glslt 0.6.4

GLSLT Template compiler library
//! Parsing utilities

use glsl_lang::lexer::{ParseContext, ParseContextData};

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
struct GlsltPolicy;

impl glsl_lang::lexer::TypeTablePolicy for GlsltPolicy {
    fn promote_to_type_name(
        name: &glsl_lang::ast::Identifier,
        ctx: glsl_lang::lexer::IdentifierContext,
    ) -> bool {
        trace!("glslt parsing: promoting {} to type name", name);
        ctx == glsl_lang::lexer::IdentifierContext::FunctionPrototype

/// Create a parsing context that follows GLSLT's type rules
/// # Parameters
/// * `existing`: optional existing parsing context to reuse
pub fn make_parse_context(existing: Option<&ParseContext>) -> ParseContext {
    if let Some(existing) = existing {
    } else {