glass_pumpkin 0.1.0

A cryptographically secure prime number generator based on rust's own num-bigint and num-integer

Glass Pumpkin

A random number generator for generating large prime numbers, suitable for cryptography.


glass_pumpkin is a cryptographically-secure, random number generator, useful for generating large prime numbers. This library was inspired by pumpkin except its meant to be used with rust stable. It also lowers the 512-bit restriction to 128 bits so these can be generated and used for elliptic curve prime fields. It exposes the prime testing functions as well. This crate uses num-bigint instead of ramp. The downside is performance. When ramp no longer requires rust nightly, then this crate can possibly be replace with pumpkin.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

glass-pumpkin = "0.1"


extern crate glass_pumpkin;

use glass_pumpkin::prime;

fn main() {
    let p = prime::new(1024);
    let q = prime::new(1024);

    let n = p * q;

    println!("{}", n);

You can also supply OsRng and generate primes from that.

extern crate glass_pumpkin;
extern crate rand;

use glass_pumpkin::prime;

use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use rand::thread_rng;

fn main() {
    let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
    let p = prime::from_rng(1024, &mut rng);
    let q = prime::from_rng(1024, &mut rng);

    let n = p * q;
    println!("{}", n);

Prime Generation

Primes are generated similarly to OpenSSL except it applies some recommendations from the Prime and Prejudice paper:

  1. Generate a random odd number of a given bit-length.
  2. Divide the candidate by the first 2048 prime numbers
  3. Test the candidate with Fermat's Theorem.
  4. Runs log2(bitlength) + 5 Miller-Rabin tests.