gluesql 0.10.2

GlueSQL - Open source SQL database engine fully written in Rust with pure functional execution layer, easily swappable storage and web assembly support!
# GlueSQL


## SQL Database Engine as a Library

GlueSQL is a SQL database library written in Rust.  
It provides a parser ([sqlparser-rs](, execution layer, and optional storages ([`sled`]( or `memory`) packaged into a single library.  
Developers can choose to use GlueSQL to build their own SQL database, or as an embedded SQL database using the default storage engine.

## Standalone Mode

You can use GlueSQL as an embedded SQL database.  
GlueSQL provides two reference storage options.

- `SledStorage` - Persistent storage engine based on [`sled`] "sled"
- `MemoryStorage` - Non-persistent storage engine based on `BTreeMap`

### Installation

* `Cargo.toml`
gluesql = "0.10"

* CLI application
$ cargo install gluesql

### Usage

use gluesql::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let storage = SledStorage::new("data/doc-db").unwrap();
    let mut glue = Glue::new(storage);
    let sqls = vec![
        "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Glue;",
        "CREATE TABLE Glue (id INTEGER);",
        "INSERT INTO Glue VALUES (100);",
        "INSERT INTO Glue VALUES (200);",
        "SELECT * FROM Glue WHERE id > 100;",

    for sql in sqls {
        let output = glue.execute(sql).unwrap();
        println!("{:?}", output)

## SQL Library Mode (For Custom Storage)

### Installation

`sled-storage` and `memory-storage` features are optional, so these are not required for custom storage makers.

version = "0.10"
default-features = false
features = ["alter-table", "index", "transaction", "metadata"]

#### Four features below are also optional

- `alter-table` - ALTER TABLE query support
- `index` - CREATE INDEX and DROP INDEX, index support
- `transaction` - BEGIN, ROLLBACK and COMMIT, transaction support
- `metadata` - SHOW TABLES and SHOW VERSION support

### Usage

#### Two mandatory store traits to implement

- [`Store & StoreMut`]

pub trait Store<T: Debug> {
    async fn fetch_schema(..) -> ..;
    async fn scan_data(..) -> ..;

pub trait StoreMut<T: Debug> where Self: Sized {
    async fn insert_schema(..) -> ..;
    async fn delete_schema(..) -> ..;
    async fn insert_data(..) -> ..;
    async fn update_data(..) -> ..;
    async fn delete_data(..) -> ..;

#### Optional store traits

- [`AlterTable`], [`Index & IndexMut`], [`Transaction`] and [`Metadata`]

pub trait AlterTable where Self: Sized {
    async fn rename_schema(..) -> ..;
    async fn rename_column(..) -> ..;
    async fn add_column(..) -> ..;
    async fn drop_column(..) -> ..;

pub trait Index<T: Debug> {
    async fn scan_indexed_data(..) -> ..;

pub trait IndexMut<T: Debug> where Self: Sized {
    async fn create_index(..) -> ..;
    async fn drop_index(..) -> ..;

pub trait Transaction where Self: Sized {
    async fn begin(..) -> ..;
    async fn rollback(..) -> ..;
    async fn commit(..) -> ..;

pub trait Metadata {
    fn version(..) -> String;
    async fn schema_names(..) -> ..;

## SQL Features

GlueSQL currently supports a limited subset of queries. It's being actively developed.

#### Data Types
- **Numeric** `INT(8)`, `INTEGER`, `FLOAT`, `DECIMAL`

#### Queries
- Transaction queries: `BEGIN`, `ROLLBACK` and `COMMIT`
- Nested select, join, aggregations ...

You can see tests for the currently supported queries in [test-suite/src/\*](

## Use Cases

### [GlueSQL-js]

Use SQL in web browsers!
GlueSQL-js provides 3 storage options,

- in-memory
- localStorage
- sessionStorage

### [GlueSQL Sheets]

Turn **Google Sheets** into a SQL database!  
It uses Google Sheets as a storage.  
Data is stored and updated from Google Sheets.

### Other expected use cases

- Add SQL layer to NoSQL databases: Redis, CouchDB...
- Build new SQL database management system

## Contribution

There are a few simple rules to follow.

- No `mut` keywords in the `core` workspace (except ``).
- Every error must have corresponding integration test cases to generate.  
  (except for `Unreachable-` and `Conflict-` error types)