gitmoji-changelog 0.4.0

Do you use gitmoji? Then generate your changelog with this app!
# Changelog

<a name="0.4.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.4.0

### Added
- ✨  warns about lack of release option and tag

<a name="0.3.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.3.0

### Added
- ✨ release option
- ✨ delta option
- ✨ make it a lib

### Miscellaneous
- 🐳  image size--

<a name="0.2.0" data-comment="this line is used by gitmoji-changelog, don't remove it!"></a>
## Version 0.2.0
- ✨  incremental changelog generation
- ✨  print-authors option
- ✨  group by versions
- ✨  semver
- 🐳  docker image: [fabienjuif/gitmoji-changelog]

_Generated by [gitmoji-changelog (rust version)](