gitlab_s3_releaser 0.1.3

Tool to create GitLab releases from S3 bucket

GitLab S3 Releaser


A tool to create GitLab releases from versioned files stored in S3 bucket.


cargo install gitlab-s3-releaser


Typical usage - publish some external CI-created artifacts to GitLab releases if an internal GitLab CI is not used.

The releaser scans objects in the S3 bucket with a regular expression and finds artifacts. The version of artifact is deduced from version in the regex. For all these artifacts, a binary package and a corresponding release are created for the specific project (parameter project).

Deduce S3 object template example with version named group, for example:


Invoke releaser

gitlab-s3-releaser --bucket --package=release \
  --path-template "tarballs\/v(?<version>[0-9\.]+)[^\/]*\/.*" \ --project="dev/gitlab-project" 

To view more logs, specify RUST_LOG=info or debug env variable.