gluon 0.5.0

A static, type inferred programming language for application embedding
//! Implementation of the `import!` macro.

use std::any::Any;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock, Mutex};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

use base::ast::{Expr, Literal, SpannedExpr, TypedIdent};
use base::metadata::Metadata;
use base::pos;
use base::symbol::Symbol;
use vm::macros::{Macro, MacroExpander, Error as MacroError};
use vm::thread::{Thread, ThreadInternal};
use vm::internal::Value;
use super::{filename_to_module, Compiler};
use base::fnv::FnvMap;

quick_error! {
    /// Error type for the import macro
    pub enum Error {
        /// The importer found a cyclic dependency when loading files
        CyclicDependency(module: String) {
            description("Cyclic dependency")
            display("Module '{}' occurs in a cyclic dependency", module)
        /// Generic message error
        String(message: String) {
            display("{}", message)
        /// The importer could not load the imported file
        IO(err: io::Error) {
            display("{}", err)

macro_rules! std_libs {
    ($($file: expr),*) => {
        [$((concat!("std/", $file, ".glu"), include_str!(concat!("../std/", $file, ".glu")))),*]
// Include the standard library distribution in the binary
static STD_LIBS: [(&'static str, &'static str); 7] = std_libs!(

pub trait Importer: Any + Clone + Sync + Send {
    fn import(
        compiler: &mut Compiler,
        vm: &Thread,
        modulename: &str,
        input: &str,
        expr: SpannedExpr<Symbol>,
    ) -> Result<(), MacroError>;

pub struct DefaultImporter;
impl Importer for DefaultImporter {
    fn import(
        compiler: &mut Compiler,
        vm: &Thread,
        modulename: &str,
        input: &str,
        expr: SpannedExpr<Symbol>,
    ) -> Result<(), MacroError> {
        use compiler_pipeline::*;

        MacroValue { expr: expr }
            .load_script(compiler, vm, modulename, input, None)

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct CheckImporter(pub Arc<Mutex<FnvMap<String, SpannedExpr<Symbol>>>>);
impl CheckImporter {
    pub fn new() -> CheckImporter {
impl Importer for CheckImporter {
    fn import(
        compiler: &mut Compiler,
        vm: &Thread,
        module_name: &str,
        input: &str,
        expr: SpannedExpr<Symbol>,
    ) -> Result<(), MacroError> {
        use compiler_pipeline::*;

        let macro_value = MacroValue { expr: expr };
        let TypecheckValue { expr, typ } = macro_value.typecheck(compiler, vm, module_name, input)?;
        self.0.lock().unwrap().insert(module_name.into(), expr);
        let metadata = Metadata::default();
        // Insert a global to ensure the globals type can be looked up
            .set_global(Symbol::from(module_name), typ, metadata, Value::Int(0))?;

/// Macro which rewrites occurances of `import! "filename"` to a load of that file if it is not
/// already loaded and then a global access to the loaded module
pub struct Import<I = DefaultImporter> {
    pub paths: RwLock<Vec<PathBuf>>,
    pub importer: I,

impl<I> Import<I> {
    /// Creates a new import macro
    pub fn new(importer: I) -> Import<I> {
        Import {
            paths: RwLock::new(vec![PathBuf::from(".")]),
            importer: importer,

    /// Adds a path to the list of paths which the importer uses to find files
    pub fn add_path<P: Into<PathBuf>>(&self, path: P) {

    pub fn read_file<P>(&self, filename: P) -> Result<Cow<'static, str>, MacroError>
        P: AsRef<Path>,
    fn read_file_(&self, filename: &Path) -> Result<Cow<'static, str>, MacroError> {
        let mut buffer = String::new();

        // Retrieve the source, first looking in the standard library included in the
        // binary
        let std_file = filename
            .and_then(|filename| STD_LIBS.iter().find(|tup| tup.0 == filename));
        Ok(match std_file {
            Some(tup) => Cow::Borrowed(tup.1),
            None => {
                let file = self.paths
                    .filter_map(|p| {
                        let base = p.join(filename);
                        match File::open(&base) {
                            Ok(file) => Some(file),
                            Err(_) => None,
                let mut file = file.ok_or_else(|| {
                    Error::String(format!("Could not find file '{}'", filename.display()))
                file.read_to_string(&mut buffer)?;

fn get_state<'m>(macros: &'m mut MacroExpander) -> &'m mut State {
        .or_insert_with(|| Box::new(State { visited: Vec::new() }))

struct State {
    visited: Vec<String>,

impl<I> Macro for Import<I>
    I: Importer,
    fn expand(
        macros: &mut MacroExpander,
        args: &mut [SpannedExpr<Symbol>],
    ) -> Result<SpannedExpr<Symbol>, MacroError> {
        use compiler_pipeline::*;

        if args.len() != 1 {
            return Err(
                Error::String("Expected import to get 1 argument".into()).into(),
        match args[0].value {
            Expr::Literal(Literal::String(ref filename)) => {
                let vm = macros.vm;

                let modulename = filename_to_module(filename);
                // Only load the script if it is not already loaded
                let name = Symbol::from(&*modulename);
                debug!("Import '{}' {:?}", modulename, get_state(macros).visited);
                if !vm.global_env().global_exists(&modulename) {
                        let state = get_state(macros);
                        if state.visited.iter().any(|m| **m == **filename) {
                            return Err(Error::CyclicDependency(filename.clone()).into());

                    // Retrieve the source, first looking in the standard library included in the
                    // binary
                    let file_contents = self.read_file(filename)?;

                    let mut compiler = Compiler::new().implicit_prelude(modulename != "std.types");
                    let errors = macros.errors.len();
                    let macro_result = file_contents
                        .expand_macro_with(&mut compiler, macros, &modulename)?;
                    if errors != macros.errors.len() {
                        // If macro expansion of the imported module fails we need to stop
                        // compilation of that module. To return an error we return one of the
                        // already emitted errors (which will be pushed back after this function
                        // returns)
                        if let Some(err) = macros.errors.pop() {
                            return Err(err);
                        &mut compiler,
                // FIXME Does not handle shadowing
            _ => Err(
                Error::String("Expected a string literal to import".into()).into(),