glyph_brush 0.1.0

Fast cached text render library using rusttype

glyph_brush Documentation

Fast cached text render library using rusttype.

This crate provides render API agnostic rasterization & draw caching logic. Allowing generic vertex generation & re-use of previous frame vertices.

extern crate glyph_brush;

use glyph_brush::{BrushAction, BrushError, GlyphBrushBuilder, Section};

let dejavu: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../examples/DejaVuSans.ttf");
let mut glyph_brush = GlyphBrushBuilder::using_font_bytes(dejavu).build();

glyph_brush.queue(Section {
    text: "Hello glyph_brush",

match glyph_brush.process_queued(
    |rect, tex_data| update_texture(rect, tex_data),
    |vertex_data| into_vertex(vertex_data),
) {
    Ok(BrushAction::Draw(vertices)) => {
        // Draw new vertices.
    Ok(BrushAction::ReDraw) => {
        // Re-draw last frame's vertices unmodified.
    Err(BrushError::TextureTooSmall { suggested, .. }) => {
        // Enlarge texture + glyph_brush texture cache and retry.