that exist for this source will be returned as well. You need to
provide a data source id for a dataset. Ids can be found at the following
[url][data_source_ids]. Some of them are provided in the ``gnverify`` help
output as well.

Data from such sources will be returned in preferred_results section of JSON
output, or with CSV rows that start with "PreferredMatch" string.

gnverify file.csv -s "1,11,172"
# or
gnverify file.tsv --sources="12"
# or
cat file.txt | gnverify -s '1,12'
#### preferred_only

Sometimes all users wants is to map one list of names to a DataSource. They
are not interested if name matched anywhere else. In such case you can use
the ``preferred_only`` flag.

gnverify -p -s '12' file.txt
# or
gnverify --preferred_only --sources='1,12' file.tsv

## Copyright

Authors: [Dmitry Mozzherin][dimus]

Copyright (c) 2020 Dmitry Mozzherin. See [LICENSE][license]
for further details.

[Catalogue of Life]:
[test directory]: