glow-control 0.3.3

A CLI for controlling programmable LED lights
glow-control-0.3.3 is not a library.

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Glow Control CLI for Twinkly LEDs

The glow-control crate is a command-line interface (CLI) application for controlling Twinkly LED devices. It leverages the glow-control-lib library to provide users with the ability to discover devices on their network, control lighting effects, and manage device settings.

This project is heavily based on the Python libraries xled and xled_plus, and it aims to provide an open-source solution for controlling Twinkly LED devices.


  • Discover Twinkly devices on the network
  • Set and get device modes
  • Control real-time lighting effects
  • Fetch and set device configurations
  • Upload and manage custom LED movies


To install the CLI application, ensure you have Rust and Cargo installed, then run:

cargo install glow-control

to install from crates-io, or:

cargo install --path .

to install directly from the repository.


After installation, you can run the glow_control command to interact with your Twinkly devices. Here are some example commands:

# Discover Twinkly devices on your network
glow-control discover

# Set the device mode to 'movie'
glow-control device-call --ip <DEVICE_IP> --mac <DEVICE_MAC> set-mode movie

# Show a solid color
glow-control device-call --ip <DEVICE_IP> --mac <DEVICE_MAC> rt-effect show-color --color Red

Replace <DEVICE_IP> and <DEVICE_MAC> with the IP and MAC address of your Twinkly device.

For more detailed usage instructions, run glow_control --help.


This project is dual-licensed under the MIT License and the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may choose to use either license, depending on your project needs. See the LICENSE-MIT and LICENSE-APACHE files for the full text of the licenses.


This project is not affiliated with, authorized by, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Twinkly or its affiliates. The official Twinkly website can be found at


We welcome contributions from the community! If you have a suggestion, bug report, or a feature request, please open an issue or submit a pull request.