gix-pack 0.43.0

Implements git packs and related data structures
Git stores all of its data as _Objects_, which are data along with a hash over all data. Storing objects efficiently is what git packs are concerned about. Packs consist of [data files][data::File] and [index files][index::File]. The latter can be generated from a data file and make accessing objects within a pack feasible. A [Bundle] conveniently combines a data pack alongside its index to allow [finding][Find] objects or verifying the pack. Objects returned by `.find(…)` are [objects][gix_object::Data] which know their pack location in order to speed up various common operations like creating new packs from existing ones. When traversing all objects in a pack, a _delta tree acceleration structure_ can be built from pack data or an index in order to decompress packs in parallel and without any waste. ## Feature Flags