glyphspack 2.0.0

Convert between .glyphs and .glyphspackage files.
glyphspack-2.0.0 is not a library.


glyphspack converts between the .glyphs and .glyphspackage file format flavors of the Glyphs font editor.


Convert between .glyphs and .glyphspackage files:

$ glyphspack SomeFont.glyphspackage
Unpacking SomeFont.glyphspackage into SomeFont.glyphs
$ glyphspack OtherFont.glyphs
Packing OtherFont.glyphs into OtherFont.glyphspackage

Write the contents to the standard output:

$ glyphspack -fo /dev/stdout SomeFont.glyphspackage


  • Set the output file name with -o/--out.
  • Overwrite any existing files with -f/--force.
  • Suppress log messages with -q/--quiet.

Run with --help for a complete parameter description.


glyphspack can be installed from source with cargo:

$ cargo install glyphspack

The releases page provides pre-build executables for macOS (universal binary, works with both Apple silicon and Intel), Linux (x64 64 bit), and Windows (x64 64 bit).


  • In Glyphs, save a file to a different format with File → Save As… → File Format.
  • A similar tool written in Python is glyphspkg.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.