Trait gnuplot::AxesCommon [] [src]

pub trait AxesCommon: AxesCommonPrivate {
    fn set_pos_grid<'l>(&'l mut self, nrow: u32, ncol: u32, pos: u32) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_pos<'l>(&'l mut self, x: f64, y: f64) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_size<'l>(&'l mut self, w: f64, h: f64) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_aspect_ratio<'l>(&'l mut self, ratio: AutoOption<f64>) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_x_label<'l>(&'l mut self, text: &str, options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_y_label<'l>(&'l mut self, text: &str, options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_cb_label<'l>(&'l mut self, text: &str, options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_title<'l>(&'l mut self, text: &str, options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn label<'l>(&'l mut self, text: &str, x: Coordinate, y: Coordinate, options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_x_ticks<'l>(&'l mut self, tick_placement: Option<(AutoOption<f64>, u32)>, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_y_ticks<'l>(&'l mut self, tick_placement: Option<(AutoOption<f64>, u32)>, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_cb_ticks<'l>(&'l mut self, tick_placement: Option<(AutoOption<f64>, u32)>, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_x_ticks_custom<'l, T: DataType, TL: Iterator<Item=Tick<T>>>(&'l mut self, ticks: TL, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_y_ticks_custom<'l, T: DataType, TL: Iterator<Item=Tick<T>>>(&'l mut self, ticks: TL, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_cb_ticks_custom<'l, T: DataType, TL: Iterator<Item=Tick<T>>>(&'l mut self, ticks: TL, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_x_range<'l>(&'l mut self, min: AutoOption<f64>, max: AutoOption<f64>) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_y_range<'l>(&'l mut self, min: AutoOption<f64>, max: AutoOption<f64>) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_cb_range<'l>(&'l mut self, min: AutoOption<f64>, max: AutoOption<f64>) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_x_log<'l>(&'l mut self, base: Option<f64>) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_y_log<'l>(&'l mut self, base: Option<f64>) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_cb_log<'l>(&'l mut self, base: Option<f64>) -> &'l mut Self { ... }
    fn set_palette(&mut self, palette: PaletteType) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn set_custom_palette<T: Iterator<Item=(f32, f32, f32, f32)>>(&mut self, palette_generator: T) -> &mut Self { ... }

Provided Methods

fn set_pos_grid<'l>(&'l mut self, nrow: u32, ncol: u32, pos: u32) -> &'l mut Self

Set the position of the axes on the figure using grid coordinates.


  • nrow - Number of rows in the grid. Must be greater than 0.
  • ncol - Number of columns in the grid. Must be greater than 0.
  • pos - Which grid cell to place this axes in, counting from top-left corner, going left and then down, starting at 0.

fn set_pos<'l>(&'l mut self, x: f64, y: f64) -> &'l mut Self

Set the position of the axes on the figure using screen coordinates. The coordinates refer to the bottom-left corner of the axes


  • x - X position. Ranges from 0 to 1
  • y - Y position. Ranges from 0 to 1

fn set_size<'l>(&'l mut self, w: f64, h: f64) -> &'l mut Self

Set the size of the axes


  • w - Width. Ranges from 0 to 1
  • h - Height. Ranges from 0 to 1

fn set_aspect_ratio<'l>(&'l mut self, ratio: AutoOption<f64>) -> &'l mut Self

Set the aspect ratio of the axes


  • ratio - The aspect ratio. Set to Auto to return the ratio to default

fn set_x_label<'l>(&'l mut self, text: &str, options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self

Set the label for the X axis


  • text - Text of the label. Pass an empty string to hide the label
  • options - Array of LabelOption controlling the appearance of the label. Relevant options are:
    • Offset - Specifies the offset of the label
    • Font - Specifies the font of the label
    • TextColor - Specifies the color of the label
    • Rotate - Specifies the rotation of the label
    • Align - Specifies how to align the label

fn set_y_label<'l>(&'l mut self, text: &str, options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_label, but for the Y axis

fn set_cb_label<'l>(&'l mut self, text: &str, options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_label, but for the color bar

fn set_title<'l>(&'l mut self, text: &str, options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self

Set the title for the axes


  • text - Text of the title. Pass an empty string to hide the title
  • options - Array of LabelOption controlling the appearance of the title. Relevant options are:
    • Offset - Specifies the offset of the label
    • Font - Specifies the font of the label
    • TextColor - Specifies the color of the label
    • Rotate - Specifies the rotation of the label
    • Align - Specifies how to align the label

fn label<'l>(&'l mut self, text: &str, x: Coordinate, y: Coordinate, options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self

Adds a label to the plot, with an optional marker.


  • text - Text of the label
  • x - X coordinate of the label
  • y - Y coordinate of the label
  • options - Array of LabelOption controlling the appearance of the label. Relevant options are:
    • Offset - Specifies the offset of the label
    • Font - Specifies the font of the label
    • TextColor - Specifies the color of the label
    • Rotate - Specifies the rotation of the label
    • Align - Specifies how to align the label
    • MarkerSymbol - Specifies the symbol for the marker. Omit to hide the marker
    • MarkerSize - Specifies the size for the marker
    • MarkerColor - Specifies the color for the marker

fn set_x_ticks<'l>(&'l mut self, tick_placement: Option<(AutoOption<f64>, u32)>, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self

Sets the properties of the ticks on the X axis.


  • tick_placement - Controls the placement of the ticks. Pass None to hide the ticks. Otherwise, the first tuple value controls the spacing of the major ticks (in axes units), otherwise set it to Auto to let gnuplot decide the spacing automatically. The second tuple value specifies the number of minor ticks. For logarithmic axes, non-zero values mean that the number of ticks usually equals to ceil(log_base) - 2.
  • tick_options - Array of TickOption controlling the appearance of the ticks
  • label_options - Array of LabelOption controlling the appearance of the tick labels. Relevant options are:
    • Offset - Specifies the offset of the label
    • Font - Specifies the font of the label
    • TextColor - Specifies the color of the label
    • Rotate - Specifies the rotation of the label
    • Align - Specifies how to align the label

fn set_y_ticks<'l>(&'l mut self, tick_placement: Option<(AutoOption<f64>, u32)>, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_ticks but for the Y axis.

fn set_cb_ticks<'l>(&'l mut self, tick_placement: Option<(AutoOption<f64>, u32)>, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_ticks but for the color bar axis.

fn set_x_ticks_custom<'l, T: DataType, TL: Iterator<Item=Tick<T>>>(&'l mut self, ticks: TL, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self

Sets ticks on the X axis with specified labels at specified positions.


  • ticks - Iterator specifying the locations and labels of the added ticks. The label can contain a single C printf style floating point formatting specifier which will be replaced by the location of the tic.
  • tick_options - Array of TickOption controlling the appearance of the ticks
  • label_options - Array of LabelOption controlling the appearance of the tick labels. Relevant options are:
    • Offset - Specifies the offset of the label
    • Font - Specifies the font of the label
    • TextColor - Specifies the color of the label
    • Rotate - Specifies the rotation of the label
    • Align - Specifies how to align the label

fn set_y_ticks_custom<'l, T: DataType, TL: Iterator<Item=Tick<T>>>(&'l mut self, ticks: TL, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_ticks_custom but for the the Y axis.

fn set_cb_ticks_custom<'l, T: DataType, TL: Iterator<Item=Tick<T>>>(&'l mut self, ticks: TL, tick_options: &[TickOption], label_options: &[LabelOption]) -> &'l mut Self

Like set_x_ticks_custom but for the the color bar axis.

fn set_x_range<'l>(&'l mut self, min: AutoOption<f64>, max: AutoOption<f64>) -> &'l mut Self

Set the range of values for the X axis.


  • min - Minimum X value
  • max - Maximum X value

fn set_y_range<'l>(&'l mut self, min: AutoOption<f64>, max: AutoOption<f64>) -> &'l mut Self

Set the range of values for the Y axis.


  • min - Minimum Y value
  • max - Maximum Y value

fn set_cb_range<'l>(&'l mut self, min: AutoOption<f64>, max: AutoOption<f64>) -> &'l mut Self

Set the range of values for the color bar axis.


  • min - Minimum Y value
  • max - Maximum Y value

fn set_x_log<'l>(&'l mut self, base: Option<f64>) -> &'l mut Self

Sets the X axis be logarithmic. Note that the range must be non-negative for this to be valid.


  • base - If Some, then specifies base of the logarithm, if None makes the axis not be logarithmic

fn set_y_log<'l>(&'l mut self, base: Option<f64>) -> &'l mut Self

Sets the Y axis be logarithmic. Note that the range must be non-negative for this to be valid.


  • base - If Some, then specifies base of the logarithm, if None makes the axis not be logarithmic

fn set_cb_log<'l>(&'l mut self, base: Option<f64>) -> &'l mut Self

Sets the color bar axis be logarithmic. Note that the range must be non-negative for this to be valid.


  • base - If Some, then specifies base of the logarithm, if None makes the axis not be logarithmic

fn set_palette(&mut self, palette: PaletteType) -> &mut Self

Sets the palette used for 3D surface and image plots


  • palette - What palette type to use

fn set_custom_palette<T: Iterator<Item=(f32, f32, f32, f32)>>(&mut self, palette_generator: T) -> &mut Self

Sets a custom palette used for 3D surface and image plots. A custom palette is specified by a sequence of 4-tuples (with at least one element). The first element is the grayscale value that is mapped to the remaining three elements which specify the red, green and blue components of the color. The grayscale values must be non-decreasing. All values must range from 0 to 1.


  • palette_generator - The palette generator
