gluon_parser 0.6.1

The parser for the gluon programming language
use base::pos::{self, BytePos, Column, Line, Location, Spanned};

use token::{SpannedToken, Token};

quick_error! {
    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub enum Error {
        UnindentedTooFar {
            description("line was unindented too far")

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
struct Offside {
    location: Location,
    context: Context,

impl Offside {
    fn new(location: Location, context: Context) -> Offside {
        Offside {
            location: location,
            context: context,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Context {
    /// Context which contains several expressions/declarations separated by semicolons
    Block { emit_semi: bool },
    /// After brace token
    /// After bracket token
    /// After paren token
    /// A simple expression
    /// In a let expression
    /// In a type expression
    /// In an if expression
    /// In a match clause
    /// In a lambda function

struct Contexts {
    stack: Vec<Offside>,

impl Contexts {
    fn new() -> Contexts {
        Contexts { stack: Vec::new() }

    fn last(&self) -> Option<&Offside> {

    fn last_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Offside> {

    fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<Offside> {

    fn push(&mut self, offside: Offside) -> Result<(), Spanned<Error, BytePos>> {

    fn check_unindentation_limit(&mut self, offside: Offside) -> Result<(), Spanned<Error, BytePos>> {
        let mut skip_block = false;
        for other_offside in self.stack.iter().rev() {
            match other_offside.context {
                Context::Lambda => {
                    skip_block = true;
                Context::Block { .. } if skip_block => continue,
                Context::Brace | Context::Bracket | Context::Paren => return Ok(()),
                // New context should not be unindented past the closest enclosing block context
                Context::MatchClause |
                Context::Type |
                Context::Let |
                Context::Block { .. } if offside.location.column <
                                         other_offside.location.column => (),
                _ => continue,
            debug!("Unindentation error: {:?} < {:?}", offside, other_offside);
            return Err(pos::spanned2(offside.location.absolute, offside.location.absolute, Error::UnindentedTooFar));

pub struct Layout<'input, Tokens> {
    tokens: Tokens,
    unprocessed_tokens: Vec<SpannedToken<'input>>,
    indent_levels: Contexts,

impl<'input, Tokens> Layout<'input, Tokens>
    where Tokens: Iterator<Item = SpannedToken<'input>>
    pub fn new(tokens: Tokens) -> Layout<'input, Tokens> {
        Layout {
            tokens: tokens,
            unprocessed_tokens: Vec::new(),
            indent_levels: Contexts::new(),

    fn next_token(&mut self) -> SpannedToken<'input> {
            .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                    .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                        // Blegh
                        let location = Location {
                            line: Line::from(0),
                            column: Column::from(1),
                            absolute: BytePos::from(0),
                        pos::spanned2(location, location, Token::EOF)

    fn layout_token(&mut self,
                    token: SpannedToken<'input>,
                    layout_token: Token<'input>)
                    -> SpannedToken<'input> {
        let span = token.span;
        pos::spanned(span, layout_token)

    fn scan_for_next_block(&mut self, context: Context) -> Result<(), Spanned<Error, BytePos>> {
        let next = self.next_token();
        let span = next.span;
        if let Context::Block { .. } = context {
                .push(pos::spanned(span, Token::OpenBlock));
            .push(Offside::new(span.start, context))

    fn layout_next_token(&mut self) -> Result<SpannedToken<'input>, Spanned<Error, BytePos>> {
        use std::cmp::Ordering;

        let mut token = self.next_token();
        if token.value == Token::EOF {
            token.span.start.column = Column::from(0);

        loop {
            // Retrieve the current indentation level if one exists
            let offside = match (&token.value, self.indent_levels.last().cloned()) {
                (_, Some(offside)) => offside,
                (&Token::EOF, None) => return Ok(token),
                (_, None) => {
                    let offside = Offside::new(token.span.start,
                                               Context::Block { emit_semi: false });
                    debug!("Default block {:?}", token);
                    return Ok(self.layout_token(token, Token::OpenBlock));

            debug!("--------\n{:?}\n{:?}", token, offside);

            match (&token.value, offside.context) {
                (&Token::Comma, Context::Brace) |
                (&Token::Comma, Context::Paren) |
                (&Token::Comma, Context::Bracket) => return Ok(token),

                // If it is closing token we remove contexts until a context for that token is found
                (&Token::In, _) |
                (&Token::CloseBlock, _) |
                (&Token::Else, _) |
                (&Token::RBrace, _) |
                (&Token::RBracket, _) |
                (&Token::RParen, _) |
                (&Token::Comma, _) => {

                    // If none of the contexts would be closed by this token then this is likely a
                    // syntax error. Just return the token directly in that case to avoid an
                    // infinite loop caused by repeatedly inserting a default block and removing
                    // it.
                    if self.indent_levels
                           .all(|offside| {
                                    !token_closes_context(&token.value, offside.context)
                                }) {
                        return Ok(token);

                    if token_closes_context(&token.value, offside.context) {
                        match offside.context {
                            Context::If => (),
                            Context::Brace | Context::Bracket | Context::Paren => return Ok(token),
                            Context::Block { .. } if token.value == Token::CloseBlock => {
                                if let Some(offside) = self.indent_levels.last_mut() {
                                    // The enclosing block should not emit a block separator for the next
                                    // expression
                                    if let Context::Block { ref mut emit_semi, .. } =
                                        offside.context {
                                        *emit_semi = false;
                                return Ok(token);
                            Context::Let | Context::Type => {
                                let location = {
                                    let offside = self.indent_levels
                                        .expect("No top level block found");
                                    // The enclosing block should not emit a block separator for the next
                                    // expression
                                    if let Context::Block { ref mut emit_semi, .. } =
                                        offside.context {
                                        *emit_semi = false;

                                // Inject a block to ensure that a sequence of expressions end up in the `let` body
                                // ```
                                // let x = 1
                                // a
                                // b
                                // ```
                                // `let x = 1 in {{ a; b }}` and not `{{ (let x = 1 in a) ; b }}`
                                let offside = Offside::new(location,
                                                           Context::Block { emit_semi: false });
                                    .push(pos::spanned(token.span, Token::OpenBlock));

                                return Ok(token);
                            Context::Block { .. } => {
                                return Ok(self.layout_token(token, Token::CloseBlock));
                            _ => continue,
                    } else {
                (_, _) => (),

            // Next we check offside rules for each of the contexts
            let ordering = token.span.start.column.cmp(&offside.location.column);
            match (offside.context, ordering) {
                (Context::Block { .. }, Ordering::Less) => {
                    token.value = Token::CloseBlock;
                (Context::Block { emit_semi: true }, Ordering::Equal) => {
                    if let Some(offside) = self.indent_levels.last_mut() {
                        // The enclosing block should not emit a block separator for the
                        // next expression
                        if let Context::Block { ref mut emit_semi, .. } = offside.context {
                            *emit_semi = false;
                    return Ok(self.layout_token(token, Token::Semi));
                (Context::Block { emit_semi: false }, Ordering::Equal) => {
                    match token.value {
                        Token::DocComment { .. } |
                        Token::OpenBlock => (),
                        _ => {
                            // If it is the first token in a sequence we dont want to emit a
                            // separator
                            if let Some(offside) = self.indent_levels.last_mut() {
                                if let Context::Block { ref mut emit_semi, .. } = offside.context {
                                    *emit_semi = true;
                (Context::Expr, _) |
                (Context::Lambda, _) => {
                    if ordering != Ordering::Greater {
                (Context::MatchClause, _) => {
                    // Must allow `|` to be on the same line
                    if ordering == Ordering::Less ||
                       (ordering == Ordering::Equal && token.value != Token::Pipe) {
                // `and` and `}` are allowed to be on the same line as the `let` or `type`
                (Context::Let, Ordering::Equal) |
                (Context::Type, Ordering::Equal) if token.value != Token::And &&
                                                    token.value != Token::RBrace => {
                    // Insert an `in` token
                    let location = {
                        let offside = self.indent_levels
                            .expect("No top level block found");
                        // The enclosing block should not emit a block separator for the next
                        // expression
                        if let Context::Block { ref mut emit_semi, .. } = offside.context {
                            *emit_semi = false;
                    let span = token.span;
                    let result = Ok(self.layout_token(token, Token::In));

                    // Inject a block to ensure that a sequence of expressions end up in the `let` body
                    // ```
                    // let x = 1
                    // a
                    // b
                    // ```
                    // `let x = 1 in {{ a; b }}` and not `{{ (let x = 1 in a) ; b }}`
                    let offside = Offside::new(location, Context::Block { emit_semi: false });
                        .push(pos::spanned(span, Token::OpenBlock));

                    return result;
                _ => (),

            // Some tokens directly insert a new context when emitted
            let push_context = match token.value {
                Token::Let => Some(Context::Let),
                Token::If => Some(Context::If),
                Token::Type => Some(Context::Type),
                Token::Match => Some(Context::Expr),
                Token::Lambda => Some(Context::Lambda),
                Token::LBrace => Some(Context::Brace),
                Token::LBracket => Some(Context::Bracket),
                Token::LParen => Some(Context::Paren),
                _ => None,
            if let Some(context) = push_context {
                let offside = Offside::new(token.span.start, context);
                return self.indent_levels.push(offside).map(move |()| token);

            // For other tokens we need to scan for the next token to get its position
            match (&token.value, offside.context) {
                (&Token::In, context) => {
                    if let Context::Block { .. } = context {
                        return Ok(self.layout_token(token, Token::CloseBlock));

                (&Token::Equals, Context::Let) |
                (&Token::RArrow, Context::Lambda) |
                (&Token::RArrow, Context::MatchClause) |
                (&Token::Then, _) => self.scan_for_next_block(Context::Block { emit_semi: false })?,
                (&Token::With, _) => self.scan_for_next_block(Context::MatchClause)?,

                (&Token::Else, _) => {
                    let next = self.next_token();
                    // Need to allow "else if" expressions so avoid inserting a block for those cases
                    // (A block would be inserted at column 5 and we would then get unindentation
                    // errors on the branches)
                    // if x then
                    //     1
                    // else if y then
                    //     2
                    // else
                    //     3
                    let add_block = next.value != Token::If ||
                                    next.span.start.line != token.span.start.line;
                    if add_block {
                        self.scan_for_next_block(Context::Block { emit_semi: false })?;
                (&Token::Comma, _) => {
                    // Prevent a semi to be emitted before the next token
                    if let Some(offside) = self.indent_levels.last_mut() {
                        // The enclosing block should not emit a block separator for the next
                        // expression
                        if let Context::Block { ref mut emit_semi, .. } = offside.context {
                            *emit_semi = false;
                (_, _) => (),

            return Ok(token);

fn token_closes_context(token: &Token, context: Context) -> bool {
    match (token, context) {
        (&Token::Else, Context::If) |
        (&Token::RBrace, Context::Brace) |
        (&Token::RBracket, Context::Bracket) |
        (&Token::RParen, Context::Paren) |
        (&Token::CloseBlock, Context::Block { .. }) |
        (&Token::In, Context::Let) |
        (&Token::In, Context::Type) |
        (_, Context::Block { .. }) => true,
        (_, _) => false,

impl<'input, Tokens> Iterator for Layout<'input, Tokens>
    where Tokens: Iterator<Item = SpannedToken<'input>>
    type Item = Result<SpannedToken<'input>, Spanned<Error, BytePos>>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        match self.layout_next_token() {
            Ok(Spanned { value: Token::EOF, .. }) => None,
            token => Some(token),