glsl-to-spirv-macros 0.1.0-pre

Macros for generating SPIR-V shader binaries from GLSL at compile time for use with Vulkan. To use this crate, you must also use the glsl-to-spirv-macros-impl crate.



glsl-to-spirv-macros = "0.1.0"
glsl-to-spirv-macros-impl = "0.1.0"

Rust macros for generating SPIR-V binaries at compile time for use with Vulkan.

To use this crate, you must also use the glsl-to-spirv-macros-impl crate.


Use this crate to compile your GLSL shaders at compile time into binaries embedded in your program.

This crate requires you to also use the glsl-to-spirv-macros-impl crate. Without it these macros will not work. Unfortunately it is not yet possible to combine the two crates into one.

Example usage:

#[macro_use] extern crate glsl_to_spirv_macros;
#[macro_use] extern crate glsl_to_spirv_macros_impl;

static some_shader: &'static [u8] = glsl_vs!{r#"
    // Shader code here

fn main() {
    let another_shader = include_glsl_fs!("path/to/shader");

All macros in this crate return &'static [u8], and can be used in the definition of static as well as local variables. Every macro takes a string literal, e.g. "...", r#"..."# etc.

These macros generate Vulkan-compatible SPIR-V binaries using the official glslang compiler - they are not designed for use with other APIs, like OpenCL.