gluon_repl 0.9.2

REPL for gluon. A static, type inferred programming language for application embedding

extern crate rexpect;

use std::process::Command;

use rexpect::errors::*;
use rexpect::session::{spawn_command, PtySession};

struct REPL {
    session: PtySession,
    prompt: &'static str,

impl REPL {
    fn new() -> REPL {
        let repl = REPL::new_().unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("{}", err));

    /// Defines the command, timeout, and prompt settings.
    /// Wraps a rexpect::session::PtySession. expecting the prompt after launch.
    fn new_() -> Result<REPL> {
        let timeout: u64 = 30_000;
        let prompt: &'static str = "REXPECT> ";

        let mut command = Command::new("../target/debug/gluon");
            .args(&["-i", "--color", "never", "--prompt", prompt])
            .env("GLUON_PATH", "..");
        let mut session = spawn_command(command, Some(timeout))?;


        Ok(REPL { session, prompt })

    fn test(&mut self, send: &str, expect: Option<&str>) {
        self.test_(send, expect)
            .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("{}", err));

    /// Ensures certain lines are expected to reduce race conditions.
    /// If no ouput is expected or desired to be tested, pass it an Option::None,
    /// causing rexpect to wait for the next prompt.
    fn test_(&mut self, send: &str, expect: Option<&str>) -> Result<()> {

        if let Some(string) = expect {


    fn quit(&mut self) {
        self.quit_().unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("{}", err));

    fn quit_(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
        let line: &'static str = ":q";

fn prompt() {
    let _repl = REPL::new();

fn quit() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

fn hello_world() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

    repl.test("let io = import!", None);
    repl.test("io.println \"Hello world\"", Some("Hello world"));

fn expression_types() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

    repl.test(":t 5", Some("Int"));
    repl.test(":t 5 + 5", Some("Int"));
    repl.test(":t \"gluon\"", Some("String"));

fn names() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

        Some(" forall a . [ a] -> a -> String"),

fn comments() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

    repl.test("1 + 2 // Calls the + function on 1 and 2", Some("3"));
    repl.test("1 + 2 /* Calls the + function on 1 and 2 */", Some("3"));

fn if_expressions() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

    repl.test("if True then 1 else 0", Some("1"));
    repl.test("if False then 1 else 0", Some("0"));

fn records() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

    repl.test("let record = { pi = 3.14, add1 = (+) 1.0 }", None);
    repl.test("record.pi", Some("3.14"));

    repl.test("let record_2 = {x = 1 .. record }", None);
    repl.test("record_2.x", Some("1"));
    repl.test("record_2.pi", Some("3.14"));

fn arrays() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

    repl.test("let array = import! std.array", None);
    repl.test("array.len [1, 2, 3]", Some("3"));

fn comment() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

    repl.test("// test", None);

fn error_reports_correct_line() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

    repl.test("let { x } = {}", Some("let { x } = {}"));

fn import() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

    repl.test("let { assert } = import! std.test", None);

fn assert() {
    let mut repl = REPL::new();

    repl.test("let { assert } = import! std.test", None);
    repl.test("assert False", None);