glium 0.19.0

Elegant and safe OpenGL wrapper. Glium is an intermediate layer between OpenGL and your application. You still need to manually handle the graphics pipeline, but without having to use OpenGL's old and error-prone API. Its objectives: - Be safe to use. Many aspects of OpenGL that can trigger a crash if misused are automatically handled by glium. - Provide an API that enforces good pratices such as RAII or stateless function calls. - Be compatible with all OpenGL versions that support shaders, providing unified API when things diverge. - Avoid all OpenGL errors beforehand. - Produce optimized OpenGL function calls, and allow the user to easily use modern OpenGL techniques.
use std::io::Write;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum TextureType {

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum TextureDimensions {

impl TextureDimensions {
    fn is_array(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            &TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray => true,
            &TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => true,
            &TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray => true,
            &TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => true,
            _ => false

    fn is_multisample(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            &TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample => true,
            &TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray => true,
            _ => false

    fn is_cube(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            &TextureDimensions::Cubemap => true,
            &TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => true,
            _ => false

pub fn build_texture_file<W: Write>(dest: &mut W) {
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Regular, TextureDimensions::Texture1d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Compressed, TextureDimensions::Texture1d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Srgb, TextureDimensions::Texture1d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::CompressedSrgb, TextureDimensions::Texture1d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Integral, TextureDimensions::Texture1d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Unsigned, TextureDimensions::Texture1d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Depth, TextureDimensions::Texture1d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Stencil, TextureDimensions::Texture1d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::DepthStencil, TextureDimensions::Texture1d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Regular, TextureDimensions::Texture2d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Compressed, TextureDimensions::Texture2d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Srgb, TextureDimensions::Texture2d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::CompressedSrgb, TextureDimensions::Texture2d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Integral, TextureDimensions::Texture2d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Unsigned, TextureDimensions::Texture2d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Depth, TextureDimensions::Texture2d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Stencil, TextureDimensions::Texture2d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::DepthStencil, TextureDimensions::Texture2d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Regular, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Integral, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Srgb, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Unsigned, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Depth, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Stencil, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::DepthStencil, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Regular, TextureDimensions::Texture3d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Compressed, TextureDimensions::Texture3d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Srgb, TextureDimensions::Texture3d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::CompressedSrgb, TextureDimensions::Texture3d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Integral, TextureDimensions::Texture3d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Unsigned, TextureDimensions::Texture3d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Depth, TextureDimensions::Texture3d);
    //build_texture(dest, TextureType::Stencil, TextureDimensions::Texture3d);  // forbidden
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::DepthStencil, TextureDimensions::Texture3d);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Regular, TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Compressed, TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Srgb, TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::CompressedSrgb, TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Integral, TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Unsigned, TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Depth, TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Stencil, TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::DepthStencil, TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Regular, TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Compressed, TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Srgb, TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::CompressedSrgb, TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Integral, TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Unsigned, TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Depth, TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Stencil, TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::DepthStencil, TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Regular, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Srgb, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Integral, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Unsigned, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Depth, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Stencil, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::DepthStencil, TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Regular, TextureDimensions::Cubemap);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Compressed, TextureDimensions::Cubemap);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Srgb, TextureDimensions::Cubemap);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::CompressedSrgb, TextureDimensions::Cubemap);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Integral, TextureDimensions::Cubemap);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Unsigned, TextureDimensions::Cubemap);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Depth, TextureDimensions::Cubemap);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Stencil, TextureDimensions::Cubemap);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::DepthStencil, TextureDimensions::Cubemap);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Regular, TextureDimensions::CubemapArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Compressed, TextureDimensions::CubemapArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Srgb, TextureDimensions::CubemapArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::CompressedSrgb, TextureDimensions::CubemapArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Integral, TextureDimensions::CubemapArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Unsigned, TextureDimensions::CubemapArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Depth, TextureDimensions::CubemapArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::Stencil, TextureDimensions::CubemapArray);
    build_texture(dest, TextureType::DepthStencil, TextureDimensions::CubemapArray);

fn build_texture<W: Write>(dest: &mut W, ty: TextureType, dimensions: TextureDimensions) {
    // building the name of the module
    let module_name: String = {
        let prefix = match ty {
            TextureType::Regular => "",
            TextureType::Compressed => "compressed_",
            TextureType::Srgb => "srgb_",
            TextureType::CompressedSrgb => "compressed_srgb_",
            TextureType::Integral => "integral_",
            TextureType::Unsigned => "unsigned_",
            TextureType::Depth => "depth_",
            TextureType::Stencil => "stencil_",
            TextureType::DepthStencil => "depth_stencil_",

        let suffix = match dimensions {
            TextureDimensions::Texture1d => "texture1d",
            TextureDimensions::Texture2d => "texture2d",
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample => "texture2d_multisample",
            TextureDimensions::Texture3d => "texture3d",
            TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray => "texture1d_array",
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => "texture2d_array",
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray => "texture2d_multisample_array",
            TextureDimensions::Cubemap => "cubemap",
            TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => "cubemap_array",

        format!("{}{}", prefix, suffix)

    // building the name of the texture type
    let name: String = {
        let prefix = match ty {
            TextureType::Regular => "",
            TextureType::Compressed => "Compressed",
            TextureType::Srgb => "Srgb",
            TextureType::CompressedSrgb => "CompressedSrgb",
            TextureType::Integral => "Integral",
            TextureType::Unsigned => "Unsigned",
            TextureType::Depth => "Depth",
            TextureType::Stencil => "Stencil",
            TextureType::DepthStencil => "DepthStencil",

        let suffix = match dimensions {
            TextureDimensions::Texture1d => "Texture1d",
            TextureDimensions::Texture2d => "Texture2d",
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample => "Texture2dMultisample",
            TextureDimensions::Texture3d => "Texture3d",
            TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray => "Texture1dArray",
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => "Texture2dArray",
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray => "Texture2dMultisampleArray",
            TextureDimensions::Cubemap => "Cubemap",
            TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => "CubemapArray",

        format!("{}{}", prefix, suffix)

    // the trait corresponding to the data source
    let data_source_trait = match dimensions {
        TextureDimensions::Texture1d | TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray => "Texture1dDataSource",
        TextureDimensions::Texture2d | TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => "Texture2dDataSource",
        TextureDimensions::Texture3d => "Texture3dDataSource",
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample | TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray |
        TextureDimensions::Cubemap | TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => {

    // the format enum corresponding to this texture
    let relevant_format = match ty {
        TextureType::Regular => "UncompressedFloatFormat",
        TextureType::Compressed => "CompressedFormat",
        TextureType::Srgb => "SrgbFormat",
        TextureType::CompressedSrgb => "CompressedSrgbFormat",
        TextureType::Integral => "UncompressedIntFormat",
        TextureType::Unsigned => "UncompressedUintFormat",
        TextureType::Depth => "DepthFormat",
        TextureType::Stencil => "StencilFormat",
        TextureType::DepthStencil => "DepthStencilFormat",

    // the default format to use when none is specified
    let default_format = match ty {
        TextureType::Compressed => "TextureFormatRequest::AnyCompressed",
        TextureType::Regular => "TextureFormatRequest::AnyFloatingPoint",
        TextureType::CompressedSrgb => "TextureFormatRequest::AnyCompressedSrgb",
        TextureType::Srgb => "TextureFormatRequest::AnySrgb",
        TextureType::Integral => "TextureFormatRequest::AnyIntegral",
        TextureType::Unsigned => "TextureFormatRequest::AnyUnsigned",
        TextureType::Depth => "TextureFormatRequest::AnyDepth",
        TextureType::Stencil => "TextureFormatRequest::AnyStencil",
        TextureType::DepthStencil => "TextureFormatRequest::AnyDepthStencil",

    // whether this is a internally compressed texture object
    let is_compressed = match ty {
        TextureType::Compressed |
        TextureType::CompressedSrgb => true,
        _ => false,

    let client_format_any_ty = match ty {
        TextureType::Compressed => "ClientFormatAny::CompressedFormat",
        TextureType::CompressedSrgb => "ClientFormatAny::CompressedSrgbFormat",
        _ => "ClientFormatAny::ClientFormat",

    let mipmaps_option_ty = match ty {
        TextureType::Compressed | TextureType::CompressedSrgb => "CompressedMipmapsOption",
        _ => "MipmapsOption",

    let mipmap_default = match ty {
        TextureType::Compressed | TextureType::CompressedSrgb => "CompressedMipmapsOption::NoMipmap",
        _ => "MipmapsOption::AutoGeneratedMipmaps",

    let dimensions_parameters_input = match dimensions {
        TextureDimensions::Texture1d => "width: u32",
        TextureDimensions::Texture2d => "width: u32, height: u32",
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample => "width: u32, height: u32, samples: u32",
        TextureDimensions::Texture3d => "width: u32, height: u32, depth: u32",
        TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray => "width: u32, array_size: u32",
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => "width: u32, height: u32, array_size: u32",
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray => "width: u32, height: u32, array_size: u32, samples: u32",
        TextureDimensions::Cubemap => "dimension: u32",
        TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => "dimension: u32, array_size: u32",

    let dimensions_parameters_passing = match dimensions {
        TextureDimensions::Texture1d => {
            "Dimensions::Texture1d { width: width }"
        TextureDimensions::Texture2d => {
            "Dimensions::Texture2d { width: width, height: height }"
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample => {
            "Dimensions::Texture2dMultisample { width: width, height: height, samples: samples }"
        TextureDimensions::Texture3d => {
            "Dimensions::Texture3d { width: width, height: height, depth: depth }"
        TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray => {
            "Dimensions::Texture1dArray { width: width, array_size: array_size }"
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => {
            "Dimensions::Texture2dArray { width: width, height: height, array_size: array_size }"
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray => {
            "Dimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray { width: width, height: height, array_size: array_size, samples: samples }"
        TextureDimensions::Cubemap => {
            "Dimensions::Cubemap { dimension: dimension }"
        TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => {
            "Dimensions::CubemapArray { dimension: dimension, array_size: array_size }"

    // writing the `use module::*;` statement
    writeln!(dest, "pub use self::{}::{};", module_name, name).unwrap();

    // opening `mod module {`
    writeln!(dest, "
        /// Contains the implementation of `{}`.
        pub mod {} {{\
            // the list of imports we need depends on the texture type, don't bother with this

            use std::borrow::Cow;

            use texture::any::{{self, TextureAny, TextureAnyLayer, TextureAnyMipmap}};
            use texture::any::{{TextureAnyLayerMipmap, TextureAnyImage, Dimensions}};
            use texture::bindless::{{ResidentTexture, BindlessTexturesNotSupportedError}};
            use texture::get_format::{{InternalFormat, InternalFormatType, GetFormatError}};
            use texture::pixel_buffer::PixelBuffer;
            use texture::{{TextureCreationError, Texture1dDataSource, Texture2dDataSource}};
            use texture::{{Texture3dDataSource, Texture2dDataSink, MipmapsOption, CompressedMipmapsOption}};
            use texture::{{RawImage1d, RawImage2d, RawImage3d, CubeLayer}};
            use texture::pixel::PixelValue;

            use image_format::{{ClientFormatAny, TextureFormatRequest}};
            use image_format::{{UncompressedFloatFormat, UncompressedIntFormat}};
            use image_format::{{CompressedFormat, DepthFormat, DepthStencilFormat, StencilFormat}};
            use image_format::{{CompressedSrgbFormat, SrgbFormat, UncompressedUintFormat}};

            use backend::Facade;
            use uniforms::{{UniformValue, AsUniformValue, Sampler}};
            use framebuffer;
            use Rect;

            use GlObject;
            use TextureExt;
            use TextureMipmapExt;
            use gl;

    ", name, module_name).unwrap();

    // writing the struct with doc-comment
    (write!(dest, "/// ")).unwrap();
    (write!(dest, "{}", match dimensions {
        TextureDimensions::Texture1d | TextureDimensions::Texture2d |
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample | TextureDimensions::Texture3d |
        TextureDimensions::Cubemap => "A ",
        TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray | TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray |
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray |
        TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => "An array of ",
    if is_compressed {
        (write!(dest, "compressed ")).unwrap();
    (write!(dest, "{}", match dimensions {
        TextureDimensions::Texture1d | TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray => "one-dimensional ",
        TextureDimensions::Texture2d | TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray |
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample | TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray => {
            "two-dimensional "
        TextureDimensions::Texture3d => "three-dimensional ",
        TextureDimensions::Cubemap | TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => "cube ",
    (write!(dest, "{}", match dimensions {
        TextureDimensions::Texture1d | TextureDimensions::Texture2d |
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample | TextureDimensions::Texture3d |
        TextureDimensions::Cubemap => "texture ",
        TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray | TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray |
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray |
        TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => "textures ",
    (write!(dest, "{}", match ty {
        TextureType::Regular | TextureType::Compressed => " containing floating-point data",
        TextureType::Srgb | TextureType::CompressedSrgb => " containing sRGB floating-point data",
        TextureType::Integral => " containing signed integral data",
        TextureType::Unsigned => " containing unsigned integral data",
        TextureType::Depth => " containing depth data",
        TextureType::Stencil => " containing stencil data",
        TextureType::DepthStencil => " containing both depth and stencil data",
    (writeln!(dest, ".")).unwrap();
    (writeln!(dest, "pub struct {}(TextureAny);", name)).unwrap();

    // `GlObject` trait impl
    (writeln!(dest, "
                impl GlObject for {} {{
                    type Id = gl::types::GLuint;

                    fn get_id(&self) -> gl::types::GLuint {{
            ", name)).unwrap();

    // `Debug` trait impl
    (writeln!(dest, "
                impl ::std::fmt::Debug for {} {{
                    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), ::std::fmt::Error>
            ", name)).unwrap();

    // 'Deref' impl to common type.
    (writeln!(dest, "
                impl ::std::ops::Deref for {} {{
                    type Target = TextureAny;

                    fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a TextureAny {{
            ", name)).unwrap();

    // `UniformValue` trait impl
        match ty {
            TextureType::Regular | TextureType::Compressed |
            TextureType::Srgb | TextureType::CompressedSrgb |
            TextureType::Integral | TextureType::Unsigned | TextureType::Depth => {
                (writeln!(dest, "
                            impl<'a> AsUniformValue for &'a {myname} {{
                                fn as_uniform_value(&self) -> UniformValue {{
                                    UniformValue::{myname}(*self, None)

                            impl<'a> AsUniformValue for Sampler<'a, {myname}> {{
                                fn as_uniform_value(&self) -> UniformValue {{
                                    UniformValue::{myname}(self.0, Some(self.1))

                            impl {myname} {{
                                /// Builds a `Sampler` marker object that allows you to indicate
                                /// how the texture should be sampled from inside a shader.
                                /// # Example
                                /// ```no_run
                                /// # #[macro_use] extern crate glium;
                                /// # fn main() {{
                                /// # let texture: glium::texture::Texture2d = unsafe {{
                                /// # ::std::mem::uninitialized() }};
                                /// let uniforms = uniform! {{
                                ///     color_texture: texture.sampled().magnify_filter(glium::uniforms::MagnifySamplerFilter::Nearest)
                                /// }};
                                /// # }}
                                /// ```
                                pub fn sampled(&self) -> Sampler<{myname}> {{
                                    Sampler(self, Default::default())
                        ", myname = name)).unwrap();
            _ => ()

    // `ToXXXAttachment` trait impl
    if dimensions == TextureDimensions::Texture2d || dimensions == TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample ||
       dimensions == TextureDimensions::Texture1d
        match ty {
            TextureType::Regular | TextureType::Srgb | TextureType::Integral | TextureType::Unsigned => {
                (writeln!(dest, "
                        impl<'t> ::framebuffer::ToColorAttachment<'t> for &'t {name} {{
                            fn to_color_attachment(self) -> ::framebuffer::ColorAttachment<'t> {{
                    ", name = name)).unwrap();
            TextureType::Depth => {
                (writeln!(dest, "
                        impl<'t> ::framebuffer::ToDepthAttachment<'t> for &'t {name} {{
                            fn to_depth_attachment(self) -> ::framebuffer::DepthAttachment<'t> {{
                    ", name = name)).unwrap();
            TextureType::Stencil => {
                (writeln!(dest, "
                        impl<'t> ::framebuffer::ToStencilAttachment<'t> for &'t {name} {{
                            fn to_stencil_attachment(self) -> ::framebuffer::StencilAttachment<'t> {{
                    ", name = name)).unwrap();
            TextureType::DepthStencil => {
                (writeln!(dest, "
                        impl<'t> ::framebuffer::ToDepthStencilAttachment<'t> for &'t {name} {{
                            fn to_depth_stencil_attachment(self) -> ::framebuffer::DepthStencilAttachment<'t> {{
                    ", name = name)).unwrap();
            _ => ()

    // opening `impl Texture` block
    (writeln!(dest, "impl {} {{", name)).unwrap();

    // writing `get_internal_format`
    writeln!(dest, "
            /// Determines the internal format of this texture.
            /// The backend may not support querying the actual format, in which case an error
            /// is returned.
            pub fn get_internal_format(&self) -> Result<InternalFormat, GetFormatError> {{

    // writing the `new` function
    if !dimensions.is_multisample() && !dimensions.is_cube() {
        let param = match dimensions {
            TextureDimensions::Texture1d | TextureDimensions::Texture2d |
            TextureDimensions::Texture3d => "T",

            TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray |
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => "Vec<T>",

            _ => unreachable!()

        let gen_doc = if is_compressed {
            "/// No mipmap level (except for the main level) will be allocator nor generated."
        } else {
            "/// This function will automatically generate all mipmaps of the texture."

        (writeln!(dest, "
                /// Builds a new texture by uploading data.
                pub fn new<'a, F: ?Sized, T>(facade: &F, data: {param})
                              -> Result<{name}, TextureCreationError>
                              where T: {data_source_trait}<'a>, F: Facade
                    {name}::new_impl(facade, data, None, {mipmap_default})
            ", data_source_trait = data_source_trait, param = param, name = name,
               mipmap_default = mipmap_default, gen_doc = gen_doc)).unwrap();

    // writing the `with_mipmaps` function
    if !dimensions.is_multisample() && !dimensions.is_cube() {
        let param = match dimensions {
            TextureDimensions::Texture1d | TextureDimensions::Texture2d |
            TextureDimensions::Texture3d => "T",

            TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray |
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => "Vec<T>",

            _ => unreachable!()

        (writeln!(dest, "
                /// Builds a new texture by uploading data.
                pub fn with_mipmaps<'a, F: ?Sized, T>(facade: &F, data: {param}, mipmaps: {mipmaps})
                                              -> Result<{name}, TextureCreationError>
                                              where T: {data_source_trait}<'a>, F: Facade
                    {name}::new_impl(facade, data, None, mipmaps)
            ", data_source_trait = data_source_trait, param = param, name = name,
               mipmaps = mipmaps_option_ty)).unwrap();

    // writing the `with_compressed_data` function
    if is_compressed && !dimensions.is_multisample() && !dimensions.is_cube() {
        let param = match dimensions {
            TextureDimensions::Texture1d | TextureDimensions::Texture2d |
            TextureDimensions::Texture3d => "&[u8]",

            TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray |
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => "Vec<&[u8]>",

            _ => unreachable!()

        (writeln!(dest, "
                /// Builds a new texture with a specific format. The input data must also be of the
                /// specified compressed format.
                pub fn with_compressed_data<F: ?Sized>(facade: &F, data: {param}, {dim_params},
                                                      format: {format}, mipmaps: {mipmaps})
                                                      -> Result<{name}, TextureCreationError>
                                                       where F: Facade
                    let data = Cow::Borrowed(data.as_ref());
                    let client_format = {client_format_any}(format);
                    Ok({name}(try!(any::new_texture(facade, {default_format}, Some((client_format, data)),
                                                    mipmaps.into(), {dim_params_passing}))))
            ", dim_params = dimensions_parameters_input, dim_params_passing = dimensions_parameters_passing,
               param = param, client_format_any = client_format_any_ty,
               name = name, format = relevant_format, default_format = default_format,
               mipmaps = mipmaps_option_ty).unwrap());

    // writing the `with_format` function
    if !dimensions.is_multisample() && !dimensions.is_cube() {
        let param = match dimensions {
            TextureDimensions::Texture1d | TextureDimensions::Texture2d |
            TextureDimensions::Texture3d => "T",

            TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray |
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => "Vec<T>",

            _ => unreachable!()

        (writeln!(dest, "
                /// Builds a new texture with a specific format.
                pub fn with_format<'a, F: ?Sized, T>(facade: &F, data: {param},
                                          format: {format}, mipmaps: {mipmaps})
                                          -> Result<{name}, TextureCreationError>
                                          where T: {data_source_trait}<'a>, F: Facade
                    {name}::new_impl(facade, data, Some(format), mipmaps)
            ", data_source_trait = data_source_trait, param = param,
               format = relevant_format, name = name,
               mipmaps = mipmaps_option_ty)).unwrap();

    // writing the `new_impl` function
    if !dimensions.is_multisample() && !dimensions.is_cube() {
        let param = match dimensions {
            TextureDimensions::Texture1d | TextureDimensions::Texture2d |
            TextureDimensions::Texture3d => "T",

            TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray |
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => "Vec<T>",

            _ => unreachable!()

        (writeln!(dest, "
                fn new_impl<'a, F: ?Sized, T>(facade: &F, data: {param},
                                   format: Option<{relevant_format}>, mipmaps: {mipmaps})
                                   -> Result<{name}, TextureCreationError>
                                   where T: {data_source_trait}<'a>, F: Facade
            ", data_source_trait = data_source_trait,
               param = param, name = name,
               relevant_format = relevant_format,
               mipmaps = mipmaps_option_ty)).unwrap();

        // writing the `let format = ...` line
        (write!(dest, "let format =|f| {{
                       }}).unwrap_or({});", default_format)).unwrap();

        match dimensions {
            TextureDimensions::Texture1d => (write!(dest, "
                    let RawImage1d {{ data, width, format: client_format }} = data.into_raw();

            TextureDimensions::Texture2d => (write!(dest, "
                    let RawImage2d {{ data, width, height, format: client_format }} =

            TextureDimensions::Texture3d => (write!(dest, "
                    let RawImage3d {{ data, width, height, depth, format: client_format }} =

            TextureDimensions::Texture1dArray => (write!(dest, "
                    let vec_raw = data.into_iter().map(|e| e.into_raw()).collect();
                    let RawImage2d {{data, width, height: array_size, format: client_format }} = RawImage2d::from_vec_raw1d(&vec_raw);
                ")).unwrap(),   // TODO: panic if dimensions are inconsistent

            TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray => (write!(dest, "
                    let vec_raw = data.into_iter().map(|e| e.into_raw()).collect();
                    let RawImage3d {{data, width, height, depth: array_size, format: client_format }} = RawImage3d::from_vec_raw2d(&vec_raw);
                ")).unwrap(),   // TODO: panic if dimensions are inconsistent

            _ => unreachable!()

        (write!(dest, "let client_format = ClientFormatAny::ClientFormat(client_format);")).unwrap();

        // writing the constructor
        (write!(dest, "Ok({}(try!(any::new_texture(facade, format, \
                       Some((client_format, data)), mipmaps.into(), {}", name, dimensions_parameters_passing)).unwrap();
        (writeln!(dest, "))))")).unwrap();

        // end of "new" function block
        (writeln!(dest, "}}")).unwrap();

    // writing the `empty` function
    if !is_compressed {
        // opening function
        (writeln!(dest, "
                /// Creates an empty texture.
                /// No mipmap level (except for the main level) will be allocated or generated.
                /// The texture will contain undefined data.
                pub fn empty<F: ?Sized>(facade: &F, {dim_params})
                                -> Result<{name}, TextureCreationError>
                                where F: Facade
                    let format = {format};
            ", format = default_format, dim_params = dimensions_parameters_input, name = name,

        // writing the constructor
        (write!(dest, "any::new_texture::<_, u8>(facade, format, None, {mipmap}::NoMipmap.into(), {}).map(|t| {}(t))",
                dimensions_parameters_passing, name, mipmap = mipmaps_option_ty)).unwrap();

        // closing function
        (writeln!(dest, "}}")).unwrap();

    // writing the `empty_with_format` function
    if true {
        // opening function
        (writeln!(dest, "
                /// Creates an empty texture with a specific format.
                /// The texture (and its mipmaps) will contain undefined data.
                pub fn empty_with_format<F: ?Sized>(facade: &F, format: {format}, mipmaps: {mipmaps}, {dim_params}) -> Result<{name}, TextureCreationError> where F: Facade {{
                    let format = format.to_texture_format();
                    let format = TextureFormatRequest::Specific(format);
            ", format = relevant_format, dim_params = dimensions_parameters_input, name = name,
               mipmaps = mipmaps_option_ty)).unwrap();

        // writing the constructor
        (write!(dest, "let t = any::new_texture::<_, u8>(facade, format, None, mipmaps.into(), {});", dimensions_parameters_passing)).unwrap();
        (writeln!(dest, "
  |t| {}(t))", name)).unwrap();

        // closing function
        (writeln!(dest, "}}")).unwrap();

    // writing the `empty_with_mipmaps` function
    if !is_compressed {
        // opening function
        (writeln!(dest, "
                /// Creates an empty texture. Specifies whether is has mipmaps.
                /// The texture (and its mipmaps) will contain undefined data.
                pub fn empty_with_mipmaps<F: ?Sized>(facade: &F, mipmaps: {mipmaps}, {dim_params}) -> Result<{name}, TextureCreationError> where F: Facade {{
                    let format = {format};
            ", format = default_format, dim_params = dimensions_parameters_input, name = name,
               mipmaps = mipmaps_option_ty)).unwrap();

        // writing the constructor
        (write!(dest, "any::new_texture::<_, u8>(facade, format, None, mipmaps.into(), {})", dimensions_parameters_passing)).unwrap();
        (writeln!(dest, ".map(|t| {}(t))", name)).unwrap();

        // closing function
        (writeln!(dest, "}}")).unwrap();

    // writing the 'from_id' function
    (writeln!(dest, "
                /// Builds a new texture reference from an existing, externally created OpenGL texture.
                /// If `owned` is true, this reference will take ownership of the texture and be responsible
                /// for cleaning it up. Otherwise, the texture must be cleaned up externally, but only
                /// after this reference's lifetime has ended.
                pub unsafe fn from_id<F: Facade + ?Sized>(facade: &F,
                                                 format: {format},
                                                 id: gl::types::GLuint,
                                                 owned: bool,
                                                 mipmap: MipmapsOption,
                                                 ty: Dimensions)
                                                 -> {name} {{
                    let format = format.to_texture_format();
                    let format = TextureFormatRequest::Specific(format);
                    {name}(any::from_id(facade, format, id, owned, mipmap, ty))
        ", format = relevant_format, name = name)).unwrap();

    // dimensions getters
    write_dimensions_getters(dest, dimensions, "self.0", true);

    // writing the `as_surface` function
    if (dimensions == TextureDimensions::Texture2d ||
        dimensions == TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample) &&
       (ty == TextureType::Regular ||
        ty == TextureType::Integral ||
        ty == TextureType::Unsigned)
        (write!(dest, "
                /// Starts drawing on the texture.
                /// All the function calls to the framebuffer will draw on the texture instead
                /// of the screen.
                /// ## Low-level information
                /// The first time that this function is called, a FrameBuffer Object will be
                /// created and cached. The following calls to `as_surface` will load the existing
                /// FBO and re-use it. When the texture is destroyed, the FBO is destroyed too.
                pub fn as_surface<'a>(&'a self) -> framebuffer::SimpleFrameBuffer<'a> {{
                    framebuffer::SimpleFrameBuffer::new(self.0.get_context(), self).unwrap()

    // writing the `get_mipmap_levels` function
    (write!(dest, "
            /// Returns the number of mipmap levels of the texture.
            /// The minimum value is 1, since there is always a main texture.
            pub fn get_mipmap_levels(&self) -> u32 {{

    // writing the `read` functions
    // TODO: implement for other types too
    if dimensions == TextureDimensions::Texture2d &&
       (ty == TextureType::Regular || ty == TextureType::Srgb || is_compressed)
        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Reads the content of the texture to RAM. This method may only read `U8U8U8U8`
                /// data, as it is the only format guaranteed to be supported across all OpenGL
                /// versions.
                /// You should avoid doing this at all cost during performance-critical
                /// operations (for example, while you're drawing).
                /// Use `read_to_pixel_buffer` instead.
                pub fn read<T>(&self) -> T where T: Texture2dDataSink<(u8, u8, u8, u8)> {{
                    unsafe {{ self.unchecked_read() }}

        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Reads the content of the texture into a buffer in video memory. This method may
                /// only read `U8U8U8U8` data, as it is the only format guaranteed to be supported
                /// across all OpenGL versions.
                /// This operation copies the texture's data into a buffer in video memory
                /// (a pixel buffer). Contrary to the `read` function, this operation is
                /// done asynchronously and doesn't need a synchronization.
                pub fn read_to_pixel_buffer(&self) -> PixelBuffer<(u8, u8, u8, u8)> {{
                    unsafe {{ self.unchecked_read_to_pixel_buffer() }}

        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Unsafely reads the content of the texture to RAM in the specified pixel format.
                /// It is possible that the current OpenGL context does not support the given
                /// format, in which case the returned data will be invalid.
                /// You should avoid doing this at all cost during performance-critical
                /// operations (for example, while you're drawing).
                /// Use `read_to_pixel_buffer` instead.
                pub unsafe fn unchecked_read<T, P>(&self) -> T where T: Texture2dDataSink<P>, P: PixelValue {{
                    let rect = Rect {{ left: 0, bottom: 0, width: self.get_width(),
                                       height: self.get_height().unwrap_or(1) }};

        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Unsafely reads the content of the texture into a buffer in video memory. It is
                /// possible that the current OpenGL context does not support the given format, in
                /// which case the returned data will be invalid.
                /// This operation copies the texture's data into a buffer in video memory
                /// (a pixel buffer). Contrary to the `read` function, this operation is
                /// done asynchronously and doesn't need a synchronization.
                pub unsafe fn unchecked_read_to_pixel_buffer<P>(&self) -> PixelBuffer<P> where P: PixelValue {{
                    let rect = Rect {{ left: 0, bottom: 0, width: self.get_width(),
                                       height: self.get_height().unwrap_or(1) }};
                    let pb = PixelBuffer::new_empty(self.0.get_context(),
                                                    rect.width as usize * rect.height as usize);
                          .raw_read_to_pixel_buffer(&rect, &pb);

    // writing the `read_compressed_data` function
    if is_compressed && !dimensions.is_array() {
        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Reads the content of the texture to RAM without decompressing it before.
                /// You should avoid doing this at all cost during performance-critical
                /// operations (for example, while you're drawing).
                /// Returns the compressed format of the texture and the compressed data, gives
                /// `None` when the internal compression format is generic or unknown.
                pub fn read_compressed_data(&self) -> Option<({format}, Vec<u8>)> {{
            "#, format = relevant_format)).unwrap();

    // writing the `write` function
    // TODO: implement for other types too
    if dimensions == TextureDimensions::Texture2d &&
            (ty == TextureType::Regular || ty == TextureType::Srgb || is_compressed)
        let compressed_restrictions = if is_compressed {
            r#" ///
                /// Calling this for compressed textures will result in a panic of type INVALID_OPERATION
                /// if `Rect::bottom` or `Rect::width` is not equal to 0 (border). In addition, the contents
                /// of any texel outside the region modified by such a call are undefined. These
                /// restrictions may be relaxed for specific compressed internal formats whose images
                /// are easily edited.
        } else {

        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Uploads some data in the texture.
                /// Note that this may cause a synchronization if you use the texture right before
                /// or right after this call. Prefer creating a whole new texture if you change a
                /// huge part of it.
                /// ## Panic
                /// Panics if the the dimensions of `data` don't match the `Rect`.
                pub fn write<'a, T>(&self, rect: Rect, data: T) where T: {data_source_trait}<'a> {{
                    self.main_level().write(rect, data)
            "#, data_source_trait = data_source_trait,
                compressed_restrictions = compressed_restrictions)).unwrap();

    // writing the `write_compressed_data` function
    // TODO: implement for other types too
    if dimensions == TextureDimensions::Texture2d && is_compressed
        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Uploads some data in the texture by using a compressed format as input.
                /// Note that this may cause a synchronization if you use the texture right before
                /// or right after this call. Prefer creating a whole new texture if you change a
                /// huge part of it.
                /// ## Panic
                /// Panics if the the dimensions of `data` don't match the `Rect`.
                /// Calling this will result in a panic of type INVALID_OPERATION error if `Rect::width`
                /// or `Rect::height` is not equal to 0 (border), or if the written dimensions do not match
                /// the original texture dimensions. The contents of any texel outside the region modified
                /// by the call are undefined. These restrictions may be relaxed for specific compressed
                /// internal formats whose images are easily edited.
                pub fn write_compressed_data(&self, rect: Rect, data: &[u8],
                                             width: u32, height: u32, format: {format})
                                             -> Result<(), ()>
                    // FIXME is having width and height as parameter redundant as rect kinda of
                    // already provides them?
                    self.main_level().write_compressed_data(rect, data, width, height, format)
            "#, format = relevant_format)).unwrap();

    // `resident_if_supported`
    (write!(dest, r#"
            /// Turns the texture into a `ResidentTexture`.
            /// This allows you to use the texture in a much more efficient way by storing
            /// a "reference to it" in a buffer (actually not a reference but a raw pointer).
            /// See the documentation of `ResidentTexture` for more infos.
            pub fn resident(self) -> Result<ResidentTexture, BindlessTexturesNotSupportedError> {{

    // writing the layer & mipmap access functions
    if dimensions.is_array() {
        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Access the first layer of this texture.
                pub fn first_layer(&self) -> {name}Layer {{

                /// Access a single layer of this texture.
                pub fn layer(&self, layer: u32) -> Option<{name}Layer> {{
                    self.0.layer(layer).map(|l| {name}Layer(l, self))
            "#, name = name)).unwrap();

    (write!(dest, r#"
            /// Access a single mipmap level of this texture.
            pub fn mipmap(&self, level: u32) -> Option<{name}Mipmap> {{
                self.0.mipmap(level).map(|m| {name}Mipmap(m, self))

            /// Access the main mipmap level of this texture.
            pub fn main_level(&self) -> {name}Mipmap {{
        "#, name = name)).unwrap();

    // closing `impl Texture` block
    (writeln!(dest, "}}")).unwrap();

    // the `Layer` struct
    if dimensions.is_array() {
        // writing the struct
        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Represents a single layer of a `{name}`.
                /// Can be obtained by calling `{name}::layer()`.
                #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
                pub struct {name}Layer<'t>(TextureAnyLayer<'t>, &'t {name});
            "#, name = name)).unwrap();

        // opening `impl Layer` block
        (writeln!(dest, "impl<'t> {}Layer<'t> {{", name)).unwrap();

        // dimensions getters
        write_dimensions_getters(dest, dimensions, "(self.1).0", false);

        // writing the `get_layer` and `get_texture` functions
        (write!(dest, "
                /// Returns the corresponding texture.
                pub fn get_texture(&self) -> &'t {name} {{

                /// Returns the layer index.
                pub fn get_layer(&self) -> u32 {{
            ", name = name)).unwrap();

        // writing the `get_mipmap_levels` function
        (write!(dest, "
                /// Returns the number of mipmap levels of the texture.
                /// The minimum value is 1, since there is always a main texture.
                pub fn get_mipmap_levels(&self) -> u32 {{

        // writing the layer & mipmap access functions
        (write!(dest, r#"
            /// Access a single mipmap level of this layer.
            pub fn mipmap(&self, level: u32) -> Option<{name}LayerMipmap<'t>> {{
                self.0.mipmap(level).map(|m| {name}LayerMipmap(m, self.1))

            /// Access the main mipmap level of this layer.
            pub fn main_level(&self) -> {name}LayerMipmap<'t> {{
        "#, name = name)).unwrap();

        // closing `impl Layer` block
        (writeln!(dest, "}}")).unwrap();

    // the `Mipmap` struct
        // writing the struct
        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Represents a single mipmap level of a `{name}`.
                /// Can be obtained by calling `{name}::mipmap()`, `{name}::main_level()`,
                /// `{name}Layer::mipmap()` or `{name}Layer::main_level()`.
                #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
                pub struct {name}Mipmap<'t>(TextureAnyMipmap<'t>, &'t {name});

                impl<'a> ::std::ops::Deref for {name}Mipmap<'a> {{
                    type Target = TextureAnyMipmap<'a>;

                    fn deref(&self) -> &TextureAnyMipmap<'a> {{
            "#, name = name)).unwrap();

        // opening `impl Mipmap` block
        (writeln!(dest, "impl<'t> {}Mipmap<'t> {{", name)).unwrap();

        // dimensions getters
        write_dimensions_getters(dest, dimensions, "self.0", true);

        // writing the `write` function for mipmaps.
        // TODO: implement for other types too
        if dimensions == TextureDimensions::Texture2d &&
                (ty == TextureType::Regular || ty == TextureType::Srgb || is_compressed)
            let compressed_restrictions = if is_compressed {
                r#" ///
                    /// Calling this for compressed textures will result in a panic of type INVALID_OPERATION
                    /// if `Rect::bottom` or `Rect::width` is not equal to 0 (border). In addition, the contents
                    /// of any texel outside the region modified by such a call are undefined. These
                    /// restrictions may be relaxed for specific compressed internal formats whose images
                    /// are easily edited.
            } else {

            (write!(dest, r#"
                    /// Uploads some data in the texture level.
                    /// Note that this may cause a synchronization if you use the texture right before
                    /// or right after this call.
                    /// ## Panic
                    /// Panics if the the dimensions of `data` don't match the `Rect`.
                    pub fn write<'a, T>(&self, rect: Rect, data: T) where T: {data_source_trait}<'a> {{
                        let RawImage2d {{ data, width, height, format: client_format }} =

                        assert_eq!(width, rect.width);
                        assert_eq!(height, rect.height);

                        let client_format = ClientFormatAny::ClientFormat(client_format);

                        self.0.upload_texture(rect.left, rect.bottom, 0, (client_format, data),
                                              width, Some(height), None, true).unwrap()
                "#, data_source_trait = data_source_trait,
                    compressed_restrictions = compressed_restrictions)).unwrap();

        // writing the `write_compressed_data` function for mipmaps.
        // TODO: implement for other types too
        if dimensions == TextureDimensions::Texture2d && is_compressed
            (write!(dest, r#"
                    /// Uploads some data in the texture level by using a compressed format as input.
                    /// Note that this may cause a synchronization if you use the texture right before
                    /// or right after this call.
                    /// ## Panic
                    /// Panics if the the dimensions of `data` don't match the `Rect`.
                    /// Calling this will result in a panic of type INVALID_OPERATION error if `Rect::width`
                    /// or `Rect::height` is not equal to 0 (border), or if the written dimensions do not match
                    /// the original texture dimensions. The contents of any texel outside the region modified
                    /// by the call are undefined. These restrictions may be relaxed for specific compressed
                    /// internal formats whose images are easily edited.
                    pub fn write_compressed_data(&self, rect: Rect, data: &[u8],
                                                 width: u32, height: u32, format: {format})
                                                 -> Result<(), ()>
                        // FIXME is having width and height as parameter redundant as rect kinda of
                        // already provides them?

                        assert_eq!(width, rect.width);
                        assert_eq!(height, rect.height);

                        let data = Cow::Borrowed(data.as_ref());
                        let client_format = {client_format_any}(format);

                        self.0.upload_texture(rect.left, rect.bottom, 0, (client_format, data),
                                              width, Some(height), None, false)
                "#, format = relevant_format, client_format_any = client_format_any_ty)).unwrap();

        // writing the `read_compressed_data` function for mipmaps
        if is_compressed && !dimensions.is_array() {
            (write!(dest, r#"
                    /// Reads the content of the texture level to RAM without decompressing it before.
                    /// You should avoid doing this at all cost during performance-critical
                    /// operations (for example, while you're drawing).
                    /// Returns the compressed format of the texture and the compressed data, gives
                    /// `None` when the internal compression format is generic or unknown.
                    pub fn read_compressed_data(&self) -> Option<({format}, Vec<u8>)> {{
                        match self.0.download_compressed_data() {{
                            Some(({client_format_any}(format), buf)) => Some((format, buf)),
                            None => None,
                            _ => unreachable!(),
                "#, format = relevant_format, client_format_any = client_format_any_ty)).unwrap();

        // writing the `get_level` and `get_texture` functions
        (write!(dest, "
                /// Returns the corresponding texture.
                pub fn get_texture(&self) -> &'t {name} {{

                /// Returns the texture level.
                pub fn get_level(&self) -> u32 {{
        ", name = name)).unwrap();

        if dimensions.is_array() {
            (write!(dest, "
                    /// Access the first layer of this texture.
                    pub fn first_layer(&self) -> {name}LayerMipmap<'t> {{

                    /// Access a single layer of this texture.
                    pub fn layer(&self, layer: u32) -> Option<{name}LayerMipmap<'t>> {{
                        self.0.layer(layer).map(|l| {name}LayerMipmap(l, self.1))
                ", name = name)).unwrap();

        if !dimensions.is_array() && dimensions.is_cube() {
                "/// Provides an object representing a single layer of this cubemap.
                pub fn image(&self, layer: CubeLayer) -> {name}Image<'t> {{
                    {name}Image(self.0.first_layer().into_image(Some(layer)).unwrap(), self.1)
                }}", name = name).unwrap();

        // closing `impl Mipmap` block
        (writeln!(dest, "}}")).unwrap();

        if !dimensions.is_array() && !dimensions.is_cube() {
            // into raw image
            (writeln!(dest, "impl<'t> Into<TextureAnyImage<'t>> for {name}Mipmap<'t> {{
                                fn into(self) -> TextureAnyImage<'t> {{
                             }}", name = name)).unwrap();

    // the `LayerMipmap` struct
    if dimensions.is_array() {
        // writing the struct
        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Represents a single layer of a mipmap level of a `{name}`.
                #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
                pub struct {name}LayerMipmap<'t>(TextureAnyLayerMipmap<'t>, &'t {name});
            "#, name = name)).unwrap();

        // opening `impl LayerMipmap` block
        (writeln!(dest, "impl<'t> {}LayerMipmap<'t> {{", name)).unwrap();

        // dimensions getters
        write_dimensions_getters(dest, dimensions, "self.0", false);

        // to the image struct
        if dimensions.is_cube() {
                "/// Provides an object representing a single layer of this cubemap.
                pub fn image(&self, layer: CubeLayer) -> {name}Image<'t> {{
                    {name}Image(self.0.into_image(Some(layer)).unwrap(), self.1)
                }}", name = name).unwrap();

        // closing `impl LayerMipmap` block
        (writeln!(dest, "}}")).unwrap();

        // attachment traits
        if !dimensions.is_cube() {
            // into raw image
            (writeln!(dest, "impl<'t> Into<TextureAnyImage<'t>> for {name}LayerMipmap<'t> {{
                                fn into(self) -> TextureAnyImage<'t> {{
                             }}", name = name)).unwrap();

    // the `Image` struct, only for cubemaps
    if dimensions.is_cube() {
        // writing the struct
        (write!(dest, r#"
                /// Represents a single image of a mipmap level of a layer of `{name}`.
                #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
                pub struct {name}Image<'t>(TextureAnyImage<'t>, &'t {name});
            "#, name = name)).unwrap();

        // opening `impl Image` block
        (writeln!(dest, "impl<'t> {}Image<'t> {{", name)).unwrap();

        // dimensions getters
        write_dimensions_getters(dest, dimensions, "self.0", false);

        // closing `impl Image` block
        (writeln!(dest, "}}")).unwrap();

        // into raw image
        (writeln!(dest, "impl<'t> Into<TextureAnyImage<'t>> for {name}Image<'t> {{
                            fn into(self) -> TextureAnyImage<'t> {{
                         }}", name = name)).unwrap();

    // implement the attachments traits
        let attachment_type = if dimensions.is_cube() {
            format!("{}Image", name)
        } else if dimensions.is_array() {
            format!("{}LayerMipmap", name)
        } else {
            format!("{}Mipmap", name)

        match ty {
            TextureType::Regular | TextureType::Srgb | TextureType::Integral | TextureType::Unsigned => {
                (writeln!(dest, "
                        impl<'t> ::framebuffer::ToColorAttachment<'t> for {ty}<'t> {{
                            fn to_color_attachment(self) -> ::framebuffer::ColorAttachment<'t> {{
                    ", ty = attachment_type)).unwrap();
            TextureType::Depth => {
                (writeln!(dest, "
                        impl<'t> ::framebuffer::ToDepthAttachment<'t> for {ty}<'t> {{
                            fn to_depth_attachment(self) -> ::framebuffer::DepthAttachment<'t> {{
                    ", ty = attachment_type)).unwrap();
            TextureType::Stencil => {
                (writeln!(dest, "
                        impl<'t> ::framebuffer::ToStencilAttachment<'t> for {ty}<'t> {{
                            fn to_stencil_attachment(self) -> ::framebuffer::StencilAttachment<'t> {{
                    ", ty = attachment_type)).unwrap();
            TextureType::DepthStencil => {
                (writeln!(dest, "
                        impl<'t> ::framebuffer::ToDepthStencilAttachment<'t> for {ty}<'t> {{
                            fn to_depth_stencil_attachment(self) -> ::framebuffer::DepthStencilAttachment<'t> {{
                    ", ty = attachment_type)).unwrap();
            _ => ()

    // closing `mod module {`
    writeln!(dest, "}}").unwrap();

fn write_dimensions_getters<W: Write>(dest: &mut W, dimensions: TextureDimensions,
                                      accessor: &str, write_array_size: bool)
    writeln!(dest, r#"
        /// Returns the width of that image.
        pub fn width(&self) -> u32 {{
    "#, accessor).unwrap();

    match dimensions {
        TextureDimensions::Texture2d | TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample |
        TextureDimensions::Texture3d | TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray |
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray | TextureDimensions::Cubemap |
        TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => {
            writeln!(dest, r#"
                /// Returns the height of that image.
                pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {{
            "#, accessor).unwrap();
        _ => ()

    match dimensions {
        TextureDimensions::Texture3d => {
            writeln!(dest, r#"
                /// Returns the depth of that image.
                pub fn depth(&self) -> u32 {{
            "#, accessor).unwrap();
        _ => ()

    if write_array_size {
        match dimensions {
            TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray | TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray |
            TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => {
                writeln!(dest, r#"
                    /// Returns the number of array layers.
                    pub fn array_size(&self) -> u32 {{
                "#, accessor).unwrap();
            _ => ()

    match dimensions {
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample | TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray => {
            writeln!(dest, r#"
                /// Returns the number of samples of that image.
                pub fn samples(&self) -> u32 {{
            "#, accessor).unwrap();
        _ => ()

    match dimensions {
        TextureDimensions::Texture2d | TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisample |
        TextureDimensions::Texture2dArray | TextureDimensions::Texture2dMultisampleArray => {
            writeln!(dest, r#"
                /// Returns the width and height of that image.
                pub fn dimensions(&self) -> (u32, u32) {{
                    (self.width(), self.height())
        TextureDimensions::Texture3d => {
            writeln!(dest, r#"
                /// Returns the width, height and depth of that image.
                pub fn dimensions(&self) -> (u32, u32, u32) {{
                    (self.width(), self.height(), self.depth())
        TextureDimensions::Cubemap | TextureDimensions::CubemapArray => {
            writeln!(dest, r#"
                /// Returns the dimension of that image.
                pub fn dimensions(&self) -> u32 {{
        _ => ()