gnuplot 0.0.10

Rust gnuplot controller
// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 by SiegeLord
// All rights reserved. Distributed under LGPL 3.0. For full terms see the file LICENSE.

pub use self::PlotOption::*;
pub use self::FillRegionType::*;
pub use self::AlignType::*;
pub use self::DashType::*;
pub use self::ArrowheadType::*;
pub use self::AutoOption::*;
pub use self::LabelOption::*;
pub use self::TickOption::*;
pub use self::Tick::*;
pub use self::BorderLocation2D::*;
pub use self::LegendOption::*;
pub use self::ContourStyle::*;
pub use self::PaletteType::*;

/// An enumeration of plot options you can supply to plotting commands, governing
/// things like line width, color and others
pub enum PlotOption<'l>
	/// Sets the symbol used for points. The valid characters are as follows:
	/// * `.` - dot
	/// * `+` - plus
	/// * `x` - cross
	/// * `*` - star
	/// * `s` - empty square
	/// * `S` - filled square
	/// * `o` - empty circle
	/// * `O` - filled circle
	/// * `t` - empty triangle
	/// * `T` - filled triangle
	/// * `d` - empty del (upside down triangle)
	/// * `D` - filled del (upside down triangle)
	/// * `r` - empty rhombus
	/// * `R` - filled rhombus
	/// Sets the size of the points. The size acts as a multiplier, with 1.0 being the default.
	/// Sets the caption of the plot element. Set to empty to hide it from the legend.
	Caption(&'l str),
	/// Sets the width of lines.
	/// Sets the color of the plot element. The passed string can be a color name
	/// (e.g. "black" works), or an HTML color specifier (e.g. "#FFFFFF" is white). This specifies the fill color of a filled plot.
	Color(&'l str),
	/// Sets the color of the border of a filled plot (if it has one). The passed string can be a color name
	/// (e.g. "black" works), or an HTML color specifier (e.g. "#FFFFFF" is white).
	BorderColor(&'l str),
	/// Sets the style of the line. Note that not all gnuplot terminals support dashed lines. See DashType for the available styles.
	/// Sets the transparency of a filled plot. `0.0` - fully transparent, `1.0` - fully opaque
	/// Sets the fill region. See FillRegion for the available regions.
	/// Sets what an arrowhead looks like
	/// Sets the size of the arrowhead. This is specified in the units of graph (i.e. `1.0` would make the arrow as big as the graph).

/// An enumeration of possible fill regions
pub enum FillRegionType

/// An enumeration of possible text and label alignments
pub enum AlignType

/// An enumeration of possible dash styles
pub enum DashType

impl DashType
	pub fn to_int(&self) -> i32
		match *self
			Solid => 1,
			SmallDot => 0,
			Dash => 2,
			Dot => 3,
			DotDash => 4,
			DotDotDash => 5

/// An enumeration of possible arrow head styles
pub enum ArrowheadType
	/// An arrow head shaped like a 'V'
	/// An arrow head shaped like an outlined triangle
	/// An arrow head shaped like a filled triangle
	/// No arrow head

/// An enumeration of something that can either be fixed (e.g. the maximum of X values),
/// or automatically determined
pub enum AutoOption<T>
	/// Fixes the value to a specific value
	/// Lets the value scale automatically

impl<T> AutoOption<T>
	/// Same as `Option::map`
	pub fn map<U, F: FnOnce(T) -> U>(self, f: F) -> AutoOption<U>
		match self
			Fix(v) => Fix(f(v)),
			Auto => Auto

/// An enumeration of label options that control label attributes
pub enum LabelOption<'l>
	/// Sets the offset of the label in characters
	TextOffset(f64, f64),
	/// Sets the font of the label. The string specifies the font type (e.g. "Arial") and the number specifies the size (the units are terminal dependent, but are often points)
	Font(&'l str, f64),
	/// Sets the color of the label text. The passed string can be a color name
	/// (e.g. "black" works), or an HTML color specifier (e.g. "#FFFFFF" is white)
	TextColor(&'l str),
	/// Rotates the label by a certain number of degrees
	/// Sets the horizontal alignment of the label text (default is left alignment). See AlignType.
	/// Sets a marker for the label. By default no marker is drawn. The valid characters are as follows:
	/// * `.` - dot
	/// * `+` - plus
	/// * `x` - cross
	/// * `*` - star
	/// * `s` - empty square
	/// * `S` - filled square
	/// * `o` - empty circle
	/// * `O` - filled circle
	/// * `t` - empty triangle
	/// * `T` - filled triangle
	/// * `d` - empty del (upside down triangle)
	/// * `D` - filled del (upside down triangle)
	/// * `r` - empty rhombus
	/// * `R` - filled rhombus
	/// Sets the color of the marker. The passed string can be a color name
	/// (e.g. "black" works), or an HTML color specifier (e.g. "#FFFFFF" is white)
	MarkerColor(&'l str),
	/// Sets the size of the marker. The size acts as a multiplier, with 1.0 being the default.

/// An enumeration of axis tick options
pub enum TickOption
	/// Specifies whether the ticks are drawn at the borders of the plot, or on the axis
	/// If the axes are drawn on the border, this specifies whether to draw the ticks on the opposite border as well
	/// If the axes are drawn on the border, this specifies whether to draw the ticks pointing inward or outward
	/// Sets the scale of the minor ticks
	/// Sets the scale of the major ticks

/// Specifies a type of axis tick
pub enum Tick<T>
	/// Major ticks have position and an optional label. The label may have a single C-style format specifier which will be replaced by the location of the tick
	Major(T, AutoOption<String>),
	/// Minor ticks only have position

/// Plot border locations
pub enum BorderLocation2D
	Bottom = 1,
	Left = 2,
	Top = 4,
	Right = 8

/// Legend options
pub enum LegendOption<'l>
	/// Puts curve samples to the left of the label
	/// Displays legend entries in opposite order
	/// Makes the legend horizontal (default is vertical)
	/// Specifies the location of the legend. The first argument specifies the horizontal
	/// placement with respect to its position, and the second argument specifies the vertical placement
	Placement(AlignType, AlignType),
	/// Title of the legend
	Title(&'l str),
	/// Specifies the maximum number of rows, when the legend is vertical
	/// Specifies the maximum number of columns, when the legend is horizontal

/// Specifies how the contours are drawn
pub enum ContourStyle
	/// Draw lines between points of equal value
	/// Draw somewhat smoother curves between points with equal value.
	/// The argument specifies the number of points to use to approximate the
	/// curve for the final drawing step (clamped to range from 2 to 100).
	/// Draw an even smoother curve, this time approximating the locations of
	/// points with equal value (clamped to range from 2 to 100).
	/// The first argument specifies the number of points to use to approximate
	/// the curve for the final drawing step. The second argument specifies the
	/// order of the polynomial (clamped to range from 2 to 10).
	Spline(u32, u32)

/// Specifies what sort of palette to use
pub enum PaletteType
	/// Use a gray palette with a specified gamma
	/// Use a palette with that uses a predefined formula for each color component.
	/// Each formula is identified by an integer between [-36, 36]. See gnuplot documentation, or use the pre-defined constants.
	Formula(i32, i32, i32),
	/// Use a cube helix palette, with a certain start (in radians), cycles, saturation and gamma.
	CubeHelix(f32, f32, f32, f32),

/// A gray palette
pub const GRAY: PaletteType = Gray(1.0);
/// Default Gnuplot palette
pub const COLOR: PaletteType = Formula(3, 11, 16);
/// Classic rainbow palette with terrible perceptual properties
pub const RAINBOW: PaletteType = Formula(33, 13, 10);
/// A black body palette
pub const HOT: PaletteType = Formula(34, 35, 36);
/// A nice default for a cube helix
pub const HELIX: PaletteType = CubeHelix(0.5, -0.8, 2.0, 1.0);