github-rs 0.1.0

Pure Rust bindings to the Github API
# github-rs

| Service      | Status |
| -------      | :----: |
| TravisCI     | [![Build Status]]   |
| DependencyCI | [![DependencyStatus]]   |
| AppveyorCI   | [![Build status]]       |
| CodeCov   | [![codecov]]      |

Pure Rust bindings to the Github API using Hyper and Serde

## Alpha Software
This is in no way close to being done for most of the Github API. That
being said it's in a somewhat usable state for some things and can be
extended to cover other parts of the API easily now that requests and
error handling underlying the API are stabilized for now.

Since there are nightly features are being used and because taking the
time to get syntex working for stable is a larger undertaking this
software only compiles on nightly for now.

## Project Aims
- Have a robust API where everything is error handled properly to avoid
  panics of any kind. A library is the base of an application and should
  be a solid foundation to be built upon
- Cover all Github stable endpoints. Anything that's deprecated and beta
  should be obtained only through configuration for those features. As
  deprecated endpoints are removed from Github so too should they be
  removed from this library.
- Having stability as part of the API. As such effort will be
  taken to make sure this code compiles on stable Rust, rather than
- Ease of use. The complexity should be hidden from those not hacking on
  the code itself.
- Documentation of everything so not only is it easy to hack on but
  finding out how to use the library should be easy to find.

## Hacking on the Library
- [API Reference Docs]
- Each of the overarching groupings of the endpoints in the
  Github documentation have a corresponding .rs file under the src
  directory. If you wish to add endpoints or modify how one works that
  would be the place to go to.
- src/ contains all new types and aliased types that are used
  throughout github-rs.
- src/ contains all of the structures that represent the JSON
  that are either returned from or sent to the API.
- src/ contains all code related to error handling including
- src/ contains the client code as well as top level
  documentation of the library. Most code is publicly reexported here.
- Any new additions must contain corresponding documentation comments
  explaining their use.
- All endpoint requests must be wrapped in a Result type. The Result
  type alias we use is located in src/
- No submitted code may use ok, unwrap or expect.
- Code must be run through rustfmt before submission
- Use cargo clippy to determine if any other errors or lints pop up.
  cargo build --feature "dev" will build it with clippy
- Code when compiled may not emit warnings unless it's an underlying
  library imported into github-rs.

## License
All code is licensed under The MIT License. By submitting code you not
only agree to submit it under the same license, but are also saying that
the code you submitted is your own.