Module gluon_vm::api

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The marshalling api


pub use self::record::Record;
pub use crate::thread::ActiveThread;
pub use self::function::*;


Module containing types which represent generic variables in gluon’s type system


Stores values of variants and records.
Wrapper around a Future which can be used as a return value to let the virtual machine know that it must resolve the Future to receive the value.
Marker type representing a hole
Type implementing both Pushable and Getable of values of V regardless of wheter V implements the traits. The actual value, V is only accessible directly either by Deref if it is Userdata or a string or by the to_value method if it implements Getable.
Newtype which can be used to push types implementating AsRef
Wrapper which extracts a Userdata value from gluon
Wrapper type which passes acts as the type T but also passes the VM to the called function


Type representing gluon’s IO type


Trait which allows a possibly asynchronous rust value to be pushed to the virtual machine
Trait which allows rust values to be retrieved from the virtual machine
Trait which allows a rust value to be pushed to the virtual machine
Trait which maps a type in rust to a type in gluon


Type Definitions