Module gltf::mesh::util

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Available on crate feature utils only.
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Utility functions.


Casting iterator adapters for colors.
Casting iterator adapters for vertex indices.
Casting iterator adapters for joint indices.
Casting iterator adapters for texture co-ordinates.
Casting iterator adapters for node weights.


Morph targets.


Vertex colors.
Index data.
Vertex joints.
UV texture co-ordinates.

Type Definitions

XYZ vertex normal displacements of type [f32; 3].
XYZ vertex normals of type [f32; 3].
XYZ vertex position displacements of type [f32; 3].
XYZ vertex positions of type [f32; 3].
XYZ vertex tangent displacements.
XYZW vertex tangents of type [f32; 4] where the w component is a sign value (-1 or +1) indicating the handedness of the tangent basis.