gluon 0.4.1

A static, type inferred programming language for application embedding
let { Bool, Option, Result, Ordering } = import! "std/types.glu"
/// A linked list type
type List a = | Nil | Cons a (List a)

let unwrap opt : Option a -> a =
    match opt with
    | Some x -> x
    | None -> error "Option was None"

let unwrap_ok res : Result e a -> a =
    match res with
    | Ok x -> x
    | Err _ -> error "Result was an Err"

let unwrap_err res : Result e a -> e =
    match res with
    | Ok _ -> error "Result was an Ok"
    | Err x -> x


`Monoid m` represents an associative operation on `m` an which has an identity.
This means the following laws must hold:

* x <> empty = x

* empty <> x = x

* x <> (y <> z) = (x <> y) <> z

type Monoid m = {
    append : m -> m -> m,
    empty : m

let monoid_Function m : Monoid b -> (Monoid (a -> b)) = {
    append = \f g -> \x -> m.append (f x) (g x),
    empty = \_ -> m.empty

let monoid_Option m : Monoid a -> Monoid (Option a) = {
    append = \l r ->
        match (l, r) with
        | (Some x, Some y) -> Some (m.append x y)
        | (Some _, None) -> l
        | (None, Some _) -> r
        | (None, None) -> None,
    empty = None

let monoid_Int_Add = {
    append = \x y -> x #Int+ y,
    empty = 0

let monoid_Int_Mul = {
    append = \x y -> x #Int* y,
    empty = 1

let monoid_Float_Add = {
    append = \x y -> x #Float+ y,
    empty = 0.0

let monoid_Float_Mul = {
    append = \x y -> x #Float* y,
    empty = 1.0

let make_Monoid m =
    let { append, empty } = m

    let (<>) /* : m -> m -> m */ = append

    { append, empty, (<>) }

let not x = if x then False else True

/// `Eq a` defines equality (==) on `a`
type Eq a = {
    (==) : a -> a -> Bool

let eq_Unit : Eq () = {
    (==) = \l r -> True

let eq_Bool : Eq Bool = {
    (==) = \l r -> if l then r else not r

let eq_Int = {
    (==) = \l r -> l #Int== r

let eq_Float = {
    (==) = \l r -> l #Float== r

let eq_Char = {
    (==) = \l r -> l #Char== r

let eq_Option a : Eq a -> Eq (Option a) = {
    (==) = \l r ->
        match (l, r) with
        | (Some l_val, Some r_val) -> a.(==) l_val r_val
        | (None, None) -> True
        | _ -> False

let eq_Result e a : Eq e -> Eq a -> Eq (Result e a) = {
    (==) = \l r ->
        match (l, r) with
        | (Ok l_val, Ok r_val) -> a.(==) l_val r_val
        | (Err l_val, Err r_val) -> e.(==) l_val r_val
        | _ -> False

let monoid_Ordering = {
    append = \x y ->
        match x with
        | EQ -> y
        | _ -> x,
    empty = EQ

/// `Ord a` defines an ordering on `a`
type Ord a = {
    eq : Eq a,
    compare : a -> a -> Ordering

let ord_Unit = {
    eq = eq_Unit,
    compare = \l r -> EQ

let ord_Bool = {
    eq = eq_Bool,
    compare = \l r ->
        if l then
            if r then

let ord_Int = {
    eq = eq_Int,
    compare = \l r ->
        if l #Int< r
        then LT
        else if l #Int== r
        then EQ
        else GT

let ord_Float = {
    eq = eq_Float,
    compare = \l r ->
        if l #Float< r
        then LT
        else if l #Float== r
        then EQ
        else GT

let ord_Char = {
    eq = eq_Char,
    compare = \l r ->
        if l #Char< r
        then LT
        else if l #Char== r
        then EQ
        else GT

let ord_Option a : Ord a -> Ord (Option a) = {
    eq = eq_Option a.eq,
    compare = \l r ->
        match (l, r) with
        | (Some l_val, Some r_val) -> l_val r_val
        | (None, Some _) -> LT
        | (Some _, None) -> GT
        | (None, None) -> EQ

let ord_Result e a : Ord e -> Ord a -> Ord (Result e a) = {
    eq = eq_Result e.eq a.eq,
    compare = \l r ->
        match (l, r) with
        | (Ok l_val, Ok r_val) -> l_val r_val
        | (Err l_val, Err r_val) -> l_val r_val
        | (Ok _, Err _) -> LT
        | (Err _, Ok _) -> GT

/// Creates the `<=`, `<`, `>` and `>=` operators from an instance with `Ord`
let make_Ord ord =
    let { eq, compare } = ord
        (<=) = \l r ->
            match compare l r with
            | LT -> True
            | EQ -> True
            | GT -> False,
        (<) = \l r ->
            match compare l r with
            | LT -> True
            | EQ -> False
            | GT -> False,
        (>) = \l r ->
            match compare l r with
            | LT -> False
            | EQ -> False
            | GT -> True,
        (>=) = \l r ->
            match compare l r with
            | LT -> False
            | EQ -> True
            | GT -> True

The basic operation on numbers.
Defined for both the primitive type `Int` and `Float`
type Num a = {
    ord : Ord a,
    (+) : a -> a -> a,
    (-) : a -> a -> a,
    (*) : a -> a -> a,
    (/) : a -> a -> a,
    negate : a -> a

let num_Int = {
    ord = ord_Int,
    (+) = monoid_Int_Add.append,
    (-) = \l r -> l #Int- r,
    (*) = monoid_Int_Mul.append,
    (/) = \l r -> l #Int/ r,
    negate = \x -> 0 #Int- x

let num_Float : Num Float = {
    ord = ord_Float,
    (+) = monoid_Float_Add.append,
    (-) = \l r -> l #Float- r,
    (*) = monoid_Float_Mul.append,
    (/) = \l r -> l #Float/ r,
    negate = \x -> 0.0 #Float- x

type Category (cat : Type -> Type -> Type) = {
    id : cat a a,
    compose : cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c

let category_Function : Category (->) = {
    id = \x -> x,
    compose = \f g x -> f (g x)

let make_Category cat =
    let { id, compose } = cat

    /// Right-to-left composition. Alias for `compose`.
    let (<<) /* : cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c */ = compose
    /// Left-to-right composition. Alias for `compose`, but with the arguments flipped.
    let (>>) f g /* : cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c */ = compose g f

    { id, compose, (<<), (>>) }

/// The identity function, where `id x == x`
let id : a -> a =

/// flip `f` takes creates a new function which takes its two arguments in reverse order
let flip f : (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c =
    \x y -> f y x

/// Backward function application, where `f <| x == f x`
let (<|) f x : (a -> b) -> a -> b = f x

/// Forward function application, where `x |> f == f x`
let (|>) x f : a -> (a -> b) -> b = f x

/// Right-to-left function composition
let (<<) : (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c =
    (make_Category category_Function).(<<)

/// Left-to-right function composition
let (>>) : (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c =
    (make_Category category_Function).(>>)

A `Functor` represents an action on a parameterized type which does not change the structure with
the mapped type.
type Functor (f : Type -> Type) = {
    map : (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

let functor_Function : Functor ((->) a) = {
    map = category_Function.compose

let functor_Option : Functor Option = {
    map = \f x ->
        match x with
        | Some y -> Some (f y)
        | None -> None

let functor_Result : Functor (Result e) = {
    map = \f x ->
        match x with
        | Ok y -> Ok (f y)
        | Err _ -> x

let functor_IO : Functor IO = {
    map = \f -> io_flat_map (\x -> io_pure (f x))

type Applicative (f : Type -> Type) = {
    functor : Functor f,
    apply : f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b,
    pure : a -> f a

let applicative_Function : Applicative ((->) a) = {
    functor = functor_Function,
    apply = \f g x -> f x (g x),
    pure = \x -> \_ -> x

/// const `x` creates a function which always returns `x`
let const : a -> b -> a =

let applicative_Option : Applicative Option = {
    functor = functor_Option,
    apply = \f x ->
        match (f, x) with
        | (Some g, Some y) -> Some (g y)
        | _ -> None,
    pure = \x -> Some x

let applicative_Result : Applicative (Result e) = {
    functor = functor_Result,
    apply = \f x ->
        match (f, x) with
        | (Ok g, Ok y) -> Ok (g y)
        | (Ok _, Err _) -> x
        | (Err x, _) -> Err x,
    pure = \x -> Ok x

let applicative_IO : Applicative IO =
    let pure = io_pure
    let apply f x = io_flat_map (\g -> io_flat_map (\y -> pure (g y)) x) f

    { functor = functor_IO, apply, pure }

let make_Applicative app =
    let { functor, apply, pure } = app

    let (<*>) /* : app (a -> b) -> app a -> app b */ = apply
    let (<*) l r /* : app a -> app b -> app a */ = const l <*> r
    let (*>) l r /* : app a -> app b -> app b */ = (const id) l <*> r
    let map2 f a b /* : (a -> b -> c) -> app a -> app b -> app c */ = ( f a) <*> b
    let map3 f a b c /* : (a -> b -> c -> d) -> app a -> app b -> app c -> app d */ = ( f a) <*> b <*> c

    { functor, apply, pure, (<*>), (<*), (*>), map2, map3 }

type Alternative f = {
    applicative : Applicative f,
    or : f a -> f a -> f a,
    empty : f a

let alternative_Option : Alternative Option = {
    applicative = applicative_Option,
    or = \x y ->
        match x with
        | Some _ -> x
        | None -> y,
    empty = None

let make_Alternative f =
    let { applicative, or, empty } = f
    let { functor, (<*>), pure } = make_Applicative applicative

    let (<|>) /* : f a -> f a -> f a */ = or
    let many x /* : f a -> f (List a) */ =
        let many_v _ = some_v () <|> pure Nil
        and some_v _ = (\h l -> Cons h l) x <*> many_v ()
        many_v ()
    let some x  /* : f a -> f (List a) */ =
        let many_v _ = some_v () <|> pure Nil
        and some_v _ = (\h l -> Cons h l) x <*> many_v ()
        some_v ()

    { applicative, or, empty, (<|>), many, some }

type Monad (m : Type -> Type) = {
    applicative : Applicative m,
    flat_map : (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b

let monad_Function : Monad ((->) a) = {
    applicative = applicative_Function,
    flat_map = \f m x -> f (m x) x

let monad_Option : Monad Option = {
    applicative = applicative_Option,
    flat_map = \f m ->
        match m with
        | Some x -> f x
        | None -> None

let monad_IO : Monad IO = {
    applicative = applicative_IO,
    flat_map = io_flat_map

let make_Monad m =
    let { applicative, flat_map } = m
    let { (*>), pure } = make_Applicative applicative
    let { id } = category_Function

    let (=<<) /* : (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b */ = flat_map
    let (>>=) /* : m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b */ = flip flat_map
    let join mm /* : m (m a) -> m a */ = mm >>= id
    let forM_ xs f /* : List a -> (a -> m b) -> m () */ =
        match xs with
        | Cons y ys -> f y *> forM_ ys f
        | Nil -> pure ()

    { applicative, flat_map, (=<<), (>>=), join, forM_ }

/// `Show a` represents a conversion function from `a` to a readable string.
type Show a = {
    show : a -> String

let show_Unit : Show () = {
    show = const "()"

let show_Bool : Show Bool = {
    show = \x -> if x then "True" else "False"

let show_Int : Show Int = {
    show = prim.show_Int

let show_Float : Show Float = {
    show = prim.show_Float

let show_Char : Show Char = {
    show = prim.show_Char

let (++) = string_prim.append

let show_Option : Show a -> Show (Option a) = \d ->
    let show o =
        match o with
        | Some x -> "Some (" ++ x ++ ")"
        | None -> "None"
    { show }

let show_Result : Show e -> Show t -> Show (Result e t) = \e t ->
    let show o =
        match o with
        | Ok x -> "Ok (" ++ x ++ ")"
        | Err x -> "Err (" ++ x ++ ")"
    { show }

let monoid_List =
    let append xs ys =
        match xs with
        | Cons x zs -> Cons x (append zs ys)
        | Nil -> ys

    { append, empty = Nil }

let eq_List a : Eq a -> Eq (List a) =
    let (==) l r =
        match (l, r) with
        | (Nil, Nil) -> True
        | (Cons x xs, Cons y ys) -> a.(==) x y && xs == ys
        | _ -> False
    { (==) }

let functor_List : Functor List =
    let map f xs =
        match xs with
        | Cons y ys -> Cons (f y) (map f ys)
        | Nil -> Nil
    { map }

let applicative_List : Applicative List =
    let { (<>) } = make_Monoid monoid_List

    let apply f xs =
        match f with
        | Cons g gs -> ( g xs) <> (apply gs xs)
        | Nil -> Nil
    let pure x = Cons x Nil

    { functor = functor_List, apply, pure }

let alternative_List : Alternative List = {
    applicative = applicative_List,
    or = monoid_List.append,
    empty = Nil

let monad_List : Monad List =
    let { (<>) } = make_Monoid monoid_List

    let flat_map f xs =
        match xs with
        | Cons x ys -> (f x) <> (flat_map f ys)
        | Nil -> Nil

    { applicative = applicative_List, flat_map }

let show_List : Show a -> Show (List a) = \d ->
    let show xs =
        let show2 ys =
            match ys with
            | Cons y ys2 ->
                match ys2 with
                | Cons z zs -> y ++ ", " ++ show2 ys2
                | Nil -> y ++ "]"
            | Nil -> "]"
        "[" ++ show2 xs
    { show }

let (==) = eq_Int.(==)
let (-) = num_Int.(-)

/// Constructs a list from an array. Useful to emulate list literals
/// ```
/// list [1, 2, 3]
/// ```
let list xs : Array a -> List a =
    let len = array.length xs
    let list_ i ys =
        if i == 0 then
            let x = array.index xs (i - 1)
            list_ (i - 1) (Cons x ys)
    list_ len Nil

/// Folds a lift from the left
let foldl f x xs =
    match xs with
    | Cons y ys -> foldl f (f x y) ys
    | Nil -> x

/// Folds a lift from the right
let foldr f x xs =
    match xs with
    | Cons y ys -> f y (foldr f x ys)
    | Nil -> x


    unwrap, unwrap_ok, unwrap_err,

    list, foldl, foldr,

    Monoid, make_Monoid,
    monoid_Function, monoid_List, monoid_Option,
    monoid_Int_Add, monoid_Int_Mul, monoid_Float_Add, monoid_Float_Mul,

    eq_Unit, eq_Bool, eq_List, eq_Option, eq_Result, eq_Float, eq_Int, eq_Char,

    Ord, make_Ord,
    ord_Unit, ord_Bool, ord_Option, ord_Result, ord_Float, ord_Int, ord_Char,

    Category, make_Category,

    functor_Option, functor_Result, functor_List, functor_IO,

    Applicative, make_Applicative,
    applicative_Option, applicative_Result, applicative_List, applicative_IO,

    Alternative, make_Alternative,
    alternative_Option, alternative_List,

    Monad, make_Monad,
    monad_Option, monad_List, monad_IO,

    num_Int, num_Float,

    id, const, flip, (<|), (|>), (<<), (>>),

    show_Unit, show_Bool, show_Int, show_Float, show_Char, show_List, show_Option, show_Result