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A structure to represent multiple capabilities or features supported by the server.

A Write implementation optimized for writing packet lines. A type implementing Write for packet lines, which when done can be transformed into a Read for obtaining the response.

The response of the handshake() method.


The error used in most methods of the client module

An identity for use when authenticating the transport layer.

The kind of packet line to write when transforming a RequestWriter into an ExtendedBufRead.

Configure how the RequestWriter behaves when writing bytes.


This trait exists to get a version of a git_packetline::Provider without type parameters. For the sake of usability, it also implements std::io::BufRead making it trivial to read pack files while keeping open the option to read individual lines with low overhead.

All methods provided here must be called in the correct order according to the communication protocol used to connect to them. It does, however, know just enough to be able to provide a higher-level interface than would otherwise be possible. Thus the consumer of this trait will not have to deal with packet lines at all. Note that whenever a Read trait or Write trait is produced, it must be exhausted.

An extension trait to add more methods to everything implementing Transport.

This trait represents all transport related functions that don’t require any input/output to be done which helps implementation to share more code across blocking and async programs.


A general purpose connector connecting to a repository identified by the given url.

Type Definitions

A function f(is_error, text) receiving progress or error information.